The Effect Of Applying Student Worksheets Based On Scientific Literacy To The Theme Of Always Saving Energy On Students‘ Material Understanding


  • Maghfira Febriana UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Ratih Triana Purbayanti MI Ta’mirul Islam


student worksheets, scientific literacy, material understanding


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of student worksheets based on scientific literacy implementation on the theme Always Save Energy on students' understanding of the material. Scientific literacy-based student worksheets are worksheets composed of four aspects of scientific literacy, namely science as a body of knowledge, science as investigation, science as a way of thinking, and the interaction of science with the environment, technology, and society. Pre-test is done at the beginning of learning and post-test at the end of learning. Pre-test and post test value data were analyzed using the gain test. The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant increase in pre-test and post test scores. It was concluded that the application of scientific literacy-based student worksheets on the theme Always Save Energy can improve students' understanding of the material.


