Implementation Of Science Learning Through Natural Media To Children Aged 3-4 Years In The Play Group Margo Utomo Purworejo Margoyoso Pati Academic Year 2022/2023


  • Sumiyati Institut Pesantren Mathali’ul Falah Pati
  • Shofiyati Institut Pesantren Mathali’ul Falah Pati
  • Siti Mahmudah Institut Pesantren Mathali’ul Falah Pati


early childhood, science learning, natural media


This study aims to determine the planning of science learning through natural media for children aged 3-4 years at KB Margo Utomo Purworejo Margoyoso Pati in the academic year 2022/2023. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection methods used are interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of this research data uses data triangulation or by looking for data that supports the formulated research objectives. To analyze the research data, descriptive method is used. implemented at KB Margo utomo includes planning the division of children's classes, making learning plans and infrastructure. Science activities are carried out by introducing physical science, living creature science, earth and universe science, and through daily routine programs. The supporting factors are the teacher has the ability to teach and educate in accordance with the principles of child development and growth, the room and infrastructure are quite supportive, and internal and external factors.


