Implementation Of A Scientific Approach To Develop The Cognitive And Physical Motor Aspects Of Early Childhood


  • Iys Nur Handayani Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen


scientific approaches, aspect cognitive, physical motor


This research is motivated by Early Childhood Education (PAUD) now which places more emphasis on results. The scientific approach is a basic concept that provides experience in the learning process. In this approach, the aspect of the dominant ability to support is the coordination between the abilities of the cognitive aspects and the physical aspects of the child's motor skills. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were school principals, teachers and students. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used triangulation of sources, techniques and time. The results of this study: first, the implementation of a scientific approach at the Baitussalam Prambanan TKIT, namely in the initial, core and final learning with 5 stages, namely: Observing: observing pictures, objects, videos, and works by functioning the child's 5 sensory organs, Asking: conducting questions and answers between teacher and child or child and friend regarding an image, object, video, and child's work related to the theme/sub-theme, Gathering information: collecting/collecting material regarding images, objects, videos, and work discussed in the previous stage , Reasoning: giving each other an understanding of pictures, objects, videos, and children's work assisted by the teacher; and Communicating: communicating about pictures, objects, videos, and children's work communicated with knowledge obtained with new knowledge. Second, how to develop children's cognitive and physical-motor aspects with a scientific approach, namely through the development of Core Competences/Basic Competences in play activities at learning centers: Children's cognition can be known from children's abilities with understanding, consideration of information processing, problem solving, gaps, and beliefs can be used optimally, while the Physical-Motoric aspects of children develop seen from the skills of moving the child's limbs and can be developed by exercising eye and movement coordination, flexibility, strength, speed, and agility


