Community Empowerment in the Era of Climate Change:The adaptive
social protection, social security, adaptive social protectionAbstract
Climate change and several other causes have been responsible for many disasters in Indonesia. Climate change causes many farmers to experience crop failure, tidal floods and so on, with very bad impacts on people’s welfare. In addition, biological disasters, such as Covid-19, have also destroyed many people’s livelihoods, forcing them to fall into poverty. For such natural and biological disasters, regular social protection systems are not sufficient to protect people from their bad impacts. Therefore, adaptive social protection is needed. This research using the desk study method tries to find answers to questions about what the Indonesian government is doing regarding adaptive social protection. The results of this study indicate that the government has developed an adaptive protection strategy that focuses on 4 pillars, namely coordination, data and information, program improvement and funding. To implement this strategy, the government has formed a team to develop an adaptive social protection system through the Minister of National Development Planning Decree Number KEP.57/M.PPN/HK/05/2020 concerning the Establishment of the Team for Development of Adaptive Socal Protection System.