Improving Children's Fine Motoric Skills Through Meronce Activities At The Age Of 4-5 Years At Prosperous Citeko Kindergarten, Purwakarta Regency


  • Ai Maryati STAI Dr. Kh.Ez. Muttaqien Purwakarta
  • Annisa Purwanti STAI Dr. Kh.Ez. Muttaqien Purwakarta


Fine Motoric, Meronce, Class Action Research


The fine motoric development of children in Sejahtra Citeko Kindergarten is still low, this is indicated by the fact that children in using their fingers to pick up objects or hold objects still need assistance. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Classroom action research is a study of social situations with a view to improving the quality of action through the process of diagnosis, planning, implementation, monitoring, and studying the effects it causes. The subjects of this study were group A children aged 4-5 years at TK Sejahtera Citeko, totaling 12 children, consisting of 6 boys and 6 girls. This research was conducted on group A children in the 2022/2023 academic year. Based on the results of observational data that has been obtained that the fine motor skills of children in each cycle experience development. This can be seen from the average score in the Pre-Cycle which is 33.58 with classical learning completeness of 16.7% with very low criteria. In Cycle I increased to an average score of 41.38 with classical learning completeness of 41.66% with moderate criteria. In Cycle II it increased with an average score of 49.94 with classical learning completeness of 91.66% with very high criteria.


