Interaction Between Religious People in the Muharaman Tradition in Linggoasri Village, Pekalongan District
Linggoasri Village, Social Harmony, Interreligious Interaction, Tolerance, Muharaman TraditionAbstract
This research examines interactions between religious communities in the context of the Muharaman Tradition in Linggoasri Village, Pekalongan Regency. This research mainly focuses on understanding how the Muharaman tradition influences social harmony and tolerance between religious communities in Linggoasri Village. The research method used is a qualitative study with an observational approach and in-depth interviews. The research results show that the Muharaman Tradition has played an important role in strengthening interaction between religious communities, increasing social harmony, and strengthening the value of tolerance in Linggoasri Village. The Muharaman tradition is also designed as a series of activities that reflect Islamic values and local wisdom in Linggoasri Village. Implementing this tradition also provides a unique forum for interaction between religious communities and creates a space for dialogue and cooperation that transcends the boundaries of belief. The implication of this research is the importance of understanding and maintaining local traditions to strengthen relations between religious communities and promote peace in a multicultural society.
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