Integration of Bibliotherapy Techniques and Spiritual Guidance as A Mental Strengthening Strategy in Post-Psychosis Patient Rehabilitation Dynamics


  • Fatma Laili Khoirun Nida Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus
  • Alimatul Fitria Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus
  • Rezeki Budi Lestari Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus



bibliography techniques; spiritual guidance; mental strengthening; rehabilitation; post psychosis patients


One mental health problem that is often overlooked is related to patient survival after undergoing psychosis treatment. The post-psychotic patient group is a group that is vulnerable to receiving bad treatment from society as a result of their experiences while suffering from mental disorders. Stigmatization and marginalization are forms of bad attitude that post-psychotic patients often receive when they return to society which triggers the failure of the mental treatment process they have been through. For this reason, mental strengthening is needed for psychosis patients as part of preventive efforts to prevent recurrence and re-treatment. This study aims to determine the strategies used in the process of strengthening the mentality of post-psychotic patients when they are undergoing the rehabilitation process before discharge. This study used a qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation conducted at the Jalma Sehat Mental Rehabilitation Center, Kudus Regency as the research location. The results of the study explained that the mental strengthening was carried out by therapists at the study sites by integrating biblitherapy techniques in the form of creation and innovation of wisdom stories which were integrated with spiritual guidance during the rehabilitation process before discharge. The interventions provided have an impact on the mental readiness of post-psychotic patients to face all the worst possibilities they receive when they return to society. This research is one of the contributions in the development of concepts and practices in psychotherapy for psychosis patients, especially in the study of rehabilitation after psychosis treatment. 


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How to Cite

Nida, F. L. K., Fitria, A., & Lestari, R. B. (2022). Integration of Bibliotherapy Techniques and Spiritual Guidance as A Mental Strengthening Strategy in Post-Psychosis Patient Rehabilitation Dynamics. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 287–293.