Conformity Of The Learning Implementation Plan (Rpp) With Learning In The Classroom


  • Luma’ul ‘Adilah Hayya UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto


RPP, Curriculum, Implementation of Learning


The Learning Implementation Plan has an important role in the implementation of learning. This study aims to determine the suitability  of the contents  / components of the RPP from six teachers from different madrasahs and different levels with the contents / components of  the  RPP in the 2013 Curriculum. Compatibility between  the rpp made by the teacher and the implementation of learning in the classroom. Data collection was carried out at MIN 3 Purbalingga, MIM Kebutuh, and MIMA Penaruban using qualitative methods using interview, documentation, and observation data collection techniques. Data analysis is carried out by reduction, recitation, and withdrawal of traceability. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the level of conformity of the contents / components of the Learning Implementation Plan with the 2013 Curriculum is 100% with category criteria is very appropriate. However, it is not in accordance with the Permendikbud.  The suitability between the teacher's Learning Implementation Plan and the implementation of learning in the classroom has a percentage of 88.3% with appropriate criteria.  The discrepancy contained in the implementation of learning lies in the delivery of scope, delivery of assessment techniques, methods, media, and learning resources that are not carried out properly.


