Improving Color Knowledge Ability Through Color Mixing Activities In Group B4 At Sejahtera Kindergarten Citeko Plered-Purwakarta


  • Alfitriyeni STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien
  • Annisa Purwani STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien


Recognizing colors, experiments, early childhood


The purpose of this research is to improve the ability to recognize colors through the activity of mixing colors in Citeko Prosperous Kindergarten for children aged 5-6 years. Based on the problems that exist in the Sejaheta Citeko Kindergarten, namely the low ability to recognize colors and the lack of innovation in learning activities at the Sejahtera Citeko Kindergarten school through experimental activities can make it easier for students to improve their ability to recognize colors. The experimental method is a learning method that provides opportunities for children to have experience in carrying out an experimental process. The method used in this study used classroom action research methods, the research subjects were group A children, totaling 12 people consisting of 3 boys and 9 girls. The research procedures used are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results of classroom action research showed that the average value of increasing children's color recognition ability in pre-action was 11% in the Undeveloped (BB) category, the first cycle was 50% in the Starting to Develop (MB) category, the second cycle was 50% in the Developing Appropriate category Hope (BSH), with the category of Very Good Development (BSB). Based on the results of the classroom action research carried out, it can be concluded that the activity of mixing colors can improve the ability to recognize children's colors in group B4 TK Sejahtera Citeko.


