Utilizing Wayang Puppets To Improve Early Children's Vocabulary Mastery In The Puspa Harapan Playgroupsawajoho Village


  • Dewi Anggarina UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Fiki Lutfi Maulana UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • M. Irsyad UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Utilization, Wayang Puppets, Vocabulary


Early childhood is the most appropriate time to develop vocabulary in children's language. The process of acquiring a child's language begins with the ability to hear, then imitate the sounds heard from their environment. In this kind of process, the child will not be able to speak and speak if the child is not given the opportunity to express what he has heard. One of the media that can help children master vocabulary is to use wayang puppets as teaching aids when telling stories in front of children so that children's vocabulary increases.This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of research that is field research. Sources of data in this study: primary data sources include teachers and students of the Puspa Harapan Playgroup in Sawahjoho Village and secondary data sources of books and journals related to this research. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses an interactive model, namely by reducing data, presenting data then verifying and drawing conclusions Based on the results of the research conducted, the use of wayang puppets to improve vocabulary mastery of early childhood in the Puspa Harapan Playgroup in Sawahjoho Village has gone well according to the procedures in the planning stage. The implementation of the use of wayang puppet media will attract the attention of students so that students can concentrate more on increasing their vocabulary. The supporting factors in the use of wayang puppets in learning vocabulary mastery in the Puspa Harapan Playgroup in Sawahjoho Village include: supporting facilities for wayang puppet media, interesting material, student activity in the learning process, and there is a sense of competition between students to be able to. The inhibiting factors include: there are some children who still stammer, and there are some children who are still embarrassed because they cannot read, and there are some children who still do not focus on learning puppet media.


