Announcement Nominee for Presenters

Dear presenters,
We are glad to inform you the selected abstracts that meet preliminary acceptance requirements set forth by the Committee. Thus, we cordially invite you to give oral presentation at the The 3rd Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies (Saizu ICON-TREES) 2023 which will be held on Monday, June 26th, 2023 at Luminor Hotel, Purwokerto. Now, you need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Indonesian abstracts must be translated into English or Arabic.
  2. Full paper must be in English or Arabic. Please kindly follow template! (Proceeding Template or Journal Template)
  3. Registration payment for selected abstracts must be completed before June, 16th, 2023 at BNI SITI SARAH bank account number 0266559318.
  4. Power Point for Presentation ( English or Arabic) must be submitted before June 19th, 2023 at
  5. The Authors should present the paper not more than 12 minutes
  6. Full paper submission is encouraged to be submitted before July, 10th 2023 for International Proceeding and articles for journal should follow the journal publishing schedule
Number Authors Themes
1 Hendro Prabowo, Mahargyantari Purwani Dewi , Mu’minatus Fitriati Firdaus, Nur Aziz Afandi, Aski Marissa The contribution of Pondok Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) to developing poor's mental health
2 Inayah and Muhammad Ahsanul Husna Isykaaliyyah Mushthalah Sardiy ‘an al Buhuts fi al Majallah al ‘Ilmiyyah wa Tathbiq Istikhdaamuha fi al Qira’ah al Shamitah Lada al Thullab al Jami’iyyah (إشكالية مصطلح سردى عن البحوث في المجلات العلمية و تطبيق استخدامها في القراءة الصامتة لدى الطلاب الجامعية) / The problem of narrative term on research in scientific journals and the application of its use in silent reading among university students
3 Pardi, Dimas Indianto S., Yusro Edi Nugroho, Saefu Zaman, Dian Susilastri Comparison Between Sheikh Amongraga’s and Tambangraras’ Actions in Serat Centhini and The Novel Of CenthinI: Kekasih yang Tersembunyi
4 Dewi Mahrani Rangkuty, Diwayana Putri Nasution, Gryanda Ansor Siregar Analysis of Customer Loyalty of Indonesia Sharia Bank
5 Nasya Millatul Faza, Tri Wahyu Agustina, and Milla Listiawati. Student System Thinking Skills in Learning Based on Stem Approaches (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
6 Yana Dwi Christanti, Halal Industry Development in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges Post Covid-19 Pandemi
7 Siti Nur Azizah, Annisa Nur Salam, Irna Yuliani The Impact of Productive Zakat in Poverty Alleviation and Income Inequality Reduction Evidence From Widows Managing Umkm in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
8 Meti Maspupah and Nurul Hidayah Comparative Analysis of The Results Of Animal Structure Practicum Based on online And Offline Knock Systems
9 Sri Hartati, Iwan Ridwan Yusup, Nurul Hidayah The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Based on The Talk Show Method on Students’ Critical Thingking Skill
10 Latifah and Ary Budiyanto Ambedkar's Life Struggle as A Means of Promoting Social Equality, Religious Freedom, and Critical Education for Student-Teachers at A Buddhist College
11 Jasuli Pesantren Leadership in Developing Character of Love for The Motherland at The Maqnaul Ulum Pesantren Sukowono jember
12 Kurnia Sari Wiwaha Isna Maslakhatul Fitria, Zahra Al Madina The Impact of Religious Ethic Al-Gazhali on Islamization of Knowledge
13 Wahyu Purwasih and Ahmad Sahnan Deviant Behaviour in The Use Of ChatGPT: (An Analytical Study Of Student Behaviour)
14 Hermi Annisa Implementation of Interpretation Method in Memorizing Al-Quran for the Elderly at Darul Huffadz Assembly, Bantarbarang Village, Rembang District, Purbalingga Regency
15 Ahmad Zaenuri Imron Hamzah, and Muchimah The Historical Debate Over The Prophet's Marriage With Zainab Binti Jaĥsyi
16 Nurul Salis Alamin and Syifa Rizki Sholihah Analysis of the Use of ChatGPT in Education: Perspectives on the Value of Islamic Education
17 Turhamun The Urgency of Hadith Studies: Codification and Methodology
18 Munawwaroh, S.Pd.I, M.Pd مفهوم الفلسفة الخالدة في التربيّة الإسلاميّة
19 Amirotul Khasanah, Khodijatul Kubro, Fahmi Hadianto and Muhammad Aufal Minan Learning Qira'at Science in Efforts To Enhance The Religious Competence of The Qur'an of Islamic Religious Education Students
20 Lutfi Sagita Fitri and Irma Dwi Tantri Analysis of Error in Solving Fraction and Decimals Viewed From The Nolting Theory in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students
21 Tarekh Febriana Putra and Leni Anggraeni The Ideal Islamic Political Education for Realizing Democratization of State
22 Sutrimo Purnomo, Windhariyati Dyah Kusumawanti, Fatkhan Munif Madrasah Development Model Based on Strengthening The Integrity Values in Banyumas Indonesia
23 Anna Amalia A Critical Approaches to Religious Literacy in the Indonesian Context
24 Fitria Zana Kumala Nur Rahmawati, Wilda Nur Fauziyah Ethnomathematics Exploration of Cathedral Church of Christ the King Purwokerto
25 Hamdi, Setria Utama Rizal, Nurul Hikmah Dynamics and Roles: The Combination of Islamic Pesantren Education patterns and General Education in Forming Religious Character at Dar Al Raudlah Pangkalanbun
26 Zaky Mumtaz Ali زيادة الإيمان ونقصانه عند أهل السنة والجماعة (الفهم الوسطي للإيمان ضد الحركة التكفيرية)
27 Nura Fajria Islamic Media Da'wah Accounts Instagram @MUBADALAH.ID and Its Alignment with Gender Equality Issues for Women and Men
28 Vivi Sri Rafika Umroh and Elyta Imaniari Interpretation of Sedekah Raja Symbol at Gerebeg Celebration at The Ngayogyakarta during The Covid 19
29 Aprilya Fitriani, Muhammmad Muhib Alwi, Mochammad Dawud, Zainul Fanani Dynamics of Implementation of Halal Certification for Business Actors
30 Nurjanah Pujirahayu Laily Nur Hidayati, Faustina Khairunnisa, Laisa Bahraini. Design of Arabic Vocabulary Learning Media Through Al-Rashad Card Based on Augmented Reality
31 Muflihah, Nadya Ilma Rosyida, Ahsanur Rifqi, Usman Agustin, Maslani The Values of Religious Moderation in the Student Book of Islamic Education and Moral Character Phase B of the Merdeka Curriculum
32 A. Muammar Alawi The Attractiveness of Educational Halal Tourism_Alawi_UPN-Jatim
33 Riana Khomisatun Khasanah and Dewi Ariyani Improving the reading literacy culture of Islamic elementary school students in Pemalang, Indonesia
34 Faozi Latif Initiating Social Fiqh Sahal Mahfudz
35 M. Ikfil Chasan, Triyono Rakhmadi, Abdul Basit Bibliometric Analysis of The Mawlid Celebration
36 Layla Mardliyah Integration of Local Cultural Literacy through Traditional Games in Textbooks in Elementary Schools
37 Yaomi Al Afgani and Dewi Ariyani Management of Raudloh Tarbiyyatil Qur'an (RTQ): Islamic activities for elementary school students' self-development
38 Adeni, Lukmanul Hakim, Silviatul Hasanah Rethinking Islamic Da'wah Model in The Context of Digital Space
39 Yusuf Bahtiyar The Practice of Buying and Selling Potatoes wiyh Conditional Agreements form Islamic Law Perspective (Case Study in Pulosari Pemalang)
40 Aghnia Mubarok AA Wadiah Akad on Gold Savings at Pegadaian Viewed form Sharia Economic Law Perspective
41 Wagino Fithrah Zakat to Babies Shaman (Dukun Bayi)
42 Rofina Dienasari Implementation Policy Halal Certification For SMEs In the Regency Banyumas
43 Inayah Kholifatul Khasanah Law Protection for Wives Due to Victims of Domestic Violence in The Cilacap Resort Police from The Perspective of The PKDRT LAW
44 Kano Waluyo Islamic Study with Political Approach
45 Titin Tri Hartini Islamic Law Anaysis of Tiktok Celebrity about Zakat Profesi from Endorsement Income
46 Khusnul Abdiyah, Lili Rahayu Usfatun Khasanah dkk The position of woman in the public space qur'an and cultural prespective
47 Nugroho Notonegoro Islamic Study with Integrative-Indisciplinary Approach
48 Siti Sarah The Development of Teacher Leadership Assessment Instruments In Physics Learning
49 Lusi widyasari Selling and Buying Bodong Motor Perspective of Law no.8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protektion And Islamic Law


Abdal Chaqil Harimi
Chairman of The Committee