Management of Talent and Interest Evelopment of Students


  • Ulpah Maspupah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto



management; talent and interest; development; student


The researcher saw the management of talent development and interest in students of the Islamic Boarding School An Najah Purwokerto very representative for review. Good management has touched the development of students' talents and interests. The management can be seen from the existence of the Student Santri Organization (Osma) which is included in the education curriculum of Pesma An Najah Purwokerto. Through Osma, students are directed to develop their talents and interests. The aim is to shape the mentality of students who are competitive by being able to show their skills or talents of interest when they are involved in society. Santri is expected not only to wrestle in the world of religion but also in other aspects of life. Pesma An-Najah Purwokerto is unique compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the Banyumas area. An-Najah Pesma has a diverse student body of student organizations compared to other pesantren. There are several santri organizations that other pesantren do not have, namely the Pondok Pena Community, Annajah Creative, OSMA AArJEC (An-Najah Arabic Javanese English Community), OSMA AEC (An-Najah Entrepreneur Club), OSMA Luthfunnajah and NH Perkasya An-Najah.


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How to Cite

Ulpah Maspupah. (2022). Management of Talent and Interest Evelopment of Students. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 91–109.