Muslim Community’s Interest towards the Rambut Gimbal Ritual in Dieng


  • Sonhaji UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto



ruwat, gimbal, muslim, interest


Rambut Gimbal rituals in Dieng have occurred for a long time. Residents in the Dieng and its surroundings, including Muslims, enthusiastically organize and follow the ruwat ritual. This study describes the interest of the Muslim community in organizing and following the ritual of ruwat rambut gimbal and the factors that encourage it. The data collection in this study is by in-depth interviews and observations. In-depth interviews were conducted with the community members who participated in the ruwat, the organizers, and the person who did ruwat rambut gimbal. Observations were made in the implementation of the ruwat rambut gimbal rituals before the COVID-19 pandemic. The selection of informants using the snowball technique and the results of data collection were analyzed qualitatively. Community interest in the ruwat rambut gimbal ritual is influenced by the urge to earn income, entertainment/tourism facilities, preserving traditions, and local government support. While the factors for organizers and actors include belief in ancestral spirits, the fate of children, and traditions without regard to Islamic teachings that they know as Muslims.


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How to Cite

Sonhaji. (2021). Muslim Community’s Interest towards the Rambut Gimbal Ritual in Dieng. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 133–143.