Improving Gross Motor Ability Using The Playmat Method In Group B2 At Sejahtera Kindergarten Citeko Purwakarta District


  • Eni Nuraeni STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien
  • Annisa Purwani STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien


Gross motor skills, play mat, early childhood


This research to improve children's gross motor skills through playing playmat activities in group B2 children at TK Sejahtera Citeko Plered for the 2022-2023 academic year. Based on the background of the problems in this study, there was low gross motor development in the school, so the researchers created learning media in the form of a playmate that could be used to improve the gross motor aspects of children aged 5-6 years. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR), the subject of this research action is group B2, which consists of 13 children. This research is collaborative between researchers, class teachers, and school principals. Data collection uses observation, documentation of children's work and field notes. This classroom action research was conducted in 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. The procedure in this research consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Data were analyzed using comparative/comparative techniques, namely comparing the results achieved by children with performance indicators. The research results show. that there is an increase in children's gross motor skills through playing playmat activities in each cycle. The children's gross motor skills increased from pre-cycle 40.25% to 54.58% in cycle I. In cycle II, their abilities increased to 72.54%. The conclusion of this study is that through play mat activities can improve children's gross motor skills.


