Application Of Aqidah Education To Early Children


  • Abd. Rahman University of Muhammadiyah Makasar


Education, Aqidah, Early Childhood


The application of Aqidah to children must receive great attention from all parties. Instill in the child's soul a sense of the oneness of Allah SWT and keep them away from shirk. This is done by showing logical postulates and proofs that make sense to children for the existence of Allah. The aim of aqidah-based early childhood education is to form Islamic personalities in children, namely the basis of Islamic faith in thinking and acting. Children with Muslim personalities are children who have advantages in many ways, so they can be said to be better children. Superior children are children whose ways of thinking and acting are based on Islamic beliefs and who have skills and abilities that can be used in their own lives and in the lives of society and the state.


