Life Skills, Early Childhood, Independence.Abstract
This study aims to determine the teacher's efforts in increasing early childhood independence on indicators of physical ability, confidence, responsibility, discipline, sociability, sharing, and controlling emotions based on life skills. This qualitative research with a descriptive approach was conducted at Qurrota A'yun Kindergarten, East Betung Bay, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. The subjects of this study were Group B3 teachers and Group B3 children at Qurrota A'yun Kindergarten. While the object of this research is the teacher's efforts to increase children's independence based on life skills, research data sources are obtained from interview techniques, observation, and documentation. Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. While the data validity technique uses triangulation techniques. Based on the results of the study, the efforts made by teachers in increasing the independence of early childhood based on life skills are consistent with existing indicators, namely: teachers encourage children to want to do daily activities, teachers provide opportunities for children to make their own decisions, teachers let children do their jobs even though some are still wrong, teachers encourage children to express their feelings and ideas, teachers train children to socialize, and teachers give responsibility to children for discipline. Children in Qurrota A'yun Kindergarten have also improved in terms of independence. Children can put on and take off their shoes, tidy up stationery and learning equipment after use, share food with friends and teachers, and others. Although many children have improved their independence, there are still some who need more guidance from their class teachers. Parents are also an important factor in increasing children's independence.