International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives 2024-01-15T14:10:07+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>International Conference on Islamic Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives (ICECEM) 2022 is a program of the Early Childhood Education study program at Prof.KH Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto State Islamic University. Aims to encourage and provide opportunities for researchers and academics to exchange views and opinions, answer and debate policy-relevant issues, and produce academic research outputs on important topics. The basic idea to encourage research in linguistics is to have maximum research impact on education, Islam, science, socio-culture, humanity, technology and digital.</p> GENDER-BASED ANTI-VIOLENCE LEARNING PATTERN IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 2023-07-05T00:44:14+00:00 Dyah Retna Puspita [email protected] <p>Early childhood education (PAUD) has an important role to support building&nbsp; human character. For this reason, the pattern of learning must be appropriate, so that in the future they will grow into human beings who are compassionate, patient, polite and respectful of others and anti-violence, especially towards women and children.&nbsp; In reality, there are still many cases of violence, especially those that occur in the household (domestic violence), which are mostly perpetrated by husbands/men. Some of them even ended in divorce. In large numbers, the phenomenon of domestic violence and divorce will not only have a negative impact on the family (especially the child), but also the local community and even the government. For this reason, this study aims to examine the extent to which learning patterns at the PAUD level have included gender-based anti-violence learning materials. The research approach is descriptive qualitative in the form of literature study by analyzing research results contained in Google Scholar for 2020-2023. The keywords used to find these references are “Gender-based anti-violence learning patterns and character education at the PAUD". The data obtained was then analyzed using an interactive model.</p> 2023-07-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives AN OVERVIEW OF THE EARLY LITERACY SKILL OF KINDERGARTNERS IN SURABAYA, INDONESIA: A QUALITATIVE EXPLORATION OF RESULTS FROM OBSERVATIONS AND GROUP DISCUSSIONS 2023-07-05T11:47:30+00:00 Novia Solichah [email protected] Nur Ainy Fardana [email protected] <p>Early literacy is an important abilities that must b possessed in early childhood because can affect children's success in elementary school. this study examines the description of early literacy skills of Kindergarten children conducted in a Kindergarten in Surabaya, Indonesia. The research method uses qualitative research with a case study approaches. The unit of analysis in this study is students in class A and class B and teachers. FGDs were conducted with ten teachers (mean age 48.8 years ), with the criteria of having taught for at least three years. As well as observations related to early literacy skills in kindergarten children totalling 70 (mean age 5.2 years). The results showed that based on the observations made by the researcher for one week with students in class A and class B, the student’s early literacy skills that were still lagging were the interest in reading and expressive communication skills. In expressive communication, some students still cannot imitate the simple sentences conveyed by the teacher, some still&nbsp;need help answering simple questions from the teacher, and some still need more confidence and have difficulty retelling simple stories/experiences/events. In reading interest, children tend to think books are boring, stop pretending to read them, and then put them down. Based on the FGD with teachers said that literacy skills, because children are often trained, are starting to be able to read, but that is for children who are often given repetition from their parents too. Parents are also required to be involved in early literacy, but for parents who do not retrain at home, sometimes there are still those who still need to memorize letters. Interest in reading has yet to emerge much because interest in reading is still lacking.</p> 2023-07-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives TECHNIQUES FOR ESTABLISHING SENTENCES FOR CHILDREN MI USING THE SPIDER WEB METHOD 2023-07-09T13:22:43+00:00 Ngafifurrohman [email protected] <p>This research is motivated by students' difficulties in constructing sentences in Indonesian. The aim is to overcome students' learning difficulties in terms of composing sentences that are good and correct and in accordance with the intent and purpose of composing sentences. The research was conducted in class IV MI Al Hikmah 02 Kawunganten Lor, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency. Research using descriptive qualitative. Data is collected and then processed so that it becomes useful information. The steps in constructing sentences using the webbed method are: 1) The teacher conveys the competencies to be achieved; 2) The teacher explains the technique of making sentences easily; 3) The teacher explains the technique of making sentences easily; 4) Determine the words to be arranged into a sentence; 5) Look for the meaning of the word in the dictionary or through the glossary; 6) Determine the purpose or meaning that will be expressed by the arrangement of these words; 7) Apply the word into a sentence; 8) The teacher examines student work by asking what the purpose of the wording is; 9) The teacher provides reinforcement.</p> 2023-07-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives HOW CAN LIFE SKILLS IMPROVE EARLY CHILDHOOD INDEPENDENCE? 2023-07-09T13:40:12+00:00 Sovia Mas Ayu [email protected] Asmara Dewi [email protected] Hanifah Samara [email protected] Zaituna Mas Ayu [email protected] Rahmi Zulyana [email protected] <p>This study aims to determine the teacher's efforts in increasing early childhood independence on indicators of physical ability, confidence, responsibility, discipline, sociability, sharing, and controlling emotions based on life skills. This qualitative research with a descriptive approach was conducted at Qurrota A'yun Kindergarten, East Betung Bay, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. The subjects of this study were Group B3 teachers and Group B3 children at Qurrota A'yun Kindergarten. While the object of this research is the teacher's efforts to increase children's independence based on life skills, research data sources are obtained from interview techniques, observation, and documentation. Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. While the data validity technique uses triangulation techniques. Based on the results of the study, the efforts made by teachers in increasing the independence of early childhood based on life skills are consistent with existing indicators, namely: teachers encourage children to want to do daily activities, teachers provide opportunities for children to make their own decisions, teachers let children do their jobs even though some are still wrong, teachers encourage children to express their feelings and ideas, teachers train children to socialize, and teachers give responsibility to children for discipline. Children in Qurrota A'yun Kindergarten have also improved in terms of independence. Children can put on and take off their shoes, tidy up stationery and learning equipment after use, share food with friends and teachers, and others. Although many children have improved their independence, there are still some who need more guidance from their class teachers. Parents are also an important factor in increasing children's independence.</p> 2023-07-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives APPLICATION OF LEARNING TO READ FAST WITH THE METHOD WITHOUT SPELLING 2023-07-10T07:37:37+00:00 Toifatun Nangimah [email protected] <p>This study aims to improve the reading skills of MI Ya BAKII Planjan students using the learning to read without spelling (BMTM) method and describe the challenges faced in applying the BMTM method to MI Ya BAKII Planjan students. The method used in this research is PTK research which uses two cycles, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The results obtained show that: 1) the application of the BMTM method can improve reading skills in MI Ya BAKII Planjan students. It can be seen from the results of data analysis that the average reading skills in pre-cycle reached 49.90, increasing to 63.40 in cycle I and 85.48 in cycle I with the Good category, while learning completeness in pre-cycle reached 21.05%. , increased to 42, 10% in cycle I and 100% in cycle II; and 2) the challenges faced in applying the BMTM method to MI Ya BAKII Planjan students, namely: (1) technical differences in reading and reading, (2) mistakes in recognizing letters, (3) inability to read diphthongs, double vowels, and double consonants, ( 4) inability to pronounce consonants /r/, /z/, (5) skip letters or words read, and (6) add or replace words that are different from the text.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA ACTUALIZATION IN INDONESIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING 2023-07-10T07:45:10+00:00 Yeti Purwaningsih [email protected] <p><strong>.</strong>&nbsp;The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the actualization of audiovisual media in Indonesian language learning at MI Ma'arif Kutasari Cipari Cilacap. This research is included in field research with the approach used is a qualitative approach. The data were obtained using observation, interview and documentation techniques and tested by triangulation and analyzed using the steps shown by Miles and Huberman. The results obtained in this study are: the use of audiovisual media prepared by the teacher before the lesson is carried out, its use is also only in the core activities so that in the introductory and closing activities the teacher does not use the media. the use of audiovisual media has obstacles, namely parents who do not supervise students in repeating the media that is distributed, students who have heterogeneous abilities and teachers who are less than optimal in understanding ICT. Supporting circumstances, namely the heterogeneity of students makes other abilities appear, teachers who are able to place themselves when students do not understand the material and complete facilities and infrastructure</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives SEXUALITY EDUCATION DISCOURSE IN EARLY CHILDREN ISLAMIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT IN UIN ANTASARI BANJARMASIN 2023-07-10T07:52:14+00:00 Helma Nuraini [email protected] <p>Sexuality education for Early Childhood is still restricted to the private sphere but is free on the Internet. Sexual violence often occurs, but the discourse on sexuality education is still minor. This article aims to address the themes and findings of the student thesis of the PIAUD Department, FTK UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. The technique used is a literature study with a qualitative approach. Based on the data, there are only 5 theses on sexuality education (since 2018 - 2023). The subjects consist of parents, teachers, and the development of sexuality educational videos. The findings show that some parents consider it taboo, they teach it indirectly through bathing, dressing, and cleaning the genitals. The approach used is from the aspect of health, norms, and religion, but not from the psychological aspect and direct efforts to prevent sexual violence. At schools</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE ROLE OF PARENTS IN OPTIMIZING CHILDREN’S LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT IN GOLDEN AGE PHASE 2023-07-10T07:56:50+00:00 Intan Maulida Qorry‘ Aina [email protected] <p>Basically, parents play an important role in assisting and guiding children's language development because parents, especially mothers, are the closest person to children. Mother and child have communicated since the child was in the womb until he was born. The stage from when a child is born until a child can speak is the most important stage in the language acquisition period. This stage is called the golden age phase. This article aims to describe the stages of children's language development and the role of parents in each stage through literature reviews or literature studies. The stages of children's language development from several theories are synthesized into seven stages of children's language development. The role of parents in every stage is inviting children to talk, reading stories, inviting them to play, introducing objects, inviting them to public places, playing music, inviting them to read stories, showing pictures and objects around them, telling fairy tales, and introducing the people closest to them, listening and responding when the child speaks. Furthermore, parents are advised to pay attention and understand the stages of children's language development because the parents' understanding will improve the children's language competence and development. The final results of this study indicate that parents can play a role in children's language development through parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, making decisions, and collaborating with the community.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives EFFECTIVENESS OF THE COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL THINK PAIR SHARE TYPE IN INCREASING STUDENT OUTCOMES 2023-07-10T08:02:19+00:00 Khafifatul Fian [email protected] M. Misbah [email protected] <p>One of the decreases in student learning outcomes is due to the inaccuracy of the learning model&nbsp;applied. The think pair share type cooperative learning model can be applied. This study aims to analyze how the effectiveness of the think pair share type&nbsp;cooperative learning&nbsp;model when compared to the learning model&nbsp;others and if combined with a learning media. This type of research is a literature study using the SLR method.&nbsp;The result of the search is that the think pair share type cooperative learning model is categorized as effective for exact, social, or linguistic sciences, whether combined with learning media or not. In addition, this learning model is adequate for growing and improving abilities, such as the ability to write exposition text essays and the ability to write poetry. This learning model is more effective when compared to the cycle 7E,&nbsp;STAD, inquiry, guided inquiry, and&nbsp;jigsaw models.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives DISCOVERY LEARNING AS AN INDONESIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING MODEL 2023-07-10T08:07:42+00:00 Linatul Maskuroh [email protected] Heru Kurniawan [email protected] <p><strong>. </strong>The basic idea of writing "Discovery Learning as a Indonesian <em>Learning </em>Model" is the result of the AKMI of MI Nurul Huda Grugu students in 2022, whose average is still at the level of proficiency. From the AKMI results, 34 students in reading literacy have only reached the basic proficiency level, science literacy has only reached the proficiency level, socio-cultural literacy has only reached the proficiency level, and numeracy literacy has also just reached the proficiency level. The proficiency level is the number three level of the five proficiency levels. As an effort to increase the level of proficiency from the level of proficiency to the level of skilled proficiency, one of them is with the <em>discovery learning learning</em> model, with steps: 1) Stimulus, 2) Problem <em>Statement</em> Stage, 3) Data <em>Collection</em>, 4) <em>Data Analysis</em>, 5) <em>Verification</em>), and 6) Drawing Conclusions/<em>Generalizations</em>).</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE IMPORTANCE OF DIGITAL LITERACY TO BE AWARE OF NEGATIVE CONTENT USING GADGETS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD 2023-07-10T08:13:40+00:00 Muhammad Jafar Maulana [email protected] Cecep Darmawan [email protected] Rahmat [email protected] <p>Digital technology continues to experience rapid development, today many people use digital technology in everyday life to facilitate human activities, such as communication, learning, entertainment facilities and others. All circles feel the impact of advances in digital technology, such as young children, they are fascinated by games and entertainment on social media. What is feared is the negative impact of using social media and gadget applications on children. On this basis, the researcher used a literature study, described relevant research results and drew conclusions about the importance of digital literacy for young children to be aware of negative content using gadgets. The results of this study, the researchers explained that, early childhood who use gadgets will develop creativity, be innovative and involve new learning experiences. However, the use of gadgets must be accompanied by digital knowledge and skills or digital literacy. The intensity of children using gadgets is feared by children isolated in unhealthy interactions and focusing on screen-based consumption. The importance of collaboration between the roles of families, teachers and parents to be actively involved, provide digital literacy-oriented education to be aware of the negative content of digital technology.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives ENGLISH TEACHER'S PROBLEM USING BLENDED LEARNING TO TEACH STUDENTS DURING NEW NORMAL IN SMKN 1 MARABAHAN 2023-07-10T08:19:15+00:00 Muhammad Dandy Laksono [email protected] Nasrullah [email protected] <p>This study addresses several problems when teachers teach students using blended learning (BL) in SMKN 1 Marabahan. In a pandemic world where people have to stay at home, teachers and students have to learn different ways to continue their teaching and learning process. One of several ways to do that is by doing online learning and then continuing the materials offline. This study was conducted in SMKN 1 Marabahan using a descriptive qualitative method. Then, the questionnaire and interview were used as the research instruments. furthermore, triangulation is used to analyze the data that consist of data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The data analysis shows there are five perspectives answered by the participants. The answer is 1) student behavior or problem 2) time duration that shortened 3) teacher's competency 4) more teacher's problems 5) problem with internet connection 6) problem about technical issues. In addition, the solution from the participant's perspective from the problems they facing, such as asking them to come to school if they have no internet data, re-explaining the data, making a coordination with parents.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives FAMILY LITERACY CULTURE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD 2023-07-10T08:23:24+00:00 Mustakimah [email protected] <p>The formation of habits in the process of language and reading and writing in early childhood is a process that involves various components in the child's environment and the closest environment for early childhood is the family. Basic language skills which include listening, listening, speaking to convey messages, reading and writing must be adjusted to the stages and tasks of child development because each period that children go through has a different standard measure of achievement levels to then become the basis for children in developing literacy at the next stages and levels of education. . The family plays an important role in this process because parents are the child's first environment in daily socialization so that the child is then able to mingle with the outside world. Families are expected to be able to condition children who are born to cultivate literacy from an early age and continue into adulthood. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The purpose of this study is how big is the role of parents and what is done in the process of early childhood literacy. The results of the study show that the involvement of parents and families in instilling a culture of literacy for early childhood is very important and as often as possible parents provide positive examples as the main shapers of children's character.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives SPEECH DELAY ON THE FIRST LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: TEACHERS‘ PERCEPTION AND TEACHING STRATEGY 2023-07-10T08:28:32+00:00 Nida Mufidah [email protected] Firdha Hayati [email protected] <p>This study discusses the acquisition of the first language in children. If the child does not have a good imitation model, it will be difficult to learn language. Furthermore, the teacher's lack of knowledge and understanding of children's language disorders makes this very influential in the method taught by the teacher. This study aims to analyze how much understanding, insight and how teachers can handle children with speech delay and reveal the causes of speech delay and find out how to prevent speech delay. The sample in this study was 26 preschool teachers in South Kalimantan with a total of 29 children. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research with questionnaire methods, direct observation. The results of this study indicate that parenting and environment are a major influence on the acquisition of a child's first language. The strategies that teachers use to deal with children with speech delay are 1) inviting parents to cooperate, and 2) stimulating children through playing and communicating activities as well as mouth and jaw movement activities.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE INFLUENCE OF PARENTING FOR BROKEN HOME CHILDREN ON THE SOCIAL EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD IN KARANGTURI KROYA VILLAGE, CILACAP 2023-07-10T08:34:26+00:00 Nur Safitri [email protected] Sandi Aji Wahyu Utomo [email protected] Inayatul Lathifah [email protected] <p>The state of a broken home family can have an impact on the social and emotional development of early childhood. Therefore, we made this research aiming to find out more about the impact of broken home families on the social-emotionalism of early childhood, especially those aged 4-5 years. This research examines the forms of broken home families and the impact they have on aspects of the social emotional development of children aged 4-5 years. The number of respondents was 8 people who experienced a broken home. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. To measure the validity of the data researchers used triangulation techniques. The results showed that 1) parenting style applied by parents is authoritarian, permittive, and democratic 2) Parents do not understand parents about children's social emotional development resulting in children being out of control from parents, 3) Impact of parenting style applied by parents on social emotional development negative and positive consequences.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives STRENGTHENING EXEMPLARY PARENTING FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD THROUGH HABIT, ADVISING, SUPERVISION, AND PUNISHMENT 2023-07-12T02:22:48+00:00 Ade Cahya Ningsih [email protected] <p>Parenting is a very important thing to do in order to shape the character of the child's personality from an early age. One of the parenting styles for early childhood is through exemplary methods. The purpose of this study was to reveal the forms of strengthening exemplary parenting by parents through habituation activities, advice, supervision, and punishment. This study uses a qualitative research method that is descriptive in nature. The type of research taken is literature study. Data collection techniques were carried out using documentation techniques, namely collecting research notes that were relevant to the object of study that the author was researching. Data analysis was carried out by going through several stages, (1) identifying the nature of exemplary parenting for early childhood, (2) identifying the nature of strengthening exemplary parenting through habituation, advice, supervision, and punishment, and (3) exemplifying forms of habituation, advice, supervision, and punishment as a form of strengthening exemplary parenting for early childhood. The results of the study revealed that exemplary parenting patterns for early childhood through habituation, advice, supervision, and punishment are reflected in children's daily activities in an integrative manner in the family, school, and community.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives FROM PARENTS TO CHILDREN: AN EFFORT TO INSTILL TOLERANCE IN RELIGIOUS AND BELIEF DIVERSITY A CASE STUDY OF PARENTS OF CHILDREN AGED 5-11 YEARS OLD 2023-07-12T02:28:59+00:00 Ane Dwi Septina [email protected] <p>The Wahid Institute survey results show that the trend of intolerance in Indonesia tends to increase from 46 percent to 54 percent. This study aims to analyze and provide an overview of parents' efforts and perspectives regarding the diversity of religions in their young children today. According to the study's findings, Parents' representatives understand that education about tolerance and religious diversity needs to be given to their children who are tailored to their age. Some of the efforts that parents have made to foster a sense of tolerance of children include communication to provide understanding to children about the differences in religion embraced in their social environment and setting an example of tolerance behavior. The finding also shows that film is considered a suitable medium to be given the content of tolerance education and religious diversity and belief for children aged 5-11 years.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DESIGN IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT 2023-07-12T02:36:37+00:00 Asih Wikaningtyas [email protected] Siti Nor Asiah [email protected] <p>Attention is needed on the implementation of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in terms of learning environment design as one of the components of ECE facilities and infrastructure management. A non-comfortable learning environment for children will interfere with aspects of child development, causing children to become difficult to move, uncreative, and easily bored. Despite the teacher's lack of design expertise, it would be helpful for the teacher to understand the techniques of quality learning environment design that correspond with children's needs and interests so that the learning process runs smoothly and reaches maximum goals. This study is intended to teach educators and people in general a way how to design a good learning environment. In this study, literature studies or library research were utilized together with qualitative research methods. Documentation is used in data retrieval techniques, and content analysis is utilized in analysis techniques. The design of this learning environment is crucial and must be in place to meet the objectives of ECE implementation.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives READ THE BOOK LOUD EFFORTS TO GROW CHILDREN LIKE READING FROM AN EARLY AGE 2023-07-12T02:41:41+00:00 Asniar Fajarini [email protected] <p>Enjoyment of reading in early childhood is still very lacking, because during childhood children have not fully mastered all the letters to form a single unit of words and sentences. The purpose of this study is that by reading books aloud it is expected to foster interest in reading in early childhood so that they like to read books. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, documentation. Data analysis using triangulation. The results of the study show that in order to foster children's love of reading, that is by reading books aloud to children where it can attract children's attention in reading. The obstacle is that reading books aloud requires extra energy.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives MARKETING MIX WITH CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT: A SURVIVAL STRATEGY OF KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL 2023-07-12T02:55:17+00:00 Azizah Nurul Fadlilah [email protected] Imam Machali [email protected] Na'imah [email protected] Hibana [email protected] Suyadi [email protected] Supian Azhari [email protected] <p>Many kindergarten schools have experienced a decrease in the number of students during the Covid-19 pandemic. This can threaten the institution's sustainability because schools must have students to obtain operational permits. Thus, there is a need for a strategy to maintain the existence of kindergarten schools during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the marketing strategy of ABA Mardi Putra Kindergarten to survive from its inception until facing the Covid-19 Pandemic using a marketing mix strategy perspective. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study approach that collects data by observation, interviews, and documentation. The source of data in this study was obtained from the ABA Mardi Putra Kindergarten, Bantul, which consisted of one school principal, a sample of four teachers, one school administrator, and documents relating to the object of research. The data analysis techniques used by Miles and Huberman consist of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The research results show that implementing a marketing mix strategy (product, price, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, and process) with continuous development can help maintain the existence of a kindergarten school. Thus, kindergarten schools that have problems with the number of students can use this strategy to support the existence of their schools.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives DEVELOPMENT OF SMART GIFT EDUCATIONAL GAME TOOLS TO IMPROVE THE CALCULATING ABILITY OF GROUP B CHILDREN IN RA AL-AMIN TAMACINNA, GOWA DISTRICT 2023-07-12T03:19:08+00:00 Bunga [email protected] Ulfiani Rahman [email protected] Thamrin Tayeb [email protected] <p>This development research aims to: (1) find out the process of developing a smart gift educational game tool and assess the level of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the smart gift educational game tool to improve the numeracy skills of group B children at RA Al-Amin Tamacinna, Gowa Regency. This type of research uses the ADDIE research and development (R&amp;D) model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Based on the results of the product assessment of the validator experts, the overall average value is 87.25% with a very valid category. On the practicality sheet, a score of 98% is obtained with very practical criteria and on the pretest questionnaire sheet, the average pretest score is 49%, which is in the less effective criteria, and the average posttest score is 91.6%, which is in the very effective criteria, for 8 students. . From the results of this assessment it can be concluded that the development of a smart gift educational game tool to improve group B numeracy skills at RA Al-Amin Tamacinna, Gowa Regency has met the valid, practical, and effective criteria to use.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CHILD-FRIENDLY ISLAMIC SCHOOL PROGRAM FOR INCLUSION EDUCATION SERVICES AT SD IT PERMATA HATI BEKASI 2023-07-12T03:26:28+00:00 Cesilia Prawening [email protected] Sri Sugiarti [email protected] Marlina [email protected] <p>Children with special needs have the same right to be able to meet educational and learning needs as children in general. To be able to provide this right, an education system is needed that can respond consciously, planned, appropriately, and can fulfill the rights of every aspect of a child's life while still paying attention to the diversity of each child with special needs.&nbsp; Therefore, the education system for children with special needs can be organized by an educational service based on the implementation of child-friendly schools that can encourage children with special needs to be able to participate in various learning activities, social life, religion, and can be encouraged by the process of growth and development, as well as in their welfare. This is where it is important to conduct a study on the application of child-friendly Islamic schools to inclusive education services. The purpose of this research is to find out and examine the application of a program in child-friendly Islamic school-based inclusion education services at SD IT Permata Hati Bekasi. This study will examine 8 types of children with special needs in elementary schools (SD) in grades 1-6 totaling 26 students. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the analysis and discussion of research at SD IT Permata Hati Bekasi regarding the implementation program of child-friendly Islamic schools on inclusion education services, it was found that first the SIRA program planning was carried out by forming a SIRA development team in collaboration with parents. The SIRA development team consists of child assistance teachers, psychologists, and abk curriculum teams. The curriculum development team held a meeting with parents to discuss the program of learning activities by adjusting the development results of each child. Second, the implementation of the SIRA program is carried out by adjusting to the specific needs of each child. Learning programs in the form of Proksus (Special program), morning culture, super camp, and regular classes Third, monitoring is carried out through a liaison book between accompanying teachers, parents, and psychologists to be monitored by the principal. The liaison book is in the form of reporting on child development based on observations from the teacher of the nurse, assessment of psychology, and child development at home by parents. A liaison book is given weekly. Of the three SIRA programs, it can build the potential of students in the form of independence, social, cognitive regardless of their limitations.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives STIMULATE DEVELOPMENT WITH STEAM LEARNING 2023-07-12T03:30:59+00:00 Dessy Farantika [email protected] <p>Early childhood learning must be able to develop various basic abilities of children to create communicative, collaborative, critical thinking, creative and innovative generations. The STEAM approach is seen as an approach that can prepare the 21st century generation which aims to stimulate creativity, prepare children for a world of work full of innovations and inventions or good quality human resources. The purpose of this study was to find out the application of learning with the STEAM approach based on loose parts media at RA Mutiara Bunda. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data collection was done by way of interviews and observation. While the results of this study describe (1) STEAM learning activities run quite effectively where science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics skills are successfully improved; (3) The use of loose parts media is proven to be able to increase children's curiosity and creativity in STEAM as evidenced by the enthusiasm and various children's works; (4) The difficulty faced by teachers is the lack of collaboration between children and teachers, because they are still patterned as a teacher center so the learning tends to be direct teaching, applying engineering methods, and integrating STEAM fields in children's play activities</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives PROFILE OF READING SKILLS COMPREHENSION OF HISTORICAL STORIES IN STUDENTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2023-07-12T03:37:44+00:00 Diah Hayu Novita Sari [email protected] St.Y Slamet [email protected] Septi Yulisetiani [email protected] <p>The focus of this research is to describe the skill profile of reading comprehension of historical stories about the events surrounding the proclamation of Indonesian independence for students in elementary schools. Reading comprehension of historical stories is an important aspect in developing literacy and understanding historical content. The research method use descriptive research with students and elementary school teachers in the city of Surakarta. The instruments is interview, observation and documentation. The validity of the data is proven through triangulation of techniques and sources. The collect data are analyz interactively to identify the skill profile of reading comprehension of historical stories. The results show that students in primary schools in Surakarta have varying levels of reading comprehension skills of historical stories. Many factors can affect students reading comprehension skill of historical stories. The implication is developing effective learning media to improve students reading comprehension skills of historical stories.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives SCIENCE LITERACY IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE 4 IN ERA SOCIETY 5.0 2023-07-12T03:41:40+00:00 Dzuhrotul Ulumiyah [email protected] <p>In the era of society 5.0, literacy is one of the needs for every human being to fulfill their needs which cannot be separated from technology. One of the important literacy in this era is scientific literacy. This study aims to examine scientific literacy in grade 4 elementary schools in improving the quality of world competition in education in the era of society 5.0. The method used is literature study. The data collection technique in this study was to collect information and data from various library materials such as books, articles, previous research, notes and journals related to scientific literacy in the era of society 5.0. Learning materials in grade 4 can bring up scientific literacy skills by utilizing technology. Between the eras of society 5.0 and scientific literacy, they have the same goal in responding to all the challenges of social life and improving decision-making skills.</p> 2023-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives ANALYSIS OF THE NEED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOTS ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS BASED ON GEOGRAPHICAL LITERACY OF INDONESIAN MARITIME AND AGRICULTURAL MATERIALS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSES 2023-07-20T12:49:30+00:00 Freddyansyah Sugiarto [email protected] Dr. Sugiyanto, M.Si, M.Si [email protected] Prof. Dr. Chatarina Muryani, M.Si [email protected] <p>This study aims to: Assess the need for instruments for Higher Order Thinking Skill questions based on geographic literacy in the social studies. The research subjects were students of SMP Insan Cendekia Al Mujtaba. The research sample was determined using startified random sampling. The data collection process used in the study used item analysis, interviews.&nbsp;The results showed: 1) Based on a needs analysis with an analysis Assessment items in 2019 and Assessment items in 2020, 94% of the 2019 and 84% of the still a matter of Lower Order Thinking Skills. 2) As many as 88% of teacher respondents who are members of the 2022/2023 Social Studies Subject Teacher Consultation agree that the development of HOTS question instruments is very important and needed as a reference in preparing assessment instruments. 3) Important and necessary training in the preparation of HOTS-based question instruments needed by teachers at SMP ICBS</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives APPLICATION OF LKPD FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC RELIGION FOR CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS BASED ON SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES AT THE RUMAH TAHFIDZ SOFWAN SALIM PALEMBANG 2023-07-20T12:58:32+00:00 Gustiana Yuantini, M.Pd [email protected] Yuni Dwisuryani, M.Pd [email protected] <p>The research in this study uses a qualitative descriptive method that aims to describe and reveal the facts as they are what happened at the research location about the application of scientifically based LKPD at Rumah Tahfidz Sofwan Salim Palembang in an effort to develop aspects of Islamic Religious Values. Data collection is done through observation and documentation. The data in this study was obtained using data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the data was analyzed using the analysis techniques of the Miles and Huberman model. Based on the results of research that have been conducted that child aged 5-6 years at Rumah Tahfidz Sofwan Salim Palembang which was carried out by working on LKPD for the development of Islam with 3 activities, namely (1) religious introduction activities; (2) activities of knowing the creation of Allah SWT; and (3) habitually reading prayers before activities. The development of religious values contained in LKPD aims to increase piety to God and build children's attitudes. The results showed that learning activities using scientifically based Islamic development LKPD are fun activities such as religious children are very enthusiastic (excited and active) and do assignments to completion, children also collect assignments on time. Thus, the scientific approach is a learning process designed so that children can actively observe, question, collect information, reason, and communicate. With this process, children will have the ability to think scientifically. To stimulate the ability to think scientifically, teachers need to apply a scientific approach as an effort to develop positive behavior.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives IMPROVED LEARNING OUTCOMES PPKN STUDENT CLASS V SDN 1 KASIHAN THROUGH USE OF PANCASILA POP UP BOX LEARNING MEDIA 2023-07-20T13:06:03+00:00 Ardhia Pratama [email protected] Davi Apriandi [email protected] Endang Sriyati [email protected] <p>This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of Pancasila and Civics Education (PPKn) in grade 5 elementary school students in Pacitan Regency through the application of Teaching At Right Level (TARL) approach in Pop Up Box Pancasila learning media. The research was conducted over two cycles involving 7 students. Data were collected through tests, observations, and interviews. The results showed that the application of Pop Up Box Pancasila learning media can significantly improve students' problem solving ability. In the first cycle, the average score of students in the test was 76.8, while in the second cycle it increased to 85.1. In addition, observations and interviews showed that students were more active and involved in the learning process. In the overall research, Pop Up Box Pancasila learning media proved to be effective in improving students' problem solving skills in Civics learning. Pop Up Box Pancasila learning media is a solution to the different abilities of students in understanding Pancasila and Citizenship (Civics) learning. Pop Up Box Pancasila learning media is a challenging learning media that trains students to work collaboratively in groups to find solutions to the problems they encounter, so as to improve their analytical skills and creativity according to the abilities of each student.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives USE OF WHATSAPP AS A STUDENT LEARNING MEDIUM 2023-07-20T13:12:53+00:00 Ahmad Hidayatulloh [email protected] Tutuk Ningsih [email protected] <p>Education is a process of teaching and learning activities that can lead to an expected change in behavior. In an effort to improve the quality of learning processes and outcomes in the classroom, considering that the process of learning activities is a communication process, the school is a small communication world of its own. Thiseducation has a very important supporting role for the success of the learning process. With learning media, it will increase students' enthusiasm and understanding of the subjects taught. Educators are individuals who are able to do in-depth educational work in an educational setting to achieve educational goals. While students are children who are growing and developing Growing physically and psychologically Mental and intellectual development. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explain the use of social media in student learning activities in social studies subjects in class 4b MI Al-Iman Sarwadadi. The result of this study is that social media is very helpful for social studies learning activities in grade 4. Social media makes it very easy for students to understand and memorize what is given by the teacher. In this case, social media can be said to be very effective in helping teachers in delivering material</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives CALISTUNG LEARNING CONCEPTS IN EARLY CHILDREN BASED ON A CIRCULAR LETTER No.1839/C.C2/TU/2009 2023-07-20T13:18:23+00:00 Lola Ranti [email protected] Rohayu Fadilla [email protected] Nelly Marhayati [email protected] <p>Based on circular letter No.1839/C.C2/TU/2009 which says that actually learning Calistung in early childhood is not justified. However, in reality the phenomenon that is currently happening in the school and community environment is regarding the ability to read, write, count or calistung in early childhood, in which some teachers or educators still teach calistung to children who are not according to their age, as well as various kinds of demands from other parties. If the child has graduated from <em>PAUD</em> and wants to enter <em>SD</em> or <em>MI</em>, he or she must be able to read, write and do arithmetic or can be known as Calistung, because this demand makes most parents anxious, they are afraid that their child will graduate from early childhood education. unable to do Calistung, which causes their children to not be accepted at the top (favorite) schools, so their parents demand that the early childhood teachers teach Calistung, because the demands of these various circumstances require teachers to beat all children to be able to do Calistung before they enter. to Elementary School (<em>SD</em>). Through this paper the researcher tries to analyze the intent of the Circular Letter and tries to offer the concept of calistung learning to early childhood, so that it does not conflict with existing circulars. The approach in this study is the library research approach, because this research was carried out using literature, either in the form of books, circulars, notes, or reports on the results of previous research. The research data is only on library collection materials, books and articles without the need for field research. Material sources include books, journals, various documents and the last is giving opinions in research on what has happened before by presenting new discoveries in connecting different thoughts, especially in this paper is about calistung learning in children aged earlier than the existing circular letter. Based on the results of the analysis, the researcher found that calistung learning must be adapted to the developmental stages of the child's age, the ability of the child and prioritize learning while playing. The implications of this research are that it is hoped that there will be no more coercion on children in learning calistung from both parents and teachers.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives USE OF DOMINO WORD CARD TO IMPROVE READING SKILLS FOR MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH STUDENTS 2023-07-20T13:34:57+00:00 Nur Indriyati [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study was to identify the use of domino word cards in class I (one) MI Darwata Karangasem learning. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research was conducted at MI Darwata Karangasem, Sampang, Cilacap. The research subjects included grade I (one) students at MI Darwata Karangasem. The results of the study show that when properly designed, the use of domino word cards in learning at MI Darwata Karangasem is an effective learning medium. This learning media can simplify and improve the quality of learning, increase student learning motivation, support individual learning according to student abilities, and can be used to improve reading skills, recognize a lot of vocabulary, and in identifying vowels and consonants in students. The use of domino word cards also has the benefit of the teacher being able to find solutions or solving problems encountered in learning. Madrasas have provided various supporting factors for learning media. With the existence of domino word cards, students' interest in learning increases, and the presence of the media also provides additional motivation for students, so that students do not become passive in the learning process.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives GIVING THE RIGHT DOSE OF DIGITAL PARENTING CAN INCREASE INTELLIGENCE IN CHILDREN 2023-07-20T13:39:49+00:00 Rohyati [email protected] <p>In an increasingly modern era, communication tools and other supporting tools are becoming easier to obtain. Such as television, smartphones, internet networks, electronic mail or cell phones, computres and so on. Not a few parents pass on their childern by providing parenting patterns for children who are so familiar with digital devices. This is certainly true, however, giving excessive doses and letting children enjoy modern electronic sophistication can actually plunge children into things that we did not want before. So giving the right dose of the use of modern electronic devices is also very important. This study aims to see and analyze about giving the right dose can increase intelligence in children. Experiences like this can be proven through experiments conducted by a housewife in the city of Detroit in a book entitled The Read-Aloud HanBook by Jim Trelease. Sonya Carson is a single parent who has managed to educate her two sons to become successful and successful human beings. By reducing the hours of watching television or those related to digital media and emphasizing more on the world of reading as the development of knowledge. This research uses a literature study or literature study by looking for some literacy that has occurred in accordance with the subject matter that has beeb adapted to the theme that has been made. The author uses a qualitative approach method. Because the data obtained is in the form of words or descriptions. The author searches data through reference sources such as book, articles, journals, scientific papera and the like, then understands, analyzes, and interprets it into a scientific work thatbis easily understood by writers and readers.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives DIGITALIZATION CHALLENGES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY CHILDREN'S READING AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE EXISTENCE OF PHYSICAL BOOKS 2023-07-20T14:10:11+00:00 Septimia Puspa Hastria Sayu Wiwit [email protected] <p>Digitalization has changed many aspects of life, including the way children learn and read. Today's children are often more familiar with technology than physical books, thus threatening the existence of physical books. This study aims to describe the extent of the influence of digitalization on early childhood reading development and the existence of physical books. The research method used is library research (Library Research) in which the author conducts a study and collects data sourced from the media of books, literature, notes, as well as relevant studies related to the research object to be studied. The results of this study are a discussion of the challenges of digitization that must be faced by parents and teachers towards the development of early childhood reading and digital literacy challenges that threaten the existence of physical books.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives APPLICATION OF COLLABORATIVE LEARNING MODEL IN IMPROVING GROUP SPEAKING SKILLS IN INDONESIAN LEARNING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2023-07-20T14:16:28+00:00 Seventina Laily [email protected] Heru Kurniawan [email protected] <p>This study aims to explore the application of collaborative learning models in improving group speaking skills in Indonesian learning in elementary schools. A qualitative approach with a case study research design was used to collect data from several elementary schools. Research participants include students and teachers Indonesian involved in implementing collaborative learning models. The results showed that the application of the collaborative learning model significantly improved the speaking ability of the group of students. Students experience increased participation, collaboration, and group speaking skills through interaction in small groups. The application of this model also has a positive impact on the development of students' critical thinking skills. Discussion and reflection in groups allow students to ask questions, present arguments, and consider various points of view.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives APPLICATION OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING MODELS IN INSTILLING NUMERICAL LITERACY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD 2023-07-20T14:52:30+00:00 Sri Widhiyanti [email protected] <p>Every child learns in a different way and as an educator it is very important to find the right teaching method. In addition, consistency in increasing numerical literacy in early childhood is very important. Using a variety of teaching methods on a regular basis and giving your child encouragement and praise when they are making progress can help improve a child's numerical literacy significantly. This study uses a type of field research. From this study it was found that the project based learning method through market day activities can be applied to instill numerical literacy learning in early childhood because this project based learning emphasizes the process of solving a problem. Apart from that child Gain invaluable experience by actively participating in project work.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE ROLE OF NON-FORMAL EDUCATION IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION THROUGH PLAY GROUPS 2023-07-20T14:59:37+00:00 Syifa Sabina Febriani [email protected] Nadlira Nurazkia [email protected] Fatimah Az-zahra [email protected] Zakiyatunufus [email protected] <p>Non-formal education (PNF) is basically education that takes place outside the school track (formal education). Non-formal education targets cover all levels of society and are not limited to age, gender, socioeconomic status and previous level of education. Early childhood education plays an important role to build the development of intelligence, attitudes, thoughts and personality in children age&nbsp;through&nbsp;early childhood education (ECE).&nbsp;The method used in this research is descriptive research method.&nbsp;Data&nbsp;collection techniques by conducting review studies of books, literature, notes, and reports that have to do with stored problems. The formulation of the problems raised in this study is limited to how the role of non-formal education programs in improving the quality of early childhood education through playgroups. The results obtained are playgroups as one of the pre-school educational institutions that organize early childhood education on non-formal channels, take over the function of parents to provide early education for their children</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL LEARNING FOR EARLY CHILDREN IN THE READ ALOUD HANDBOOK 2023-07-20T15:02:40+00:00 Tri Laelina [email protected] <p>Digital learning today means a form of information technology that is applied in the field of learning for early childhood. Disadvantages of digital learning in early childhood can be seen if at this time children do not like handbook-based learning. Therefore, this research will examine early childhood in dealing with digital learning. This research method uses a literature review, which can be done through reading and collecting various media to be used as a reference.</p> 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives EFFORTS TO IMPROVE THE COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBOLIC THINKING OF GROUP A CHILDREN THROUGH CONSTRUCTIVE PLAY METHOD IN AISYIYAH KINDERGARTEN PURWOKERTO BLITAR 2023-07-22T04:03:00+00:00 Dewi Oktavia Hartiyaningsih [email protected] Dr. Umi Rohmah, M.Pd [email protected] <p>This research aims to find out the application, affecting factors, and developmental achievement through the constructive play method. This research used a qualitative-description approach and the research design is a study case qualitative Research held on 9th January 2023 in Aisyiyah Kindergarten Purwokerto Blitar. The source data in this research was obtained from interviews with teachers and students’ parents, moreover, the researcher observed 18 students in group A Aisyiyah Kindergarten Purwokerto Blitar which was guided by RPPH that adapted to the existing theme. Furthermore, the researcher applied general steps of block constructive play such as providing a mat (rug) for playing, preparing the number of blocks, sitting in a circle and having a dialogue about themes and activities, making agreements on the rules for playing blocks, then finally inviting the children to pick up the blocks for development play. Factors that affect the cognitive development of symbolism for group A in Aisyiyah kindergarten Purwokerto Blitar are caused by 2 stand-out factors namely environment and maturity factor. From the research’s result, the researcher found that the developmental achievement of the students from group A Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten Purwokerto Blitar is averagely Very Well Developed (VWD).</p> 2023-07-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives INTELLECTUAL AND SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE DEVELOPMENT IN EARLY CHILDREN THROUGH MUROTTAL AL-QUR'AN 2023-07-30T23:25:27+00:00 Anni Annisa [email protected] Uswatun Hasanah [email protected] Sitti Khotijah [email protected] <p>This study aims to describe the development of intellectual and spiritual intelligence in early childhood through the murottal habituation of reading the Koran at PAUD Al-Hasan Patean Sumenep. Al-Qur'an is a miracle that is believed to be able to improve the intellectual and spiritual qualities of children. Teachers, parents and society play an important role in developing the intelligence and spiritual intelligence of early childhood. This research is a phenomenological qualitative study in early childhood at Al-Hasan PAUD. The Miles and Huberman model is used as a data analysis technique which consists of: data reduction, data display, and verification. Collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that intellectual and spiritual intelligence in early childhood are very good, because there is strong cooperation between teachers, parents and the community in increasing intellectual and spiritual intelligence through murattal al-Qur'an. The role of the teacher in developing spiritual intelligence in early childhood can be done through the habit of murottal Al-Qur'an which is played every morning before teaching and learning activities take place. Meanwhile, parents get used to murattal al-Qur'an before going to bed and when they wake up. While the people get used to murattal Al-Qur'an before Maghrib and Fajr through loudspeakers in the mosque.</p> 2023-07-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives INQUIRY LEARNING MODEL FOR INDONESIAN LANGUAGE SUBJECTS GRADE 5 ADVERTISING MATERIALS 2023-07-30T23:32:30+00:00 Basiran [email protected] Heru Kurniawan [email protected] <p>This study aims to describe inquiry learning in advertising learning carried out by class V MI Miftahul Falah Karanganyar Gandrungmangu Cilacap class researcher for the 2022/2023 academic year. The method used in this study is the descriptive method. This form of research is qualitative. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, documentary studies, interviews, tests, and questionnaires. The data collection tools used in this study were observation guidesheets, recording devices, interview guidesheets, test sheets, student activity observation sheets, and questionnaire sheets. Based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out by researchers, it can be concluded that the planning and implementation of inquiry learning in advertising learning for grade V students of MI Miftahul Falah Karanganyar is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. The results achieved by students in inquiry learning on advertising learning are also satisfactory.</p> 2023-07-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives INTERACTION OF EDUCATORS WITH STUDENTS IN INCREASING STUDENTS' INTEREST IN LEARNING (CASE STUDY AT SD NEGERI NAGARAK CLASS IV) 2023-07-30T23:40:19+00:00 Muhammad Zainul Ramdani [email protected] <p>Interest in learning is a critical success factor in achieving learning objectives. Students who have a high interest in learning will have a sense of enthusiasm in participating in the learning process in the classroom and outside the classroom. One of the supporting factors for students' interest in learning is good interaction between educators and students. This study aims to determine how much influence the interaction between educators and students has in increasing students' learning interest. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method, with a qualitative descriptive type. The data collection technique used is observation and interview techniques, which are then analyzed using data reduction, data display then drawing conclusions and verification. The results of this study can find out how the interactions carried out by educators in the classroom during the learning process take place, the ability of educators in class mastery using good interactions as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors of interaction between educators and students in increasing students' learning interest.</p> 2023-07-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE FAMILY LITERACY MOVEMENT IN STRENGTHENING EARLY CHILDREN'S BASIC LITERACY 2023-07-31T00:00:43+00:00 Musyafa Ali [email protected] Kustiana Aprilia [email protected] Narpen [email protected] <p>As the first educational institution for children, the family becomes a place for learning for children. The character, intelligence, and development of children are formed and built from the family. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the process of literacy movement in the family in order to strengthen children's basic literacy skills. This type of research is field research using descriptive qualitative methods. Where the data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis used is using reduction techniques, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the family literacy movement carried out by parents at home in order to strengthen early childhood basic literacy is carried out by providing reading materials for children (storybooks, magazines, comics), story time, provision of study time, provision of media playing and learning for children, parents become role models and collaboration between the community and the school. The family literacy movement has major implications for children's development, especially in terms of cognitive and affective development where children with high literacy levels excel more in school and have self-confidence and are good at socializing.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives TRAINING ON MAKING EDUCATIONAL GAME TOOLS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION TEACHERS IN CIHANJAWAR VILLAGE 2023-07-31T00:10:33+00:00 Rika Purnamasari [email protected] Annisa Purwani [email protected] <p>This Student Creativity Program (PKM) aims to provide teachers with socialization and training on making APE (Educative Game Tools) to increase knowledge and skills in making APE for early childhood education. The introduction and training were carried out in two steps. The first step was a material presentation accompanied by questions and answers. The second step was the practice of making APE (Educative Game Tools)&nbsp; . In this second step, the PKM team demonstrated how to make APE (Educative Game Tools)&nbsp;&nbsp; innovations to develop early childhood motor, cognitive, and social abilities. Furthermore, the participants practiced APE-making according to what had been demonstrated by the PKM team and then adapt it to the PKM participants’ creativity and innovativeness. The results of this training revealed an increase in PKM participants’ knowledge about APE innovation and skill improvement to create APE. Data analysis was carried out by giving pre-tests and post-tests to 16 participants in Cihanjawar village involving PAUD teachers from three schools. Based on the evaluation results, APE-making training activities could increase early childhood education teachers’ knowledge and skills in making APE innovations for early childhood.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING-STEM ON THE 21ST CENTURY SKILLS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION STUDENTS 2023-07-31T00:18:52+00:00 Revi Gina Gunawan [email protected] Festiyed [email protected] Abdul Razak [email protected] <p>21st century skills are skills that must be possessed by students. Students' 21st century skills are still relatively low. Problem-based learning is a learning model that encourages students to improve 21st century skills. Problem based learning-STEM in the process of student learning activities has not run optimally. This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning-STEM model on students' 21st century skills. This research is a type of meta-analysis research. The data sources in this study came from 6 national and international journals published in 2015-2023. The process of searching for data sources through Google Scholar, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Wiley and Eric databases. The database for each study must meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The heterogeneity of the data taken was analyzed with the help of the Comprehensive Meta-analysis (CMA) version 3.0 application.&nbsp; Meta-analysis showed an effect size value of 1.45 with very high criteria. This finding shows that the Problem Based Learning-STEM model has a significant effect on students' 21st century skills. This model needs to be applied in every school so that students have 21st century skills.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE ROLE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN SHAPING CHILDREN'S MENTALITY THROUGH SEXUAL VIOLENCE PREVENTION AT SD N GUNUNG SIMPING 01 CILACAP 2023-07-31T00:25:30+00:00 Nurchayani Putri Abdul Latif [email protected] <p>The purpose of national education based on Law No. 20 of 2003 article 3 states that the purpose of education is to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God, have noble character, knowledge, capable, creative, independent and become democratic and responsible citizens. Thus, schools that are educational environments have an important role because through school children will be educated to be good members of society, including through the prevention of sexual violence. Sexual violence is a case that requires handling by all parties including the school environment, because victims of sexual violence will be mentally disturbed and can cause behavior that is not commendable. So that the prevention of sexual violence must be pursued from an early age to form a good mentality which will later form noble morals. In this study, researchers used a qualitative research approach with interview and questionnaire data collection methods. It is hoped that using this method will be able to explain real and in-depth conditions so that the purpose of this study is to dig deeper into the role of elementary schools in shaping children's mentality through the prevention of sexual violence.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives SOCIAL STUDIES LEARNING IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION WITH SOCIAL MEDIA AT MI MUHAMMADIYAH BUNTU KROYA CILACAP 2023-07-31T00:33:48+00:00 Mohammad Imam Wahyudin [email protected] Tutuk Ningsih [email protected] <p>This study aims to see the use of social media in social studies learning in the era of globalization. Social media is so fast growing that it forces everyone in education to keep up. Social studies learning of a school has changed using social media because it is able to convey messages to all students in their learning. This research uses qualitative research field studies. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and documentation. Research analysis is carried out by reducing data, discussing and concluding. The results of this study show that social studies learning with social media is very important, such as wa, you tube and tiktok, social studies learning activities with social media make sisiwa very happy in learning.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives GROWING FINANCIAL LITERACY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD IN THE ERA OF DIGITAL SOCIETY 2023-07-31T01:01:10+00:00 Lathifatul Fajriyah [email protected] Dessy Farantika [email protected] Yupita Ayu Desi Wulandari [email protected] <p>Financial literacy is one of the basic skills in managing finances effectively to improve financial well-being. Currently the use of financial services and the emergence of increasingly sophisticated financial tools, it is very necessary to teach financial literacy to children. One of the efforts to prepare a generation that is financially literate is to introduce financial literacy from an early age. The purpose of this research is to foster children's financial literacy skills in the era of digital society. The method used is a literature review in order to identify, review, evaluate, and interpret some of the existing research with interesting and relevant themes. The results of this study found that financial literacy at an early age is still low, due to low parental supervision in the use of money which is still considered taboo by parents.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE ROLE OF METACOGNITION IN BASIC CONCEPTS OF SOCIAL SCIENCE COURSES IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION 2023-07-31T01:07:57+00:00 Khairunnisa [email protected] Ibnu Hajar [email protected] Rachmah Hayati [email protected] <p>Metacognition is the ability to self-regulate within one's cognitive realm. The concept of metacognition is the idea of one's thinking. This research was conducted in the basic social science concept course. The purpose of this study was to look at the role of the concept of metacognition in social studies basic concepts in elementary school teacher education. The research method used is a qualitative method with a literature study approach. This literature study was carried out by collecting references from various data sources, including books, journals, newspapers, articles, books, documents and archives that are considered relevant. From this study it is known that the role of the concept of metacognition is very important in basic social science concept courses which can form more complex cognitions, develop critical thinking skills with collaborative decision-making activities, can help control college student academic self-control, formulate hypotheses, and can influence college student learning motivation.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives FOSTERING CULTURALLY GROUNDED LEARNING: GENERATIVE AI, DIGITAL STORYTELLING, AND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 2023-07-31T02:09:07+00:00 FX. Risang Baskara [email protected] <p>The integration of technology in education has been a subject of growing interest, particularly in the context of early childhood education. This paper investigates the potential of Generative AI and digital storytelling for enhancing learning experiences in early education, emphasising the significance of locality and community context. The research delves into how Generative AI and digital storytelling can create personalised, culturally relevant learning materials that foster a sense of belonging and identity among young learners. Previous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of digital storytelling in promoting creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills, yet incorporating Generative AI to create content that reflects a community’s unique characteristics remains underexplored. This inquiry aims to bridge this gap, comprehensively analysing the potential benefits, challenges, and strategies for implementing these technologies. A theoretical analysis based on a literature review is conducted to examine the research question. The findings reveal that Generative AI and digital storytelling have the potential to create inclusive, engaging learning experiences that resonate with young learners, remarkably when grounded in their local community context. This research contributes to the existing literature by offering fresh insights into applying innovative technologies in early childhood education. Significantly, this paper highlights the necessity of addressing ethical considerations, data privacy, the digital divide, and teacher training to ensure successful implementation. The study lays the foundation for future empirical research, policy formulation, and educational practice by addressing these challenges.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives INQUIRY LEARNING MODEL FOR INDONESIAN LANGUAGE SUBJECTS GRADE 5 ADVERTISING MATERIALS 2023-07-31T02:13:54+00:00 Isti Pujiati [email protected] <p>Lego games are one of the games that are often used in early childhood education. When playing with lego the children were very enthusiastic. This happens because the lego game can develop children's creativity and imagination. This study aims to describe the lego game in developing creativity and imagination power in early childhood. This research method uses a <em>congruent embedded </em>that applies one stage of qualitative data collection at a time. The results of this study found that the development of creativity and imagination in early childhood can be stimulated by playing with lego. Several results show that the advantages of children who often play with Legos include: the better their imagination in playing projects, the more developed their language vocabulary; their fine motor through the fingers flexible, and develop children's social-emotional through interaction with other playmates.&nbsp;</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives IMPLEMENTATION OF INSTILLING BIRRUL WĀLIDAIN VALUES IN CHILDREN 2023-07-31T02:58:57+00:00 Uswatun Hasanah [email protected] Sitti Khotijah [email protected] Anni Annisa [email protected] <p>Today's in this modern era, the development and sophistication of science and technology, but does not demand the possibility of moral degradation and moral deterioration in children, especially the morals of children to their parents. The scope of children's socialization is getting wider with various interests behind it, so most of them have put aside the sacred <em>Birrul Wālidain </em>values. Many of the children have dared to fight and disobey their parents just because their wishes are not fulfilled or even ashamed to recognize their parents in front of their friends because of the economic and social level of their parents who are backward and considered low. So in this study, the researchers want to examine deeply about the implementation of instilling the values of <em>Birrul W</em><em>ā</em><em>lidain</em> in children, as a form of realization of strengthening children's morals, so that children become persons who are devoted to their parents, because the morals embedded in children will be formed through daily habits. This research uses qualitative research, with data collection techniques, interviews, observation, and documentation. The object of research is in Soloh Dajah Hamlet, Murtajih Village, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency. The results of this research, are, that the programs formed to instill the <em>Birrul W</em><em>ā</em><em>lidain </em>values include, saying greetings and shaking hands when entering and leaving the house, instilling soft speech patterns to all elders, reading prayers to parents, every time after prayer, saving from the remaining pocket money given by parents.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives NATURE AS A FUN SOCIAL STUDIES LEARNING MEDIA (EDUTAINMENT STRATEGY IN TOURITS ATTRACTIONS) 2023-08-05T15:36:20+00:00 Wawan Irianto [email protected] Tutuk Ningsih [email protected] <p>This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The aim is to describe nature as a fun learning media. In Jatijajar cave complex, social science learning media were obtained in the form of human interaction in the economic field, namely the presence of traders in the culinary stalls and traditional markets. Geographical conditions were also found in the form of limestone mountains, forests and rivers. Meanwhile, at the tourist sites of Logending and Jetis beach, landscapes were found in the form of river mouths with mangroves, hills and beaches. There is social interaction between tourists and local residents. The economic interaction was in the form of buying and selling, tour boat services. Cultural interaction was in the form of kentongan and angklung art performances. The results of the study prove that the nature around Jatijajar cave tourism objects, Logending&nbsp; and Jetis beach can be used as fun social studies learning media.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives SYSTEMATIC REVIEW: THE EFFECT OF PLYOMETRIC EXERCISE PROGRAM ON CHILDREN‘S DEVELOPMENT 2023-07-31T13:54:30+00:00 Franky Alfonsius Pattisina [email protected] <p>Children with low motor competence have lower levels of physical fitness. Therefore, improving physical abilities in children with low motor competence can be an appropriate intervention, one of which is plyometric training. The aim was to examine the range and quality of literature, evaluate the efficacy and safety of plyometric training to improve motor performance in children. This study used a systematic literature review. Data sources were identified by searching the Elsevier database, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. Search terms included ''plyometric training,'' ''children,'' ''early childhood,'' ''pediatric plyometric,'' ''early childhood physical training,'' ''low motor ability,'' ''running training,'' and ''jump training,'' in various combinations. Results: Five studies found positive results due to the subjects included in the inclusion group. Plyometric training at prepubertal age with a training period of 4-12 weeks, can improve children's physical and motor fitness. Plyometrics in children safely does not cause injury to children. Conclusion: Plyometric intervention during childhood improves physical and motor fitness without causing injury.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE APPROACHES TO QURAN LEARNING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: CASE STUDY IN EAST AFRICA 2023-10-11T05:18:16+00:00 Samsam Ismail Hassan [email protected] <p>This abstract presents a study on the significance of culturally responsive approaches to Quran learning in early childhood education in East Africa. The research methodology involved an exploration of the topic to shed light on the vital role that cultural awareness plays in effectively teaching and engaging young learners in Quranic education. The study focused on examining how educators can adopt culturally responsive strategies to create inclusive learning environments that honor and embrace the diverse cultural backgrounds of children in East Africa. To conduct the study, a qualitative method approach was employed. Qualitative data was gathered through in-depth interviews with educators, parents, and community members involved in Quranic education. These interviews aimed to capture their perspectives on the importance of cultural responsiveness and its impact on Quran learning outcomes. Additionally, observations were made within Quranic learning settings to observe the implementation of culturally responsive strategies and assess their effectiveness. The findings of this study highlight the significance of integrating cultural knowledge, values, traditions, and linguistic diversity into Quran learning experiences. It emphasizes the benefits of culturally responsive approaches in promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Quran, as well as enhancing children's overall development. Furthermore, the study provides insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with the shift from traditional methods of Quran learning, such as ink and wood, to more modern approaches involving books and pens.</p> 2023-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives AC 220V DIGITAL THERMOSTAT BASED DRYING OVEN XH-W3001 TO IMPROVE TEMPERATURE ACCURACY IN THE DRYING PROCESS OF BLACK BETEL LEAVES (PIPER BETLE VAR NIGRA) AT PT. FBION KARANGANYAR 2023-08-05T04:27:54+00:00 Syahreza Figo Perdana [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study was to find out how to manufacture and test results of a black betel leaf dryer (Piper Betle Var Nigra) based on Digital Thermostat AC 220V XH-W3001. The research method used in data collection for this tool is the experimental method. The way to make a black betel leaf dryer (Piper Betle Var Nigra) based on Digital Thermostat AC 220V XH-W3001 is by connecting a heating coil, power fan and digital thermostat. The heating coil and fan will turn on when the temperature in the oven has reached and exceeds the specified lower limit. The trial results of the black betel leaf dryer (Piper Betle Var Nigra) based on Digital Thermostat AC 220V XH-W3001 have excellent temperature accuracy in the drying process of black betel leaves as evidenced by the use of this tool in testing the device with a temperature of 40°C- 45°C.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives MIKIR LEARNING WITH GO "ADIK SIMBA" FOR INDONESIAN LANGUAGE EDUCATION 2023-08-05T14:25:16+00:00 Umi Martuti [email protected] <p>Indonesian language learning in general is still monotonous, resulting in low student engagement in learning, particularly in class 5 of MI Ya BAKII Kesugihan 01. The "ADIK SIMBA" GO (Active Learning Media) is one of the tools that teachers can utilize to promote active learning using the MIKiR (Experiencing, Interacting, Communicating, Reflecting) approach in the Indonesian language learning process. This study is a qualitative research employing a case study design. The research subjects consist of teachers and students from class 5 of MI Ya BAKII Kesugihan 01. Data collection was conducted through interviews, observations, documentation, and field notes. MIKiR is a learning approach introduced by the Tanoto Foundation. During the learning process, students engage in discussions, both in pairs and groups, and create their own GO, enabling them to record important information and easily summarize the presented reading texts. The GO 'ADIK SIMBA' learning media is an acronym for several question words (What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How). Meanwhile, GO stands for Graphic Organizer. In Indonesian language learning, the GO does not have to adhere to the typical graph format, but can be creatively customized as needed (such as in the form of a flower, tree, etc.). This approach has been proven to effectively activate students in learning Indonesian language in class 5 of MI Ya BAKII Kesugihan 01.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives TEACHER EFFORTS IN DEVELOPING HONEST ATTITUDE IN EARLY CHILDREN IN RA MUSLIMAT NU WONOREJO, WONOPRINGGO DISTRICT, PEKALONGAN REGENCY 2023-08-05T15:43:48+00:00 Nailatul Lutfiyah [email protected] Widya Azizah [email protected] Triana Indrawati [email protected] <p>Early childhood education is a very interesting study in modern times. The materials taught in schools are not enough, there needs to be supporting activities such as habituation for children's moral and character education. The teacher is someone who has the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, exemplifying and evaluating his students. In achieving goals in learning a teacher becomes the spearhead in his success. This study aims to describe the efforts of teachers in developing honest attitudes in early childhood at RA Muslimat NU Wonorejo Pekalongan. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Primary data sources in this study are parents and children. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the efforts made by teachers in developing honest attitudes in early childhood at RA Muslimat NU Wonorejo Pekalongan are providing an understanding of honest attitudes, habituating honest attitudes to children or exemplify honesty, give praise and punishment to children, pay attention to children. The teacher's obstacles in developing an honest attitude to children are children not wanting to be regulated, the child's fear of the teacher because they will be scolded if they do something wrong, and lie to hide their mistakes, even though they have been advised but the child is still being dishonest or lying, the child's environment which is not good, busyness owned by parents, lack of knowledge owned by parents. The teacher's solution in dealing with obstacles is to provide an understanding of honesty and responsibility, don't feel bored in setting an example for children, don't abuse children, make a daily schedule between work and children and go to a place with a better environment.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives READ ALOUD METHOD IN IMPROVING EARLY CHILDHOOD EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AT RA RUMAH KREATIF WADAS KELIR 2023-08-10T03:04:11+00:00 Suci Wulandari [email protected] Salsa Nadillah Azizah [email protected] Retno Kurniasih [email protected] Ade Wiwit Baeti [email protected] <p>Read Aloud or reading aloud is a reading activity that is carried out by raising the voice accompanied by an appreciation of something that is read. This method is an effective method of training language skills in early childhood. Good language skills have implications for children's social emotional intelligence. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing and identifying the effect of the method Read Aloud in improving the emotional intelligence of early childhood at the Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir. This research is qualitative field research, namely data collection techniques using the results of observations, interviews, and documentation of research objects. The object of this research is RA Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir with a focus on the use of methodsRead Aloud in learning activities. The research data analysis technique was carried out by reducing data, presenting data in narrative form, verifying data, and drawing conclusions. Based on the findings, the researcher found that the method Read Aloud at RA Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir is done by: 1)Read Aloud at the beginning of each lesson; 2) Re-Calling reading results; 3) Cooperation between teachers and parents; 4) The routine of borrowing books at the Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir Community Reading Park. In addition, method Read Aloud effect on the emotional intelligence of early childhood at the Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir. Some of these influences are: 1) Emotional Sensitivity: Recognizing and Expressing Your Emotions; 2) Self-Confident: Courage and Confidence; 3) Self Control: The Ability to Manage Your Emotions Within.</p> 2023-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives PLAYING CONGKLAK TO DEVELOP COGNITIVE ABILITY IN EARLY CHILDREN 2023-08-10T03:10:49+00:00 Khomsatu Hidayatussolihah [email protected] Laila Inayah Zulaikhah [email protected] Mujiyani Lestari [email protected] Sabrina Agustin Krisanji [email protected] <p>The congklak game is a traditional game that is usually played among children. This congklak game is able to develop early childhood cognitive abilities. This research was conducted with the aim of training and developing cognitive abilities in early childhood. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research. Techniques in data collection is done by the method of documentation. Data analysis was performed by domain analysis. The results of his research are the ability to count, accuracy or focus and memory in early childhood.</p> 2023-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives TEACHER'S STRATEGY IN DEVELOPING SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE CHILDREN IN RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AT RADEN FATAH KINDERGARTEN CIMANGGU, CIMANGGU DISTRICT, CILACAP REGENCY 2023-08-15T05:26:19+00:00 Uswatun Khasanah [email protected] Novi Mulyani [email protected] <p class="Default" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 1.0cm .0001pt 1.0cm;"><span lang="EN-ID" style="font-size: 10.0pt;">The purpose of this study is to find out about the teacher's strategy in developing children's spiritual intelligence, especially in religious activities in Raden Fatah Kindergarten Cimanggu. Raden Fatah Kindergarten is one of the kindergartens in the Cimanggu sub-district which has more value in the religious field. This research uses a type of field research and also uses a qualitative approach which is presented in the form of descriptive analysis. Data were obtained by interview, observation, and documentation methods, and data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results of the study show that in developing spiritual intelligence there are several teacher strategies in developing spiritual intelligence in children, namely reading prayers before and after learning, reading hadiths, reading blessings on the prophet, and also reading asmaul husna, habituating Duha prayers, knowing and writing letters hijaiyah, memorizing short letters of the Qur'an (tahfiz), Friday blessings (infak), commemorating Islamic holidays. And after participating in these activities children experience development little by little over time.</span></p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives PLAYING PUZZLES TO EDUCATE CHILDREN 2023-08-18T03:38:45+00:00 Iftitah Putri Renfaan [email protected] Inggit Ariska Deniyanti2 [email protected] Nadia Oktalia Ayunda [email protected] Sariatul Hidayah [email protected] <p>Puzzle games are a type of educational game that can train a child's mindset in assembling pieces into a single unit. Playing puzzles can improve children's cognitive, fine motor, and emotional abilities. The purpose of writing this research is to find out the role of playing puzzles to educate children. This research uses a qualitative research type method - descriptive. The data collection technique is documentation. Data analysis in this research is reduction, classification, and verification. The results of this study are that playing puzzles can solve problems, be patient in dealing with problems, and can train fine motor development in children.</p> 2023-08-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE ROLE OF EDUCATOR FOR DEVELOPING INDEPENDENCE EARLY CHILDHOOD AT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL "ALBAIDHOWI" KEDUNGWUNI PEKALONGAN 2023-08-18T03:44:40+00:00 Nur Lita Putri Mawadah [email protected] Rofiqotul Aini [email protected] Nurul Khikmah [email protected] <p>Independence is one of the characters that must be owned by early childhood. One of the characters is discipline that needs to be developed for children from an early age, because it will shape the child's personality in the future. At Islamic boarding schools, students are slowly taught to do things for themselves without needing the help of others, such as eating or cleaning their own beds. This study aims to describe the role of Educator in developing the independence of early childhood and the factors that influence for developing the independence of students early childhood at Islamic Boarding school Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Proto Kedungwuni Pekalongan. This study uses a qualitative method. This type is field research. The Data collection techniques used interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the character of independence at Islamic Boarding School Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Proto Kedungwuni Pekalongan varies and requires a different period of time. Within 6 months some were able to act independently, but some were not. On average, early childhood students need 1-2 years to have independent character. Developing of independent character, it cannot be seen in terms of age, because there are 4 year old early childhood students who are more capable of being independent than 6 year old early childhood students. In this case the role of Educator influences on development independence of early childhood Students. The Educator must be able to set an example for early childhood students in being independent and provide supervision and habituation, because early childhood will always imitate what they see and usually do.</p> 2023-08-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE USE OF ANIMATION DIGITAL LEARNING MEDIA ON LEARNING OUTCOMES OF ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 2023-08-18T03:50:34+00:00 Nur Qomariah Panjaitan [email protected] Anita Yus [email protected] Rachmah Hayati [email protected] <p>Islamic Religious Education aims to grow and improve the faith and experience of students so that they become Muslim human beings who continue to develop in terms of faith, piety, nation and state, and to be able to continue at a higher level of education. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of digital animation learning media on learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education subjects. This research method is a literature study. Based on relevant theories and research results, it shows that student learning outcomes using animated media are significantly better. The use of animated digital learning media makes children more interested and interested in lessons that are visualized in the form of animated images because they are interesting, unique, funny and have different settings so they are easier to accept, understand, and more motivating.</p> 2023-08-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives IMPLEMENTATION OF PANCASILA STUDENT PROFILE TO CHILDREN AGED 3-6 YEARS: A SUPPORTIVE CO-PARENTING MODEL OF PARENTS AND TEACHER 2023-08-19T04:25:26+00:00 Tawaduddin Nawafilaty [email protected] Nur Ainy Fardana N [email protected] <p>The relationship between parents and teachers are importants in quality of good parenting and education, especially for children aged 3-6 years or what is commonly called early childhood. However, there are few facts for parents to know the importance of co-parenting in early childhood education, especially in implementing the Pancasila student profile. Through individual semi-structured qualitative interviews, researchers examined 15 parents where parents were involved in program activities planned by the school. This study employs iterative, inductive, and deductive analyzes based on Feinberg's (2003) definition of the major dimensions of co-parenting, a guiding theoretical framework that critical for understanding parent-teacher coordination and interaction. Three main themes emerge the importance of good and open communication. Between parents and educators, challenges when tribulation versus support used in their interactions, and tensions when parents and educators disagree versus agree on practices such as providing mutual respect, and cooperative training. This study found evidence of good supportive co-parenting interactions, especially positive communication associated with effective care coordination. The concept in supportive co-parenting offers a practical framework for supporting strong parent-teacher relationships and a theoretical tool to facilitate future research on parent-teacher relationships in early childhood education.</p> 2023-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives TEACHER CREATIVITY IN ISLAMIC LEARNING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD 2023-08-21T02:19:26+00:00 Rosyida Nurul Anwar [email protected] Siti Fatimah [email protected] <p>Islamic religious learning needs to be done from an early age to create a generation with strong and good religious morals. Teachers have an important role in providing Islamic religious instruction to students. Teacher creativity is needed to create religious learning to achieve the expected learning objectives. The purpose of this research is to find out how teacher creativity is in Islamic religious learning. This research is descriptive. The research locations were ABA 02 Kindergarten and ABA 15 Kindergarten, Mejayan District. The results of the study show that the teacher's creativity is solely to achieve learning objectives in Islamic Education, namely to make children who are used to worship able to say prayers and memorize juz amma. The teacher's creativity is to create innovative teaching materials, create a fun learning process, use fun methods, and use various learning media. Teacher creativity in learning Islamic religion becomes important in realizing professional teachers to produce students who understand the material and become future Islamic generations.</p> 2023-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives INCREASING JAVANESE LEARNING OUTCOMES THROUGH PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL BASED ON FLASHCARD MEDIA 2023-08-21T02:58:45+00:00 Cahyo Eko Nugroho [email protected] Cerianing Putri Pratiwi [email protected] <p>The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of Javanese students in ”Javanese Politeness”&nbsp; through the PBL model based on flashcard media in class IV students at SDN Dukuh 1. Student learning outcomes will appear through their ability to answer evaluation questions. This research is an action research. collaborative class using the Kemmis and Mc Taggart models. This research was conducted in class IV of SDN Dukuh 1, Bendo Magetan with a total of 15 students. This study consisted of 2 cycles. The research data was obtained through tests. Data analysis in this study was carried out with quantitative and qualitative descriptions. The results of this study indicate that the use of the model&nbsp; Problem Based Learning&nbsp; based on flashcard media&nbsp; can&nbsp; improve the learning outcomes of Javanese language class IV students at SDN Dukuh 1, Bendo Magetan</p> 2023-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSIVE LEARNING SYSTEM IN RAUDHATUL ATHFAL TANGERANG SELATAN CITY 2023-08-21T03:36:01+00:00 Hasanah [email protected] Kurnia Akbar [email protected] <p>The research objective is that the researcher wants to examine the description of how the implementation of the inclusive education system that exists in Raudhatul Athfal, South Tangerang City, what obstacles the teacher faces and how the teacher's efforts deal with these obstacles. By analyzing the problems and efforts of RA teachers, it is hoped that this research is simply to improve the quality of inclusive madrasah education. The results of the research are that the teacher has a vital role in managing all learning, from planning, implementation to the evaluation stage in measuring the success rate of early childhood with special needs in participating in learning activities. From the results of data collection in the field there are at least 3 stages faced by RA teachers which are challenges for teachers in implementing inclusive education in madrasas. The first is the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. in the preparation stage the challenges faced are (1) the teacher does not use the initial screening stage as a form of screening regular children with children with special needs, (2) the teacher does not understand the identification procedure when admitting new students, (3) the teacher does not understand the curriculum model in inclusive education settings , (4) teachers do not use assessment instruments as material for consideration in planning PDBK learning programs, (5) teachers do not prepare PPI for PDBK.</p> <p>At the implementation stage in madrasah, among the obstacles faced were (1) teachers did not have qualified human resources in handling PDBK, (2) most PDBK were not accompanied by GPK, (3) teachers conducted trial and error in handling PDBK. whereas at the assessment stage, because madrasas have not implemented PPI, the assessment or evaluation does not refer to PPI as ideally inclusive madrasas in measuring children's abilities during learning. From a number of challenges faced by inclusive madrasas at the Raudhatul Athfal (RA) level, several efforts have been made to overcome these challenges, such as working with parents, having accompanying teachers, giving rewards when children can follow instructions, collaborating with outsiders in providing solutions to problems experienced by madrasas and providing resource space for special learning for AUDBK in madrasas. Madrasas are required by the government not to reject ABK with certain categories but teachers lack knowledge about the concept of ABK and handling it. We also recommend that in addition to maximizing technical assistance regarding AUDBK, it also guides the addition of BOS funds per AUDBK to be higher than regular children, this is intended to enrich facilities and infrastructure, media and other supporting facilities in improving the quality of madrasas towards better inclusive madrasas.</p> 2023-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives THE INFLUENCE OF BEKEL BALL GAMES ON EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT 2023-08-21T03:55:36+00:00 Dwi Yuliana [email protected] Ghosanah Ulfah Anaka Putri [email protected] Lukman Maulana [email protected] Sevtin Tania Lestari [email protected] <p>The bekel ball game is a traditional game. This game is useful for training motor movements in children. Thus, this study aims to determine the effect of bekel ball on children's development. This research uses qualitative and descriptive research methods. The data collection technique used was documentation. And the data analysis is reduction, classification, and verification. The results of this study are that the game of bekel ball can develop motoric, emotional, and social values in children.</p> 2023-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives IMPROVING WRITING AND SPEAKING SKILLS IN INDONESIAN LANGUAGE SUBJECT THROUGH INTERVIEW PRACTICE 2023-08-22T06:17:18+00:00 Tasbihah [email protected] <p>The Indonesian Language is the national language of Indonesia, which has diversity including ethnic groups and languages. Therefore, all citizens are required to learn the Indonesian Language from elementary school to university. In learning the Indonesian Language, there are four skills that students must master: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The low creativity of teachers in using methods during Indonesian Language lessons makes students less motivated, resulting in their writing and speaking skills being underdeveloped. Thus, the research problem is how interview practice can improve the writing and speaking skills of fifth-grade students. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis. The research findings indicate that interviews can enhance writing and speaking skills, although not 100% as there are still four students who tend to be passive or silent. This interview method is suitable to be implemented by teachers during lessons because it is effective, engaging, and enhances students' writing and speaking skills.</p> 2023-08-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives MORAL VALUES OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN THE BOOK "EAT WITH FAMILY“ BY IGNATIA PRABANI SETIOWATI 2023-08-22T06:22:27+00:00 Umi Masruroh [email protected] <p>Moral education is one aspect that must be taught to early childhood. Through character education, children are taught about right and wrong, ethics, and the development of morality. Proper moral education will instill positive values, how important it is to build character for humans in general. Growing a character is not easy, it needs to be introduced and used to it from an early age. This study aims to analyze the picture book "Eating with Family" by Ignatia Prabani Setiowati on the moral values of characters in early childhood. The type of research used in this research is descriptive textual. Data collection techniques using documentation through reading and taking notes. The data analysis technique used is by reading, recording, analyzing and concluding. The results of the study show that the storybook "Mealing with Family" by Ignatia Prabani Setiowati contains good moral values to be taught to early childhood, namely the moral values of courtesy, religious/religious and moral values, patience, cooperation. Books are one of the media that can be used in teaching moral values to early childhood.</p> 2023-08-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK TO DEVELOP EMOTIONAL SOCIAL EARLY CHILDHOOD 2023-08-22T07:00:35+00:00 Akrima Khulailatul Maula1 [email protected] Indriyani Zulfatun Nikmah [email protected] Syeima Mohamad Toha [email protected] Ulfatul Khoiriyah [email protected] <p>Playing the hide and seek is one of the early childhood games. This game can develop the emotional social capability of early childhood.The purpose of this study to explain the early development of early childhood children at the game of the hide and seek. The research method used is qualitative-descriptive method. Technique of collecting data of this study observation of observation. Analysis of this research data using verification data analysis. The results of this study are the ability of social emotional children to have a positive change after applied game of the petak umpet. It can be seen from the post test results that increase the score obtained by each child. From the results of data analysis shows that the results obtained through the application of the hide and seek game goes well. Treatment of the time of the hide and seek is done repeated re-order for children to develop its social emotional ability. Child's social emotional ability include: can work with his friends who can be seen from the aspects willing to play with friends, happy when playing with friends and willing to help each other's friends.</p> 2023-08-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives LANGUAGE SKILLS IN EARLY CHILDREN 2024-01-15T14:10:07+00:00 Kasmiati [email protected] Oyan D. Taufiq Keseng [email protected] Rusli Takunas [email protected] <p>Language skills have an important role in early childhood language development. This research was conducted with the aim of identifying and explaining language skills in early childhood. The research method used is documentation, namely reviewing and researching theoretical documents that discuss early childhood language skills. From this document study, language skills in early childhood can be discovered and studied. The results of the research are that language skills in early childhood include language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each skill possessed by young children has its own characteristics according to the language abilities of young children themselves.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives