actualization, Audiovisual Media, learningAbstract
. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the actualization of audiovisual media in Indonesian language learning at MI Ma'arif Kutasari Cipari Cilacap. This research is included in field research with the approach used is a qualitative approach. The data were obtained using observation, interview and documentation techniques and tested by triangulation and analyzed using the steps shown by Miles and Huberman. The results obtained in this study are: the use of audiovisual media prepared by the teacher before the lesson is carried out, its use is also only in the core activities so that in the introductory and closing activities the teacher does not use the media. the use of audiovisual media has obstacles, namely parents who do not supervise students in repeating the media that is distributed, students who have heterogeneous abilities and teachers who are less than optimal in understanding ICT. Supporting circumstances, namely the heterogeneity of students makes other abilities appear, teachers who are able to place themselves when students do not understand the material and complete facilities and infrastructure