The Influence of Islam on Sex Education in The Serat Centhini
sex, influence, educationAbstract
Serat Centhini is a monumental and renowned work of traditional Javanese literature. Its fame stems not only from its captivating narrative but also from its extensive and diverse content. Serat Centhini encompasses knowledge on plants, cuisine, geography, arts, Javanese astrology, language, literature, history, religion, and much more. Notably, it also includes education on sexuality. The sexual education presented in Serat Centhini is influenced by Islamic values, thus can be considered a Javanese version of sex education, given its status as a work of Javanese literature. The term "sexual education" is used because the text contains prohibitions and recommendations regarding sexual relations between husband and wife. This study explores whether Islamic influences are present in the sexual education content of Serat Centhini. The research data is derived from the prohibitions and recommendations for husband-wife relationships, known as saresmi, found in Serat Centhini, particularly in the first volume. The study aims to reveal the influence of Islamic teachings on sexual education in Serat Centhini. The results indicate that there is an influence of Islamic values on the sexual education presented in Serat Centhini
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Copyright (c) 2024 Pardi Pardi, Dimas Indiarto S, Suryo Handono, Saefu Zaman, Yusro Edy Nugroho, Sri Haryatmo, Dian Susilastri, Sutejo Sutejo
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