Analysis of Islamic Law Regarding Zakat of Tiktok Celebrate Profession from Endorsmen Income


  • Titin Tri Hartini UIN Prof.KH.Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto



islamic law; professional zakat; tiktok celebrity; endorsment


Zakat is one of the funds or community assets that can be used to help people
who are unable to meet their daily needs so that they have the opportunity for noble
things as the Caliph of Allah on this earth. According to Islamic legal theory, a Muslim
is obliged to practice the pillars of Islam, namely zakat, if someone whose income has
reached his nisab then he is obliged to pay zakat a few percent of his income. This study
focuses on professional zakat. from a tiktok celebrity, a tiktok celebrity is someone who
has many followers on the tiktok application, and tiktok celebrities also earn income
from endorsement fees, by promoting goods or services belonging to online stores or
companies that you want to promote on Tiktok belonging to a tiktok celebrity in the
form of photo posts or videos. This research method is a Field Research study by
collecting data directly through interviews and observation. The informants in this study
were 5 tiktok celebrities who studied at UIN SAIZU PURWOKERTO and were willing to
be interviewed in this study. From the results of the study that the 5 respondents
already had knowledge about zakat from their income, but the influencers of the tiktok
celebrities did not understand the rules for paying zakat, but they already knew that
they had to pay zakat from the income they earned.


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How to Cite

Hartini, T. T. (2023). Analysis of Islamic Law Regarding Zakat of Tiktok Celebrate Profession from Endorsmen Income. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 315–322.