Community Empowerment Based Ecotourism Development Strategy Using Swot Method (Case Study of Tourism Pilots Managed by Community Groups)


  • Lili Rahayu Usfatun Khasanah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Nisrina Tuhfatul Azizah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto



development strategy, community empowerment, ecotourism


The development tourism in Indonesia growing with the pace of the world economy. Indonesia is a rich in natural touriand cultural tourism, nowadays the government is increasing aggressively developing tourism resources which will be planned as a source of foreign exchange, therefore the government realizes the importance of tourism as a sector that can improve the standard of living of the Indonesian people in general and in particular will improve the standard of living of the people. Regionally, in other words, it will increase the income of people who live in the environment around tourist attractions. Tourist villages are now becoming a trend in improving the economy by utilizing the potential of an area, one of which is in Ayah district. Research focus (1) How is the development of community-based ecotourism in Kebumen Regency, especially Ayah District. (2) How to implementation the development of community-based ecotourism Tourism in Kebumen District, Ayah District. (3) How to evaluate the development of community-based ecotourism in Kebumen, Ayah District. This study aims to provide an understanding of analyzing the formulation, analyzing the implementation, and analyzing the evaluation in developing the tourism sector, especially tourist villages as an effort to empower the community in Kebumen Regency, especially Ayah sub-district. The most interesting strategy that can be implemented in Ayah District tourism is the S-O 1 strategy, namely maintaining pricing, optimizing the quality and quantity


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How to Cite

Lili Rahayu Usfatun Khasanah, & Nisrina Tuhfatul Azizah. (2022). Community Empowerment Based Ecotourism Development Strategy Using Swot Method (Case Study of Tourism Pilots Managed by Community Groups). Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 163–171.