Faith and the Meaning of Life: Reflections on the Crisis Experience and Spiritual Transformation of Covid-19 Survivors


  • Fatma Laili Khoirun Nida Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus



faith, meaning of life, crisis, spiritual transformation, survivors of covid-19


The Covid-19 outbreak leaves an experience of suffering experienced directly by individuals when they are exposed to the deadly virus. The suffering felt during the illness became one of the experiences that brought life transformation for some survivors in several aspects of life including their psycho-spiritual aspects. This study aims to describe how the synergy of faith and the meaning of life as a spiritual aspect, becomes a carrying capacity for Covid survivors so that they are able to get through a period of crisis, and bring transformation to their spiritual life after they recover.  Researchers used a qualitative method with a case study approach and interview techniques to collect data on 4 COVID-19 survivors with moderate symptom experience in Kudus Regency. Based on the concept of the meaning of life in the theory of Logotherapy according to Victor E. Frankl, the results of this study indicate that the meaning of life contributes to the individual's ability to deal with the illness. The meaning of life cannot be separated from the respondent's faith in God and the meaning of destiny and endeavors that synergize to form a positive attitude in undergoing a period of crisis when sick. Success through the crisis leaves a transformation of spiritual quality in the form of increased motivation to worship and the ability to behave positive in life


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How to Cite

Nida, F. L. K. (2021). Faith and the Meaning of Life: Reflections on the Crisis Experience and Spiritual Transformation of Covid-19 Survivors. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 178–194.