The Solutions of Islamic Education Probematic in The Covid-19 Era (Family Education Perspective)


  • Riza Zahriyal Falah State Islamic Institute of Kudus
  • Naila Intania Wahid Hasyim University
  • Yudi Setiadi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta



islamic education, education problems, family education, pandemic era


There are several problems in Islamic education during the current pandemic. In contrast to other types of education, Islamic education has a special emphasis on transmitting religious values ​​and morality into the behavior and actions of children. Islamic education not only has the burden of responsibility for growing knowledge itself, but also character behavior in children based on religious values. One of the biggest influences to deal with such investigations is the family. Family education is very important because of the Government's Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM). The family must be able to become a laboratory for Islamic education for students in the context of habituation and discipline in life attitudes. In a role like this, the family is like the closest educational institution for children, with parents as the main teacher, without eliminating the role of the teacher and the actual educational institution. This study uses a qualitative method. The data in this paper are sourced from interviews, as well as literature relevant to the writing. There are three sources in this paper who were selected based on the purposive sampling method. The results of the interviews, as well as the relevant literature were then analyzed and showed that parents play an important role in shaping the character of students to become complete human beings, namely acting as educators (educators), facilitators, motivators, companions and supervisors, as well as role models for children (uswatun khasanah). Therefore, parents have a greater challenge in supervising and supervising children because of the use of gadgets that are often used by children


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How to Cite

Falah, R. Z., Intania, N., & Setiadi, Y. (2021). The Solutions of Islamic Education Probematic in The Covid-19 Era (Family Education Perspective). Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies, 42–48.