Implementation of Halal Financing Principles (Murabahah) at BPR Al Ashri Jember


  • Miftakhul Jannah Universitas Islam Jember
  • Farida Umi Choiriyah Universitas Islam Jember



halal financing, sharia principles, murabahah


This essay aims to identify the application of syariah principles carried out by BPR, namely BPR Al Ashri Jember. The current issue is about legal financing products, namely murabaha financing, especially in Islamic financial institutions that deviate from syariah principles. This study uses exploratory research methods, using interviews to collect data from BPR Al Asri customers. The results of this study indicated that the murabahah contract process is viewed from 1. The legality of the purchased goods 2. the agreement on the amount of financing between the customer with the BPR 3. the purchase of goods by the BPR and the power of attorney for the customer if buying the goods themselves.4. the acquisition price of the goods 5. the agreement in determining margin acquisition 6. The report of goods specifications 7. down payment status when there is a cancellation of the purchase of goods 8. guarantee in murabahah financing. From the several things above, it can shows regarding the process of financing customers, indicating that BPR Al Asri has implemented murabahah financing based on syariah principles


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How to Cite

Miftakhul Jannah, & Farida Umi Choiriyah. (2022). Implementation of Halal Financing Principles (Murabahah) at BPR Al Ashri Jember. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 141–150.