The Position of Women in The Public Space: Quran and Cultural Perspective


  • Khusnul Abdiyah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Lili Rahayu Usfatun Khasanah
  • Iis Sugiarti UIN Prof.K.H.Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Nisrina Tuhfatul Azizah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto



women; public sphere; al-qur’an; culture


This study discusses women in the public sphere based on the perspective of the Koran and culture. This study uses a literature study research method with a descriptive approach that originates from the literature. This research discusses the role and position of women in the public sphere from the Al-Quran perspective, there are more or less three choices or opinions that we can accept. First, the opinion which states that since its emergence in Mecca and Medina, Islam has never allowed women to be involved in the social or public sphere. Second, the opinion which states that Islam has introduced the concept of women's involvement in the social sphere from the beginning. Third, the opinion which states that there are certain positions that can be occupied by women and there are other parts that cannot be touched by women. In terms of culture. Various corners of the region have their own perceptions in understanding the existence of a woman and most of them have an unfair understanding of the existence of a woman. It can be concluded that the position of women in the public sphere according to the Qur'an and culture has various views, but both of them recognize the role of women both in several positions.

Keyword: Women, Public Space, Quran, Culture


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How to Cite

Abdiyah, K., Khasanah, L. R. U., Sugiarti, I., & Azizah, N. T. (2023). The Position of Women in The Public Space: Quran and Cultural Perspective. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 73–88.