Iqbal’s Thought on the Relationship between Religion and Science And Its Implication to the Possibility of Islamic-Based Science


  • Hawasi Gunadarma University Jakarta



Iqbal’s thought, religion and science relationship, rational foundation, Islamic-based science


This paper aims to reconstruct Muhammad Iqbal’s thought on relationship of religion and science that has been described in his main work, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. In this book, Iqbal elaborates the mutual relation of religion, science, and as well as philosophy. As a Moslem thinker, he offers a new modern and progressive vision to reconcile two trends of value domains, namely religion and science. This reconciliation rationally demonstrates his philosophical thought concerning religion and science relation..He shows that eventhough religion has its transcendental value but it has cognitive content which seeking its rational foundation to science. He successfully bridges the connection between religion and science. It does not mean that science is superior over religion but science can give rational foundation of variety of religious experience. After describing Iqbal’s thought on the relationship between religion and science, this paper analyzes his fundamental idea and and his contribution to Islamic human intellectuals in modern time. Then, this writing tries to see its implication for the possibility of Islamic-based science in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Hawasi. (2021). Iqbal’s Thought on the Relationship between Religion and Science And Its Implication to the Possibility of Islamic-Based Science. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 159–177.