Construction Of Islamic Philanthropy Based On Local Culture (Study On Wonorejo Digital Village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency)


  • Lidiawati University of Brawijaya, Malang City, Indonesia
  • Ali Maksum University of Brawijaya, Malang City, Indonesia
  • Harmona Daulay University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
  • Oman Sukmana University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia



Construction, Islamic Philanthropy, Local Culture, Wonorejo Digital Village, Poncokusumo- Malang Regency


Indonesia as a country with a majority Muslim population has philanthropic developments that are quite encouraging both nationally and globally. This cannot be separated from the influence of the dimension of religiosity in Islam which is constructed in the culture of society. One of the customs that has been passed down for generations and continues to be preserved by the people in Wonorejo Village, Poncokusumo District, is the existence of various congregational traditions that become a forum for Islamic philanthropic practices typical of the Wonorejo Village community. This paper aims to analyze: 1) the construction of Islamic philanthropy in the Wonorejo Village community; 2) the process of acculturation of Islamic educational values into the local culture of the Wonorejo village community, and 3) the influence of local culture-based Islamic philanthropy on the socio-economic conditions of the Wonorejo Village community. The theoretical approach used is the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann and the Koentjoroningrat acculturation theory. Location is restricted in Wonorejo digital village Poncokusumo Malang. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection is carried out by observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. While checking the validity of data through triangulation. The results of the study found three things in the moment of externalization (the existence of exemplary characters), objectification (the existence of institutionalized community appreciation) and internalization (normative-theological-conservative, sociological-pragmatic-calculative, sociological-empirical-intuitive typologies). Meanwhile, in the acculturation process of Islamic philanthropy and local culture, there are a) influential scholars, b) group lifestyles, c) the means of practicing Islamic philanthropy, and d) the positive response of the community. Meanwhile, in the process of the influence of local culture-based Islamic philanthropy on the socio-economic conditions of the community, the people of Wonorejo digital village feel that the practice of zakat, infak and sadaqah and waqf has become a necessity and even creates a pattern of friendly, harmonious and peaceful relations even though it is not optimal in alleviating poverty in the local community, especially the absence of the use of technological media as a base for local Islamic philanthropy.


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How to Cite

Lidiawati, Maksum, A., Daulay, H., & Sukmana, O. (2023). Construction Of Islamic Philanthropy Based On Local Culture (Study On Wonorejo Digital Village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency). Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Philantrophy, 1(1), 92–100.