Literature in Islam and its Role Strengthening Nationalism


  • Vick Ainun Haq UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
  • Amirudin UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
  • Alkaf Rodiallah Ma UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim



Literature, Islamic, Nationalism


The modern era has a positive impact on nationalism and religious matters as well as on mafsadat, the literary study of a knife, that has a critical-casuistic impact on civilization. Both of them are related since religion frequently uses literature as a vehicle for teachings (Islam; Rahmatan lil-alamin) and literature frequently incorporates religious ideals into its themes. This essay seeks to discuss the deep review of literature in Islam from history to the most recent effects. This study's methodology uses a qualitative approach with a type study library, information drawn from books and journals, and a focus on literature, Islam, and nationalism as main sources and pertinent secondary sources, respectively. The study's next study showed how the Indonesian nation's diversity can be strengthened in the face of the negative effects from globalization. So, this study's discussion will be focused; (1) The existence of Islamic literature in Indonesia (2) Indonesian intellectuals' the use literature as a medium for da'wah based religious moderation.



2022-10-20 — Updated on 2022-12-30


How to Cite

Ainun Haq, V., Amirudin, & Rodiallah Ma, A. (2022). Literature in Islam and its Role Strengthening Nationalism. International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya, 1(1), 418–424. (Original work published October 20, 2022)