Islamic Children's Literature As Children's Character Building


  • Lina Sundana IAIN Lhokseumawe Aceh, Indonesia


Children's Literature, Islamic, Character Building


The background of this literature review study is to see the phenomenon of a shift in the character of children getting taller, especially in Indonesia. Children's literature can be a solution that can instill character values in children. This literature review method is shown to describe Islamic children's literature. The literature review method is carried out by reading several articles and other written sources. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study found that children's literature plays an important role in strengthening character. Islamic children's literature has a major contribution to strengthening children's character in the process towards maturity. Literature can be used as a means to instill, develop, and preserve values that are considered good by the family, society, religion, and nation so that they can develop good character that sticks with them into adulthood. Islamic children's literature is attached to very good Islamic values. The reference to Islamic values is guided by the Koran and Hadith. The delivery of characters packaged in Islamic stories will further foster children's interest in being exemplary and following the characters they read


