Hijup.com E-commerce Practices Based on Sharia Business Ethics


  • Zulfa Aofa Amalia UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto




e-commerce; bussines ethics; sharia business ethics; Hijup.com.


In the current era of digital globalization, almost all lines of life are transformed towards digital, including buying and selling activities. One of the efforts that must be made in planning electronic buying and selling (e-commerce) is promoting information on excess goods and expanding the market segmentation network with a wider designation to gain more competitive and global advantages and competitiveness. Cases of online fraud in e-commerce still occur. Business ethics is very necessary to manage and run a business. From this background, the formulation of this research is how Hijup.com's e-commerce practices are based on sharia business ethics. This research uses observational case study research, literature studies, and documentation. In this study it was concluded that Hijup.Com's e-commerce practices are in accordance with sharia business ethics.


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How to Cite

Zulfa Aofa Amalia. (2022). Hijup.com E-commerce Practices Based on Sharia Business Ethics. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 266–274. https://doi.org/10.24090/icontrees.2022.251