Calistung Learning Concept, Early Childhood Education Programs, Circular Letter No.1839/C.C2/TU/200Abstract
Based on circular letter No.1839/C.C2/TU/2009 which says that actually learning Calistung in early childhood is not justified. However, in reality the phenomenon that is currently happening in the school and community environment is regarding the ability to read, write, count or calistung in early childhood, in which some teachers or educators still teach calistung to children who are not according to their age, as well as various kinds of demands from other parties. If the child has graduated from PAUD and wants to enter SD or MI, he or she must be able to read, write and do arithmetic or can be known as Calistung, because this demand makes most parents anxious, they are afraid that their child will graduate from early childhood education. unable to do Calistung, which causes their children to not be accepted at the top (favorite) schools, so their parents demand that the early childhood teachers teach Calistung, because the demands of these various circumstances require teachers to beat all children to be able to do Calistung before they enter. to Elementary School (SD). Through this paper the researcher tries to analyze the intent of the Circular Letter and tries to offer the concept of calistung learning to early childhood, so that it does not conflict with existing circulars. The approach in this study is the library research approach, because this research was carried out using literature, either in the form of books, circulars, notes, or reports on the results of previous research. The research data is only on library collection materials, books and articles without the need for field research. Material sources include books, journals, various documents and the last is giving opinions in research on what has happened before by presenting new discoveries in connecting different thoughts, especially in this paper is about calistung learning in children aged earlier than the existing circular letter. Based on the results of the analysis, the researcher found that calistung learning must be adapted to the developmental stages of the child's age, the ability of the child and prioritize learning while playing. The implications of this research are that it is hoped that there will be no more coercion on children in learning calistung from both parents and teachers.