Empowerment of The Halal Industry Through A Mosque Based Ummah Business Market (UBM) Application During Post Covid-19


  • Eka Mega Pertiwi State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya




economy, industry, religious moderation, technology


The mosque is place of religious moderation as well as a place for economic and social development. Mosques can function as places of worship, philanthropy, and economic empowerment. Especially when the Covid-19 pandemic conditions require advice to strengthen faith, increase the profits of traders, and increase the distribution of income and consumption of the rich from those that are sufficient in a weak economic condition. The purpose of this study is to identify the optimization of the use of technology in the Ummah Business Market (UBM) which involves the mosque as the center of the economy and philanthropy, so that poverty can be overcome, provide decent jobs, and build sustainable industrialization. This is in line with the SDG values 1, 8, and 9 on poverty alleviation, provision of decent jobs, and strong industrialization development. This study uses an explanatory qualitative approach. Review the solution process for the community to shop online while giving alms and participating in mosque activities. In addition, a review of mosque solutions as a center for the economy and philanthropy until business people in increasing profits. The data used is primary data by in-depth interviews with application makers, mosque administrators, businessman, and continued with source triangulation, focus group discussions that discuss COVID-19 in many perspectives accompanied by opinions from 3 academics and 4 fiqh experts. The results of this study indicate that the potential use of Ummah Business Market (UBM) application technology involving mosques is a solution in fostering religious moderation, helping to distribute ZISWAF funds, and increasing business profits. Thus, mosques are suitable media for da'wah, solving humanitarian problems, eradicating poverty, creating jobs, until increasing the micro-economic sector and MSMEs


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How to Cite

Pertiwi, E. M. (2021). Empowerment of The Halal Industry Through A Mosque Based Ummah Business Market (UBM) Application During Post Covid-19. Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 35–41. https://doi.org/10.24090/icontrees.2021.7