The Practice of Potato Plant Selling Potatoes with Conditional Agreements In The Perpective Of Islamic Law (Case Study in Siremeng Village, Pulosari Sub-District, Pemalang District)


  • Yusuf Bahtiyar UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto



the practice of buying and selling; conditional agreements


Abstract: The practice of buying and selling potato plants with this conditional agreement by using mutual trust and cooperation to carry out planting In this kind of cooperation, after the harvest, farmers are required to sell all of their potato yields to collectors or investors, not to other parties, and the selling price of the potatoes is determined by the financier. Therefore, the yields sold by farmers to collectors will be deducted to replace the seed prices given by investors to farmers at the beginning of the agreement. Therefore, the writer is interested in researching this problem. The focus of the first problem is: How is the practice of buying and selling potato plants with conditional agreements, and what is the perspective of Islamic law regarding buying and selling potato plants with conditional agreements in Siremeng Village, Pulosari District, Pemalang Regency.

The type of research used is field research, namely research by looking for data sources directly at the place that is the object of research. Primary data was obtained through interviews between researchers, collectors, and several farmers in Siremeng Village, and secondary data was taken from reference literature in the form of books, journals, research results, and other materials related to the problem under study. This research approach uses sociological normative methods, while data collection techniques use observation, documentation, and interviews. Then the writer analyzes the data using the inductive method.

The results of this study are inseparable from the conditional contract, so in terms of the benefit of these conditions and the fact that the pillars and conditions of sale and purchase are generally fulfilled, the sale and purchase are legally valid. by paying attention to all aspects of muamalah. However, these conditions do not affect buying and selling transactions. So the sale and purchase transaction is considered valid even though a condition cannot be fulfilled.

The Practice of Buying and selling; Conditional Agreements



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How to Cite

Bahtiyar, Y. (2023). The Practice of Potato Plant Selling Potatoes with Conditional Agreements In The Perpective Of Islamic Law (Case Study in Siremeng Village, Pulosari Sub-District, Pemalang District). Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 144–157.