Socialization Of Inclusive Education In Early Childhood Education Institutions


  • Annisa Purwani STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien
  • Rika Purnamasari STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien


inclusive education, child with special needed, early childhood education


Education should be given equally to normal children and children with special needs. Through inclusive education, children with special needs can attend regular schools, the service system provided ensures that all students, both normal children and children with special needs in regular schools, can get proper teaching according to the needs of each student. The planning in the curriculum, facilities, evaluations and resources must be designed in such a way because the needs of students in inclusive schools very diverse. There is no school for early children with special needs in Plered and Tegalwaru sub-districts makes regular early childhood schools in these two sub-districts must be able to accept children with special needs to be able to go to school and get the right to get a proper education with normal children. but the problem is that there are still many institutions that do not understand inclusive education that must be implemented in early childhood education institutions. Therefore, there must be an educational outreach conducted to early childhood education teachers in Tegalwaru and Plered Districts as a provision for carrying out inclusive education in each of their respective institutions. The socialization activity was carried out using the Focus Group Discussion method related to inclusive education in early childhood education institutions. Based on the results of observations and interviews, it was revealed that before this socialization was carried out many teachers did not understand about inclusive education, lesson planning in inclusive education, class division in inclusive education, goals of inclusive education, implementation of inclusive education in the field so that after the socialization was held, they could open their horizons. science, especially in terms of handling children with special needs in early childhood education institutions.


