Qashash As Material And Method Of Sex Education: Study Of Interpretation Surah Yusuf Verses 23-24


  • Basuki Rahmat UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto


Yusuf, Qashash, sexual education


Surah Yusuf is the 12th surah of Quran. This surah told us about the events that occurred to prophet Yusuf, including the story of the Prophet who was seduced by the wife of an Egyptian minister. In surah Yusuf verses 23-24, it is narrated how prophet Yusuf survived from the seduction of the opposite sex. This story of Yusuf can be used as a lesson for Muslims on the events related to the relationship between men and women. The Qashash method is one of the most interesting methods of education. This is a way of Quran to explain about the Prophet and others by attracting attention in learning. This method has a big impact on improving curiosity and also intelligence of thinking because each story has its own value. Through qashash as material and learning method, the story in Quran becomes easy to remember and understand by the listener of the story. Finally, there are five points of sexual education in the surah Yusuf, namely holding the sight of the opposite sex, taking protection in Allah, avoiding adultery, marriage and sexual intercourse and morals towards the opposite sex. The points in sexual education should be well understood for everyone and can be practiced in order to become good quality and positive character of human beings.


