Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof.K.H.Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto en-US Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference Information on the Public Service Center for Satria Baturaden Center as a Motivator for Drug Residents in Undergoing the Social Rehabilitation Process <p>This research discusses the motivation of someone who wants to stop taking illegal drugs with social rehabilitation, without knowing what rehabilitation is, he seeks out social and internet networks to find out. This study aims to find out how the motivation is formed in a person who uses drugs to be able to stop consuming them. This study uses qualitative methods and a reality counseling approach. Reality counseling is by emphasizing life now to meet the target of achievement you want to aim for. And data collection techniques are carried out by observation and interviews. Drugs are a type of substance that is often used in medicine as a medicinal use. Victims of drug abuse usually consume without being supervised by a doctor because sometimes victims can only consume it to find a soother for various life problems and at first they are just experimenting, but gradually they become addicted and become addicted. Going through the rehabilitation process is not an easy thing but it is very difficult and you have to have encouragement or motivation from yourself to want to stop.</p> Ervin Haris Sanjaya Zahratika Zalafi Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 187 194 Challenges and Opportunities for Da'wah amidst the Presence of Artificial Intelligence: "ChatGPT" Case Study <p>The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology has experienced rapid progress in recent years. It has increasingly penetrated many aspects of life and cannot be let go, rejected, or shunned in human life. The development of ChatGPT is certainly a challenge and opportunity for Islamic da'wah in the future. This research uses qualitative methods and data collection with literature studies, observation, and documentation. ChatGPT is an AI technology tool that allows humans to access information quickly. It allows Muslims to preach and find information about Islam easily and quickly. ChatGPT is also a challenge for Muslims in preaching because it is narrated, and one answer that must be ascertained first is the validity of the information because it does not have a clear source, unlike Google, which has many alternatives and users can choose which one to click and clearer the source. The challenge for Muslims in preaching amid the presence of AI Technology is producing as much valid information as possible, which AI can apply.</p> Iif Alfiatul Mukaromah Yusuf Heriyanto M. Rifqi Atsani Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 253 260 Multiculturalism Education: Creating Religious Tolerance Attitudes Through School Habituation <p>Moderation becomes a necessity for religious communities in organizing social life when learning is shown to provide religious values that prioritize thoughts based on the socio-cultural community so that learning is not only aimed at providing knowledge for students but on the other hand is how to realize prosperity and upholding human values, especially in the realm of respecting diversity within a frame of moderation. The method in this research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The Practical Role of Multiculturalism Education at MAN 2 Banyumas in order to strengthen the understanding of religious tolerance for students is carried out through various activities such as through the practice of worship and congregational prayer; understanding Aswaja is also taught, accompanied by guidance in reading the Al-Qur'an and reading and writing the Al-Qur'an. (BTQ). The obligation to wear Muslim clothing for female students is also teaching to support the good quality of the learning experience and ongoing education. Apart from that, there is a collaboration between the PAI curriculum and an understanding of religious tolerance, which can develop students into moderate individuals. There are several teachings to practice an understanding of religious tolerance, namely, rejecting hate speech both outside and inside the school, fostering peaceful attitudes and peace in the social environment, and building harmony and tolerance with the existence of different groups.</p> Aisyah Lubna Umaray Diska Feludia Raya Shiffa Luthfianie Ibbrahim Marsha Faustina Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 195 218 Moral Message of Lifebuoy Shampoo Advertisement Strong Roots Edition in the Holy Month (Roland Barthes Semiotic Analysis <p>Ramadan is the holy month of Muslims around the world. This month, all Muslims are required to fast for a full month. This month, many positive activities and advertisements contain moral messages. Messages that are packaged and conveyed attractively are an effective way to increase the attractiveness of the person receiving the message. Like conveying a moral message through advertising, in addition to the moral message being conveyed, it also attracts consumers towards the advertised product. This study aims to analyze and describe the moral message in the advertisement for Lifeboy shampoo, which was specially presented in the month of Ramadan with the title "Akar Kuat di Bulan Suci" through its YouTube account, Lifebouy ID. The object of this research is the Lifebouy shampoo advertisement "Strong Roots in the Holy Month" edition. This type of research is a content analysis using a qualitative approach by analyzing and describing phenomena, social activities, events, attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and individual and group thoughts; then, the final result is in written words. The theory used in this study is Roland Barthes' semiotic theory, which is divided into two types: communication semiotics and significant semiotics. Communication semiotics emphasizes the theory of sign production, while significant semiotics emphasizes signs and their understanding in certain contexts. Roland Barthes' theory develops semiotics into two levels, namely denotation and connotation. Based on the analysis using Roland Barthes' semiotic theory in the advertisement "Akar Kuat di Bulan Suci," the researcher found several moral messages contained in the advertisement: politeness, character, ethics, and manners; this is done and becomes a role model in life.</p> Rahma Dini Anggraini Eka M Taufan Ade Novia Maulana Hafizen Hafizen Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 231 238 Muslim Bisexual Religiousness in Indonesia and Singapore <p>The life of the Muslim bisexual community is very unique; besides liking the same sex, they are also the opposite sex. One of the reasons why Muslims become bisexual is a psychological impulse, but because religion and society do not accept their existence, they are forced to marry. What is the religion of bisexuals, especially those who are Muslims in Indonesia and Singapore? This article will talk about this.<br>The research method used is phenomenology, with primary data sources obtained through participation action research. The data obtained are in the form of a tick description of the relationship between bisexual behavior and religion as Muslims. The speakers were five (5) people, three from Indonesia and two from Singapore, with criteria: Muslim, over 40 years old, married or had a family, and had been bisexual for at least five years. The results of this study show that bisexual Muslims have contradictory religions; on the one hand, they understand that bisexual behavior is forbidden in Islam, but they have no power to leave it, so even though they are married and have children, they still engage in same-sex relations.</p> Kholil Lur Rochman Misno Abdurrahman Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 261 282 The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Da'wah in the VUCA Era <p>In the current VUCA era, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable advancements, it is not surprising that its influence has also extended to the realm of religion. One sector that has experienced significant impact is the field of religious preaching (dakwah), where AI technology has paved the way for new developments in disseminating religious messages. The research method employed is the Library Research method. Library Research is a qualitative research type that focuses on analysis and adopts an emic perspective. Facing a future era of dakwah influenced by AI technology within the VUCA framework, it is crucial to understand that technology serves as a tool, not an ultimate goal. The core mission of dakwah remains centered on spreading religious messages, deepening understanding, and fostering positive societal changes. Therefore, the use of AI technology in dakwah should be directed towards supporting these core objectives.</p> Atipa Muji Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 179 186 Religion, Tradition and Communication: A Reflection of Muslim and Buddhism Relations in Mareje Timur Lombok Barat <p>This study examines the social-religion relations of Muslims and Buddhists in Lombok. Second, to examine how Muslims and Buddhists carry out traditional values to strengthen interreligious communication and relations. Third, to examine the efforts made by local communities to overcome socio-religious conflicts with communication perspectives. The research method used is phenomenology. Methods collected are through in-depth interviews. This study uses an interfaith communication approach. This research is important because social-religious conflicts still occur here. The study results show that the relations between Muslim and Buddhist communities in West Lombok are experiencing a dynamic process. Conflicts in the name of religion are still challenging for a plural society amidst the flow of social media. Interfaith communication and dialogue are key in anticipating and resolving socio-religious conflicts. Verbal and non-verbal communication in each tradition that strengthens the relationship between Muslim and Buddhist communities is shown in the Gawe Rapah, Nimbung, and Ngejot traditions. The communication values that exist in this tradition include preaching, unity, deliberation, and collective consciousness.</p> Athik Hidayatul Ummah Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of Dakwah Saizu International Conference 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 239 252 Hybrid Public Speaking Model for Designing English Materials for Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Department Students <p>English has big role for Communication department students. This study aims to identify the materials of public speaking as English materials and analyze the hybrid public speaking model that fulfill the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Department students’ need. This article is a part of Research and Development (R&amp;D). The participants of this research are the students of Islamic and Communication Broadcasting Department, Da’wah and Islamic Communication Faculty, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus. The result of research stated the several typical methods for delivering hybrid public speaking model are Rotation Model, Enriched Virtual Model, Face-to-face/Online Driver Model, Flex Learning Model, Flipped Classroom Learning Model, Project Based Learning Model, and Inside-Out/Outside-In learning model</p> Suciati Ihya Nur Syamsiani Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 1 6 Implementation of Religious Moderation Through Interfaith and Cultural Da’wah Courses <p><em>This research is related to the implementation of religious moderation through interfaith and cultural proselytizing courses in the Islamic communication and broadcasting study program at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication UIN SU Medan. The purpose of this study was to see the implementation of religious moderation in higher education, and to see the implementation of religious moderation in interfaith and cultural proselytizing courses. The approach used in this lamp is a qualitative approach, with a literature research design. The results showed that the implementation of religious moderation in the interfaith and cultural Da'wah course was contained in discussions related to religious harmony and tolerance between religious people</em></p> Mailin Mailin Arianda Tanjung Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 7 14 Community Empowerment in the Era of Climate Change:The adaptive <p>Climate change and several other causes have been responsible for many disasters in Indonesia. Climate change causes many farmers to experience crop failure, tidal floods and so on, with very bad impacts on people’s welfare. In addition, biological disasters, such as Covid-19, have also destroyed many people’s livelihoods, forcing them to fall into poverty. For such natural and biological disasters, regular social protection systems are not sufficient to protect people from their bad impacts. Therefore, adaptive social protection is needed. This research using the desk study method tries to find answers to questions about what the Indonesian government is doing regarding adaptive social protection. The results of this study indicate that the government has developed an adaptive protection strategy that focuses on 4 pillars, namely coordination, data and information, program improvement and funding. To implement this strategy, the government has formed a team to develop an adaptive social protection system through the Minister of National Development Planning Decree Number KEP.57/M.PPN/HK/05/2020 concerning the Establishment of the Team for Development of Adaptive Socal Protection System.</p> Asyhabuddin Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 15 23 Grand Imam, Digital Leadership, and Twitter <p>The Internet plays a vital role in shaping social dialogue, replicating the old and established communication models. In both physical and virtual realms, public discussions or ideological debates needs influential leaders who can serve as reference points, either promoting or challenging the established societal norms and values. The concept of leadership has garnered considerable attention in communication management studies, highlighting the distinctiveness of leaders and their chosen methods of influence. This article uses the concept of digital leadership as a guiding force in online conversations, with a specific focus on Twitter and his potential to facilitate this role. Our study centers on analyzing the Twitter account @alimamaltayeb, providing valuable insights into the type of leadership exhibited by the Grand Imam and the impact of his teachings. Through our analysis, we demonstrate that @alimamaltayeb predominantly employs Twitter to address various misunderstandings about Islam. Furthermore, this research unveils that certain messages elicit a greater interest among his audience compared to others.</p> Muchammad Ikfil chasan Abdul Basit Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 25 32 The Construction of Masculinity in Jihad Selfie Documentary <p>This research aims to comprehend the term construction of masculinity. The construction of a 'real man' by showing masculinity can be a reason for someone to be exposed to radical ideologies under the guise of religion. Most individuals who fall into radical groups are not technologically illiterate people. They have strong reasons for joining these groups. The Jihad Selfie film can be a real example for people to think critically about how masculinity could create issues that are conveyed attractively. This study used a qualitative approach with the semiotic analysis technique of Christian Metz to reveal how the Jihad Selfie film constructs masculinity through the relationship between signs that form meaning. Metz's eight-step mapping is used to unravel the typical film structure, i.e. <em>Autonomous Shot, Parallel Syntagma, Bracket Syntagma, Descriptive Syntagma, Alternate Syntagma, Scene, Episodic Sequence, </em>and <em>Ordinary Sequence.</em> The masculinity indicator reveals 5 syntagms that represent masculinity in the form of <em>No Sissy Stuff, Be a Big Wheel, Be a Sturdy Oak, Give ‘em Hell, </em>and<em> New Man as Nurturer</em></p> Fathimah Nadia QA Nurul Khotimah Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 33 44 Transformation of Information on Classical Literature Translation Lead up the Era of Digitalization <p>Classical Islamic literature during the daulah of Bani Umayyah and Bani Abbasiyah has reached a point of glory by producing civilizations that are rich in science through the translation system pioneered by Khalid Bin Yazid, Caliph Mansur, Caliph Harun ar-Rosyid and Caliph al-Ma'mun. This research aims to discover the development of classical literature towards the digitalization era in the present. Researchers used qualitative research with a historical approach. The transformation in the development of classical literature lies in the system of disseminating knowledge through the process of translation (al-Waraq), which was originally based on Yazid bin Khalid, who was a collector of books, so it continued in the process of collecting Muslim intellectuals and nobles carried out by the caliph al-Mansur. Individuals started the translation, and it increased with a larger number and quality of paper material that was quite good, so modern translation was produced during the Caliph. Harun ar-Rosyid, with the classification of the largest number of translators, produces translation books in Arabic with various types of languages in large quantities and with incentives or salaries. The increasing process of translation of science books became the basis for increasing scientific civilization. It presents a modern translation process in the digitalization era using information technology.</p> Rahmat Iqbal Irva Yunita Reza Nawfella Alya Parangue Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 219 230 The Urgency of Religious Values in the Vuca Era: Building Stability and Ethics in Uncertainty <p><em>In this turbulent era, often called the VUCA era (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous), religious values become very important in building stability and ethics amid uncertainty. The VUCA era is characterized by rapid change, high uncertainty, intricate complexity, and difficult-to-interpret ambiguity. This article explains the urgency of religious values in facing the challenges of the VUCA era and identifies the benefits of religious values in that context. The method used in preparing this paper is descriptive-qualitative, and it is included in library research. From the study, religious values are important in building stability and ethics in the VUCA era. In the face of rapid change and high complexity, religious values can provide a moral foundation, spiritual direction, and a solid framework. By strengthening religious values in daily life, individuals and communities can face uncertainty confidently, make decisions based on good ethics, and maintain social harmony amid a changing environment</em></p> Alief Budiyono Tri Anitawati Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 1 1 43 65 Hybrid Culture, New Media and The Shift in Female Muslim's Da'wah: Studies at Spiritual Motherhood of PPA Institute <p>Da'wah currently has a significant shift. This article discusses the branding and packaging strategy of da'wah carried out by the Pola Pertolongan Allah /Allah Assistance Pattern (PPA) Institute for young urban Muslim mothers in the form of the Spiritual Motherhood class. Based on research conducted in 2022 and 2023, this paper tries to reveal a shift in the pattern of preaching carried out by the PPA Institute in the Spiritual Motherhood class towards hybrid preaching. The author uses a qualitative method with a netnographic approach to uncover da'wah activities and their marketing in online media, interviews with key informants and observations. This research found that the Spiritual Motherhood class is intended to appreciate and serve the hopes and desires of young urban Muslim mothers to become pious women and good mothers. The manifestation of this appreciation is the packaging of da'wah in the form of classes and training with interesting themes and planned times, which are carried out offline and online. The strategy of packaging da'wah and marketing has attracted Muslim women from various backgrounds to participate even though they have to pay a high fee. This phenomenon shows that the PPA Institute's preaching activities lead to hybrid preaching. The hybridity of da'wah in the spiritual motherhood class can be seen in four ways, namely the pattern of da'wah communication in the form of offline and online training and healing classes, the diversity of congregations that transcend the boundaries of place, culture and ideology, and the shift of da'wah towards the religious market where the spiritual motherhood class PPA Institute is offered like a market commodity. The participants followed his da'wah with rational considerations. The media has an important role in the success of the Motherhood Spiritual class</p> Uus Uswatusolihah Enung Asmaya Atipa Muji Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 67 89 Flexing Phenomena of Ritual Piety in Social Media and The Loss of Empathy Among The Muslims <p>This research is a descriptive qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. This study aims to describe the phenomenon of religious flexing and the loss of a culture of empathy among Muslims. Data collection techniques are carried out by collecting documents in the form of uploads in the form of pictures, photos or videos from social media YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. This data is then analyzed with the support of secondary sources in the form of data relevant to this research. The data was obtained from books, journals, and websites. The phenomenon of flexing is included in the theory of structural functionalism, flexing becomes a new culture and becomes a spectacle that has sprung up among the public. Social media such as Instagram and Facebook, YouTube with content that is the talk of all levels of society. Displaying piety on social media is a matter of ritual worship. With the aim of getting appreciation, honor and social status. </p> Muridan Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 91 100 Interpersonal Communication in Overcoming Fear of Missing Out Students at The Darul 'Ulum Boarding School Muaro Jambi <p>This research is motivated by the efforts of the Darul 'Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muaro Jambi <br>students in overcoming the symptoms of Fear of Missing out Excessive use of Social Media. The research <br>objective was to determine the role of interpersonal communication in overcoming the symptoms of <br>Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) for students who use social media. The method used in this research is <br>qualitative. Interviews were conducted with 21 informants selected by purposive sampling. Data <br>analysis uses the Miles and Huberman method. The results of the study show that the impact of fear of <br>missing out for students is experiencing anxiety if they do not access social media, social media becomes <br>a medium of expression, experiencing toxic productivity and the emergence of apathy. The causes of the <br>symptoms of fear of missing out are the desire to always be connected with other people, the intensity <br>of excessive use of social media and always accessing social media even without interest. Interpersonal <br>communication efforts in overcoming thesymptoms of fear of missing out students, namely, limiting the <br>use of social media, adopting the Joy of missing out (Jomo) approach, increasing openness among fellow <br>students, increasing empathy and providing mutual support.</p> Anggia Rita Andiana Arfan Arfan Herri Noovealdi Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 101 112 Refusal of The Amil Concept in Improving Understanding of Arabic Language Rules (Examining The Thoughts of Ibn Madla') <p>Understanding the rules of the Arabic language is the basis for rejecting the science of nahwu, especially related to amil, because amil is the estuary of the complexity of understanding the rules of the Arabic language. This research is a qualitative research using the library research method by collecting scientific data in the form of historical books and the development of nahwu from time to time and then processing the data so that it is systematic, rational and valid. The purpose of this research is to find out the language in the development of Arabic rules, especially nahwu, experience a tug-of-war against the rejection of these rules because they find it difficult for knowledge seekers to understand the rules of Arabic, especially nahwu. The result of this study is Ibn Madla''s rejection of the concept of ámil which was held by the majority of scholars for several centuries since Nahwu was written by Sibawaih, basically based on the spirit of facilitating Arabic grammar, aimed at religious interests, so that any elements raised by scholars for interpreting language data, and the elements of nahwu are not part of the language, and are also unnecessary and must be discarded.</p> Muh. Hikamudin Suyuti Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 113 122 Changes in Communication Media in Family Communication Patterns in The Digital Era <p>Advances in information and communication technology greatly affect changes in communication <br />patterns in family life. Technological advances can certainly change the way family members <br />communicate. Not only the way of communicating, but the communication media used today is also <br />changing. Changes in communication media make the current family communication pattern less <br />harmonious. As we know, communication is very important in life, especially in the family. This research <br />uses a literature study research method, namely about changes in communication media in family <br />communication patterns in the digital era. The purpose of this study is to determine the changes in <br />communication media in family communication patterns in the digital era and how the family <br />communication process in the digital era. The method used is a literature study with information <br />collection techniques from various written sources. The sources used are , books, and journals that are <br />relevant to with changes in communication media in family communication patterns in the digital era. <br />The theory used is Technological Determinism. Communication is a very important thing, but if <br />communication is less effective, it will certainly be a problem, especially in the family. The existence of <br />communication in the family, of course, the family will be harmonious. Changes in communication <br />media in families in the digital era are certainly a reason for researchers to examine this.</p> Reni Ayu Wardani D.I. Ansusa Putra Muhammad Al Hafizh Agus Slamet Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 123 130 Rehabilitation interventions and application of information technology to improve social functioning <p>Drug abuse among adolescents is a serious problem that requires an effective social rehabilitation approach in line with the goal of rehabilitation, which is to improve social functioning. In an effort to increase the effectiveness of social rehabilitation, researchers have integrated technology into interventions to help adolescent victims of drug abuse. This research examines rehabilitation interventions and the application of information technology to improve social functioning at the "Satria" Center in Baturraden. In this study, a qualitative approach was used in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. This research introduces an innovative intervention and the application of information technology in improving social functioning, one of which is a public service called SABA PIE (Information and Education Center) Drugs. This service helps the resident identification process and facilitates appropriate interventions, SABA PIE provides education and raises awareness of the dangers of narcotics. The results of this study provide insight into the role of technology in improving the social functioning of adolescent victims of drug abuse. This article contributes to the development of knowledge about counseling and social rehabilitation, particularly in overcoming drug abuse among adolescents. It is hoped that these findings will help overcome the problem of drug abuse and improve the quality of life of adolescent victims of drug abuse.</p> Yasinta Nurjanah Anas Azhimi Qalban Nur Azizah Fathiyatul Amelia Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 131 144 The Effectiveness of Comprehension of Da'wah Texts in the Frame of Hans-Georg Gadamer <p>The effectiveness of understanding in receiving da'wah texts is a priority. The level of understanding of da'wah texts is one of the priorities in da'wah. The ability to understand da'wah texts can be seen from the desire to externalize da'wah texts in everyday life. In fact, he uses a different point of view on a text that is more contextual. An active and dynamic attitude in understanding da'wah texts shows that understanding of the Gadamaer pattern has been achieved. Study This aim in describing and studying Gadamer's framework in achieving the effectiveness of understanding da'wah texts. This study used a qualitative approach with literature analysis techniques. The analysis comes using the frame of Gadamer's method in the form of fusion of horizons, awareness influence history , circle hermeneutics and applications . Research Results show that Gadamer gave direction to mad'u in the process of understanding not to “stupid”, and to be passive. But an attitude that is active, dynamic, creative and innovative. There is a wise attitude towards the text to accept the text without any prejudice, to be open to accept what the text is, with the understanding that every text has its historicality. According to Gadamer, Mad'u has pre-understanding before understanding so that in the process it finds new contextual meanings. Can find the outside normal from What exists text</p> Enung Asmaya Amirotun Sholihah Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 145 155 Islamic Spiritual Guidance as a Medium to Foster Motivation to Recover in Residents (Utilization of Information Technology as an Administrative Tool) <p>The smuggling of illegal drugs or NARCOTICS is currently growing rapidly, especially with the level of supervision and guarding of trade routes that are not well monitored and running well, thus making the development of these illegal drugs uncontrollable. The media that are commonly used in Islamic spiritual guidance as a form of service provided to residents by the Sentra Satria Baturaden can be carried out individually or in groups. As with the current use of technology, using digital technology or the internet can make it easier and seem more effective and efficient, on the other hand, with the television provided by the Sentra, it can be used to provide studies in digital form. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method, which will discuss or examine the phenomenon or problem that will be discussed in more detail and detail. Utilization of addiction counseling analysis will also indirectly bring counselors closer to the main problems of resident drug users. The techniques used in this study were direct observation of residents and direct interviews. The purpose of this research is to utilize Islamic spiritual guidance media in fostering motivation to recover in methamphetamine-using residents.</p> Indriyani Rakhmawati Vici Prihmaningrum Muhammad Naufal Dzacky Wardana Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 157 164 Self-Efficacy in Overcoming Verbal Abuse in A Broken Home Family at Students of UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto <p>Broken home is a family state that does not lead to harmony, keruru, and family comfort, which is caused by several reasons such as divorce, death of one of the parents, or separation of others, and causing the family to be separated. The impact of Broken Home is one of them, which is unstable emotion, especially for his parents, which raises an impingement of emotions by verbal abuse to his child. Therefore, selfefficacy is needed to overcome this problem. This study aims to describe self-efficacy 3 student guidance and Islamic counseling in overcoming verbal abuse in the Broken Home family. This study uses a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The techniques used in data collection are observation techniques, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction steps, data presentation, and conclusion drawings. Verbal forms of abuse carried out by families of the three informants were generally intimidation, reduced self-esteem, and the habit of crawling children. The actions of the third self-efficacy informant in overcoming verbal abuse, namely generally by confiding in trusted people, avoiding, and correcting errors. The results of the study illustrate that the three informants had good self-efficacy in overcoming forms of verbal abuse from their families.</p> Ayumeilinda Sofyanafi Hapsari Copyright (c) 2023 Dakwah Saizu International Conference (DASINCO) on Hybrid Culture and Media in Empowering Islamic Society 2023-10-09 2023-10-09 1 1 165 178