Enhancing Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Elementary School Teachers through 21stmisE Workshop)
21stmisE workshop, tpack, elementary school teacherAbstract
This study was to determine the effectiveness of the 21stmisE workshop in improving the TPACK of elementary school teachers. A quantitative research with a pre-test and post-test control group design was employed. The 21stmisE workshop involved 60 elementary school teachers from Surakarta, Indonesia. The sampling technique was carried out by stratified purposive sampling. The instruments included test, questionnaire, and peer-teaching assessment sheets. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test, and normalized gain. The results showed that the 21stmisE workshop was effective in fostering the TPACK of elementary school teachers. This was proven by an increase in n-gain scores which reached 0.76 (high category). The effectiveness of the 21stmisE workshop in promoting TPACK can be used as a recommendation that the 21stmisE workshop is one of the programs that can improve the quality of elementary school teachers in teaching science. Thus, it can be used as a tool to develop the professionalism of elementary school teachers in a sustainable manner. Policymakers, both principals and education offices at various levels, can continue to motivate teachers under their auspices to participate in this kind of workshop
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