Hiling application: improving the economy of UMKM through hidden gembased on digital marketing


  • Asep Pasha Saepul Millah Universitas Islam Negeri Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Siti Atqiya Universitas Islam Negeri Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Siti Sarah Universitas Islam Negeri Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto




domographic bonus, economy, youth, digital marketing


Indonesia will face a demographic bonus phase in 2045. This will provide a great opportunity to increase high economic growth. However, if we look at the current conditions, the unemployment rate in Indonesia is actually increasing. This is because of the 65 million youth population, 24.07% are unemployed. Therefore, the role of youth is very much needed, because youth are the main key to driving the growth of the nation's economy in the future. The prosperity of a country depends on the current condition of the youth. By utilizing the wealth of natural resources, empowering MSMEs, and sophisticated technology in the erasociety5.0, this can be an opportunity for young people, especially generation Z to contribute to improving the nation's economy for the future. Hiling, namely the applicationdigital marketingthe work of the nation's children who will contribute to improving the country's economy. With the presence of the Hiling application, it is expected to have a positive impact on the nation's economy so that in facing the demographic bonus phase in 2045, Indonesia already has thorough preparation and becomes an advanced and prosperous country


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How to Cite

Millah, A. P. S., Atqiya, S., & Sarah, S. (2024). Hiling application: improving the economy of UMKM through hidden gembased on digital marketing. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 41–48. https://doi.org/10.24090/icontrees.2024.1103