Maps and Critiques of Epistemology in Local Islamic Studies in Nusantara


  • Turhamun Communication, Islamic Studies, Da'wa



tradition, epistemology, local islam, nusantara, outsider, insider


This paper analyzes research that discusses local Islamic studies to be mapped and describes the criticisms circulating in the analysis of local Islamic studies in the archipelago by both insiders and outsiders. This research found that the local Islamic studies pioneered by Gertz with the epistemology of Abangan, Santri, and Priyayi have become role models for subsequent researchers. In general, researchers after Gertz agreed with Islam as a system, but many disagreed with the classification of the pro-day rather than Islam as a system.  Next came Nur Syam's collaborative epistemology, Woodward’s acrylate epistemology, and others. Criticisms of Abangan, Santri, and Priyayi Epistemology have sprung up after many researchers such as Harsja W. Bachtiar, Zaini Muchtarom, Nur Syam, Mark R. Woodward, Robert W. Hefner. It was Hefner's research and Niels Mulder who conducted the study with the same point of view but in different locations of the study. The local Islam study also developed in the context of urban Islamic studies, which is depicted with lifestyle changes, especially fashion but still accompanied by religious values. Urban Islam shows how the ability of unlimited relations or known as transnational. Through the fashion movement, they identified themselves as modern and shaleh or shalehah.


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How to Cite

Turhamun. (2022). Maps and Critiques of Epistemology in Local Islamic Studies in Nusantara. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 28–38.