International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya <p><em><strong>International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya </strong></em>is an international proceeding that focuses on efforts to publish thoughts according to the scope of the theme in the form of scientific proceeding in the framework of realizing the work program of the Lembaga Kajian Nusantara Raya UIN Saizu Purwokerto with various parties including Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) South Korea, KIFA, and the Balai Bahasa Jawa Tengah (BBJT).</p> en-US [email protected] (Heru Kurniawan) [email protected] (Mukhamad Hamid Samiaji) Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Interpretation of Love in the Book of Sajak Nun by Abdul Wachid B. S. (Riffatere Semiotic Analysis) <p>This poetry analysis was made with the aim of interpreting the concept of love in the book 'Collection of Nun Rhymes' by Abdul Wachid B. S. This qualitative research uses literature research methods. Data collection is carried out using reading and recording techniques both lecture notes, books, journals and literature related to the discussion in research. The selected poems that were used as the object of this study were poems entitled 'Lap of the Heart' and 'I Tear' in the book 'Collection of Nun Rhymes'. Dissection of the meaning of poetry applies Michael Riffaterre's semiotic theory relating to Huristic and Hermeneutic approaches, Models, Variants and Matrices and HypogramsAnalisis puisi ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menginterpretasikan konsep cinta dalam buku <em>‘Kumpulan Sajak Nun’ </em>karya Abdul Wachid B. S. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan metode&nbsp; penelitian kepustakaan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik baca dan catat baik catatan kuliah, buku, jurnal serta literatur yang berkaitan dengan pembahasan pada penelitian. Puisi-puisi pilihan yang dijadikan objek penelitian ini merupakan puisi berjudul <em>‘Pangkuan Hati’ </em>dan <em>‘Aku Airmata’ </em>dala buku <em>‘Kumpulan Sajak Nun’</em>. Pembedahan makna puisi menerapkan teori semiotik Michael Riffaterre yang berkaitan dengan pendekatan Huristik dan Hermeneutik, Model, Varian dan Matriks serta Hipogram.</p> Tania Rahayu Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Harmonization of Prophetic Dimensions and Locality in Bawor Characters <p>This study aims to describe the prophetic dimension and locality in the famous Bawor figure in Banyumas society. This research uses qualitative research methods that are descriptive. Data collection techniques using documentation. At the data analysis stage using Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis with three main elements, namely icons, indexes, and symbols. The results of the data describe that there is a harmony of prophetic dimensions and locality reflected in the figure of Bawor. This harmony is reflected in three important elements relevant to Kuntowijoyo's thought, namely humanization, liberation, and transcendental. The element of humanization is <em>cablaka</em> and represents the culture of the equality Banyumas people. The element of liberation is reflected in the character of Bawor who has a prevent the misfortune and always helps others in kindness. And the transcendental element connects that all the characters possessed by Bawor are based on Islamic values.</p> Ade Cahya Ningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Use Indonesian Deixis in The Banten’s Folklore Book 2 By Endang Firdaus <p>This study aims to describe the forms of person deixis, time deixis, and social deixis in the book People's Stories from Banten 2 by Endang Firdaus. This research is a qualitative Banten’s Folklore Book 2 by Endang Firdaus descriptive research. The data source in this study Banten’s Folklore Book 2 by Endang Firdaus which contains the use of deixis. In the Banten’s Folklore Book 2 by Endang contains several folk tales originating from Banten. The form of deixis found is speech or storytelling in written language in the Banten’s Folklore Book 2 by Endang Firdaus. The data collection technique in this study used the listen method with the basic technique of tapping and note-taking techniques as an advanced technique. The research instrument used in this study was the researcher himself (human instrument). Data analysis in this study used the equivalent method. The equivalence method used in this research is the referential subtype equivalence method. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that there were 15 pieces of data in the form of personal deixis, time deixis, and social deixis in the Banten’s Folklore Book 2 by Endang Firdaus, namely (1) 7 pieces of personal deixis; (2) anaphora deixis 4 pieces of data; (3) as many as 1 forms of cataphoric deixis; (4) as many as 1 pieces of time deixis data; and (5) as many as 2 pieces of data form social deixis. Based on these results, the most dominant form of deixis data found in the Banten’s Folklore Book 2 by Endang is anaphora deixis in the form of persona.</p> Muhammad Zulfa Azhari Ghozali, Estri Agnistiana, Garin Syahfarezi Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Use of Indonesian Literature Learning as Character Building for Early Children <p>This study aims to introduce learning Indonesian literature from an early age. The research method used using the method of literature review <em>(library research)</em>. This research based on various previous research result and collects several opinions from experts in the field of early childhood. With the study of Indonesia, literature it is hoped that early childhood will be able to grow and develop into children who have strong characters, are cultured, are independent, are able to express, themselves through their thoughs well, have broad insight, are critical, responsible, are refined with good manners, and have polite and well-mannared character. Learning Indonesian literature must be advanced through formal education and non-formal education. In learning Indonesia literature there is a connection, because both need and complement each other. It has the characteristics of language in Indonesian literature, namely the aesthetic aspect.</p> Tri Laelina Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Strategies in Improving Early Children's Learning Motivation Through Outing Class Activities <p>Motivation to learn is encouragement from within and outside the child that can affect the process and results of learning. Children's learning motivation fluctuates when learning in class and needs to be a concern of the teacher. One of the activities that can increase early childhood learning motivation is&nbsp;<em>outing class.</em>&nbsp;<em>Outing Classes</em>&nbsp;can encourage children's learning activities, and stimulate thinking, imagination, and creativity as well as aspects of child development. This research was conducted at RA Perwanida Pliken. The purpose of this research is to find out the strategy for increasing early childhood learning motivation through activities&nbsp;<em>outing classes.</em>&nbsp;This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used are means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis uses descriptive analysis where the writer tries to explain in detail the research data that has been collected. The main informants in this study were six students and two teachers who were determined by purposive sampling. The conclusion of this research is&nbsp;<em>outing&nbsp;</em>classes can increase early childhood learning motivation. Activity steps <em>outing class&nbsp;</em>are as follows: a) Planning <em>outing class&nbsp;</em>consists of determining the steps to achieve the goal, determining a safe and attractive place for the child, and the time of implementation<em>,&nbsp;</em>b) Implementation <em>outing class&nbsp;</em>namely realizing the plan that has been determined in place&nbsp;<em>outing class&nbsp;</em>with the teacher's direction to achieve the goal<em>&nbsp;</em>and<em>&nbsp;</em>c) Evaluation <em>outing class&nbsp;</em>implemented to find out what the goal is&nbsp;<em>outing class&nbsp;</em>has been achieved or not by conducting questions and answers with the child about what the child has learned on the spot&nbsp;<em>outing class</em></p> Deva Mega Istifarriana Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Strengthening of Character Through Local Wisdom Values in Babad Banyumas <p class="ICST-Acknowlegementtext"><span lang="EN-GB">Strengthening the characters become an urgent need, especially in education. This was done in view of the importance of strengthening the character in orde to deal with the moral degradation and shifting cultural values among teenagers today. Moral education is very important for the student to improve intelligence, emotional and spiritual. School arrange creatif Innovations of moral values learning programs in the form of real behavior and attitude, not only conceptual. In this conceptual framework, this paper aims to reinforce the need for the values of local wisdom in building the character of students through a local identity of Babad Banyumas. The focus of this study emphasize the character educational values based on moral in Babad Banyumas that there is can be classified into three core values, such as: 1) social values include politeness, mutual respect, and mutual help. In the Babad Banyumas, this is shown by the attitude of Ki Dipati Kaleng in serve guests; 2) The value of morality includes human actions and also their thoughts and the establishment of what is good and bad, about what is appropriate and inappropriate to do. This is shown by the attitude of Raden Baribin face power conflict with her own brother; 3) The value of religiosity which includes spiritual attitude shown by Dipawijaya the form of asceticism (Khalwat/Tapa Brata) pray gift from God “Hyang Maha Agung” and tradition every friday night face (Sowan) to the King in Keraton followed by a tadarus quran in mosque (Suranatan).</span></p> Aji Nur Shofiah Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Literary Reception in Tere Liye's Novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu (Aesthetic Studies of Experimental Reception) <p>Literary works are certainly inseparable from reader responses where a comment/response can show the quality of a work. The activity of commenting in the realm of literary studies is referred to as a literary reception. This study describes readers responses based on readers criteria for novel <em>Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu </em>by Tere Liye <em>,</em> and the aesthetic assessment of the reception to the novel based on Hans Robert Jauz's theory. The research method used is qualitative method, where data is collected using questionnaires distributed through Google Form. The collected data is then analyzed with comparative descriptive techniques. Based on his responses, the criteria were highly assessed, namely the selection of characters in the novel, the idea or theme of the story, new perspectives, emotional involvement, narrative techniques, sadness, and universality. The criteria assessed are moderate, namely attraction, plot,, tempo, understandable, intrinsic elements, imagery, plausible, ironic, conflict, and characters. Finally, the criteria that are considered the lowest, are further interest and language style.</p> Fareha Rahmatul Zahra, Bayu Suta Wardianto, Fitria Anggraini Diwansyah, Firman Hadiansyah Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Formation of Register Language Word on Selling and Purchase of Phones on Social Media Instagram @pst0re <p>This study aims to describe the process of word formation and the function of register language in seller captions and discussions that occur in the comments column on Pst0re's Instagram social media. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique in this research is using the technique of simak libat cakap and the technique of free simak libat cakap. The validity of the research is carried out using investigative techniques by comparing individual opinions with parties who have expertise in accordance with their fields. Data analysis uses the commensurate method technique. This is a method with determining tools related to parts outside the language and with determining tools of the language elements themselves. The result of this research, there are 3 word formation processes (1) affixation (2) reduplication and (3) abbreviation. Then there are 4 functions of register language, including (a) instrumental function, (b) representational function, (c) heuristic function, and (d) interactional function.</p> Ferdianti Fitri Asih, Fakhry Lukmanul Hakiem, Bayu Suta Wardianto Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Multimodality of Instagram Content in Critical Discourse Analysis Teaching Materials <p>Multimodality is a detailed effort in unveiling a visual that can be interpreted in the form of text. In critical discourse analysis originating from visualization in the form of images, multimodality helps reveal the visual modes contained in the visual image, with the study of multimodality in critical discourse analysis, symbolic meanings in the form of visual modes can be deciphered. The research seeks to describe the need for discourse analysis by using multimodality studies with research data sources in the form of Instagram content. Furthermore, this study also explained the concept of learning critical discourse analysis by utilizing modality elements in Instagram content. The research uses qualitative descriptive techniques by applying analytical descriptions to research data. In addition, this study uses reflective conceptual techniques to elaborate on the learning concept of critical discourse analysis by utilizing modality elements in Instagram content. The results and discussion in the study describe CDA briefly along with the learning concept of Critical Discourse Analysis in Higher Education by utilizing the multimodality content of Instagram content. Analysis and learning concepts that will be put forward starting from the introduction (containing learning outcomes—an explanation of Critical Discourse Analysis), material (in the form of how to analyze Instagram content with Van Dijk theory), and closing (delivering suggestions in learning).</p> Sukirno, Bayu Suta Wardianto Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Character Education Values Embedded in East Java’s Folklore <p>East Java’s folklore has inherited character education values from generation to generation because they align with relics of the Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms. This research identifies and describes character education values in East Java’s folklore. The data was gathered by critically reading the entire discourse and dialogue in the folklore texts, allowing indigenous values to be explored. Then, a content analysis was used to analyze the data concerning such values, which was classified/grouped further in line with Komensky's theories concerning the types and theme of character education values. The findings revealed that the themes of East Java’s folklore deal with not only positive character education values but also those that deviate from the models of core values, such as (1) gambling and slander in the Cindelaras story and the Banyuwangi origin story (2) crime based on envy in the Golden Conch Story, (3) coercion of will in the story of Origins of Reog Ponorogo, (4) human sacrifice offerings in the stories of Rara Anteng and Joko Seger, and (5) fear-filled environment causes chaos in Joko Dolog's tale. The importance of character education in East Java’s folklore requires teaching resources for character education integrated into various subjects, mainly studying the Indonesian language and literature. Nevertheless, before using it as a teaching tool, educators must weigh the benefits and drawbacks for their students' positive development. The importance of moral education concerning good and evil, quality, social education, and cooperation are other educational ideals that merit consideration. This evidence shows how incorporating folklore into literary works is presented through a straightforward story framework rich in moral values.</p> Wijaya Heru Santosa, Anselmus Sudirman, Rahmaditya Khadifa Abdul Rozzaq Wijaya Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Javanese Ngapak Banyumasan As Part of Indonesian Literature <p>Language is an important factor in human life, especially as a shaper of culture and mindset. Language, culture and thought as three factors that affect one's life. Each region in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has its own linguistic characteristics which are then referred to as regional culture and literature which must be preserved. The method used in preparing this article is observation in the form of interviews with informants supported by literature. The data obtained is in the form of a descriptive translation of the Javanese Ngapak language in its application in the daily life of Banyumas residents who are known by the general public in Indonesia with their thick Javanese dialect. The Javanese Ngapak language is spoken by the people of Banyumas by paying attention to the interlocutor by using the appropriate intonation.</p> Mustakimah Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Local Wisdom in Early Childhood Education <p>This study aims to look at and analyze local wisdom in early childhood education today. Because not all educational institutions, especially Early Childhood Education, are able to implement an education system based on local wisdom. The increasingly modern life system and the globalization of the world make children’s lives more realistic and risky for various kinds of problems to arise. Good parenting and parenting patterns will introduce local culture to children which influence several important aspects of the process and achievements of children. Early childhood education institutions have a very high existence in the community. That way the author is very interested in being able to dig deeper about the application of cultural values, namely local wisdom in early childhood education. Forms of local wisdom in early childhood education can open and expand children’s insight into the importance of knowing and knowing the meaning of culture from an early age so that self-love for local culture grows and develops. Local wisdom in early childhood education has many positive impacts for both school institutions, teachers and students, and the community environment. Teachers or instructors become more professional in determining the concepts and structures of learning implemented in schools. In addition, students are also more skilled, independent, and synergized in instilling a social and religious spirit with noble character. The success of the quality and quality of schools can be seen from the developments that occur in children. The method in this study uses qualitative research methods. The type of research used is library research. Where the author seeks and understands data about local wisdom in early childhood education through informantion in the form of learning local wisdom in early childhood. Searching for data through book references and media sources such as journals, scientific papers and the like, both print and electronic so that the data obtained is relevant.</p> Rohyati Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Korean Drama on The Behavior of Housewife in Indonesia <p>Korean dramas nowadays never fail to appear on the social media homepages of women, from children, teenagers to young mothers and housewives. How drugged they are when they watch Korean dramas, both series and mini series. Drakor fever is often used as a nickname for its lovers. This study aims to describe the extent of the influence of Korean dramas on the behavior of housewives in Indonesia. The research method used is library research (Library Research) in which the author conducts a study and collects data sourced from the media of books, literature, notes, as well as relevant studies related to the research object to be studied. The results of this study are a discussion of what are the good and bad influences of the appearance of Korean dramas on the professionalism of a housewife Abstract a maximum of 250—300 words. The abstract contains a depiction of the research you are running. The abstract contains a summary of the introduction, the problems studied, the methods you used, and explains the results and discussion of the research carried out.</p> Septimia Puspa Hastria Sayu Wiwit Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 1st Grade Children's Beginning Reading Learning Using AISM Media <p>This research is qualitative descriptive research. The aim of the research is to find out the process of learning to read beginning in class 1 at MI An-Nuur Karangtawang, Nusawungu District, Cilacap Regency for the 2022/2023 academic year. This research is based on the importance of reading learning media for grade 1 elementary students. Data collection techniques were obtained by observations, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study were 1st grade students, a total of 44 children who were divided into 2 study groups. From the results of observations, interviews, and documentation, the researcher obtained that MI An-Nuur Karangtawang had used AISM as a reading learning media. This media is a sylable reading method. AISM stands for <em>Anak Islam Suka Membaca</em> (Islamic Students Like to Read). This media is beeing used as a mandatory learning book for grade 1 students at MI An-Nuur Karangtawang since 2013. In the 2022/2023 school year the number of students in grade 1 was 44. Beginning reading learning with AISM media begins a week after the orientation period for new students. During the first 6 months, researcher obtained data that 9 children were able to read simple paragraphs, 25 children were able to read simple sentences, 10 children read haltingly. In the 10<sup>th</sup> month there are 20 children who are able to read paragraphs, 20 children are able to read simple sentences, 4 children read haltingly. The results of this study indicates that the AISM media is effective enough and very efficient for teaching and learning to read at the beginning of grade 1 at MI An-Nuur Karangtawang Nusawungu Cilacap.</p> Wawan Irianto Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Learning of Tales in Indonesian Literature to Develop Early Children's Language Ability <p>Language development for early childhood is important to make it easier for children to interact with people around them. The purpose of this research is to identify the development of language skills in early childhood through learning fairy tales. This research was conducted at RA Diponegoro Adisara, Jatilawang District, Banyumas Regency. Subjects in the study amounted to 30 children consisting of 15 boys and 15 girls. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques by way of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques used by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data and concluding. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that learning fairy tales in Indonesian literature is an effective way to develop early childhood language skills. Storytelling learning has great benefits in language development in early childhood. In this lesson, children can learn through interesting stories that come from the nation's traditions and culture. Some of the benefits of learning storytelling for language development in early childhood include: increasing language intelligence, training memory sharpness, honing speaking skills, adding new vocabulary, and teaching emotional and social intelligence. Therefore, teaching storytelling can support communication and language development in early childhood in a fun and effective way.</p> Umi Masruroh Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Revitalization of Oral Literature of Maca Babad Pasir Luhur in Banyumas Regency <p>One of oral literatures from Banyumas, namely Maca Babad Pasir Luhur (Reading Pasir Luhur Chronicle) tradition in Grumbul Cibun, Sunyalangu Village, Karanglewas District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, has been abandoned by its successors for the last three years. This is caused by environmental conditions that tend not to care and by technological advance in the village. Babad Pasir Luhur is the oldest Banyumas chronicle which talks about the pioneer who founded Banyumas Duchy (now Banyumas Regency). The chronicle was written in the form of a ballad in a mixed language consisting of Old Javanese, Sundanese, and Mataraman Javanese. The chronicle sung with Macapat style begins to disappear in various areas in Banyumas. Based on this condition, it is necessary to take steps to revitalize and maintain Maca Babad Pasir Luhur culture. The formulation of the problem consists of two questions, namely how the process of revitalizing the oral literature Maca Babad Pasir Luhur is and how the development of the oral literature Maca Babad Pasir Luhur is. The researchers use direct observation method and interview with informants in the village. After collecting data and revitalizing oral literatures that is appropriate to overcome these problems, they describe and analyze the problems. For this reason, process and meaning are highlighted in this research. The research model used is exploratory, namely understanding the phenomenon in general without ignoring the possibility of choosing a certain focus in particular. The results of this study are the description of the revitalization and the development of oral literature Maca Babad Pasir Luhur in Banyumas Regency.</p> M. Lukman Leksono, Riyatno Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Moral Education Against Gender Injustice in The Short Story of Perempuan Yang Terjerat Kursi Taman By Suta Sartika <p>Short stories are prose fiction which tells about an event that is experienced by the main character. Not just a story, in a short story there are many moral values in it. This research aims to analyze and describe the depiction of moral education on gender inequality in the short story Woman Trapped in Garden Chairs by Suta Sartika. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection techniques and listening. steps research conducted, among others, by collecting data, reducing data, and analyze the data to describe the moral values contained in the short stories studied. The results obtained from research on the short story Women who are entangled in the garden chairs by Suta Sartika, namely, morals are something related to what is good and what is bad, about moral rights and obligations (morals), values about right or wrong that are held by society. Moral is a teaching about good and bad that is generally accepted as an act, attitude, obligation and others.</p> Chanaya Zakiya Ulhaq, Hanida Nurul Pajriah, Melanti Nur Awaliyah, Mohamad Dzaka Ulfikri, Salman Faris Mujahid, Ulil Azmi Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Impoliteness of Slurs in Debt Collectors' Conversation to Online Debtors <p>The phenomenon of impoltiness act penetrates in all areas of work. It happens because almost jobs involve power, so the level of persins's power affecct a person's chances for commiting slurs impoliteness towards someone with power below them indirectly in study. Online loans used as a sure-fire way to deal with fast financial problems and an easy transaction process, so many people are temted. It will be the worst consequences if the right lens to see this language phenomenon, because it cannot be debt collectors to their online debtor.</p> Anisah Hanif, Djatmika, Riyadi Santosa, Sumarlam Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Development of Android-Based Gamification Media Design for Personal Letters and Formal Letters Material in Grade VII <p>This research aims to describe the development of gamification Android-based media design related to the teaching material of personal letters and formal letters in Grade VII of junior high school. The research method used in this study is Research and Development with the ADDIE research design, which stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The results of this research show that the Android-based learning media developed for personal letters and formal letters in Grade VII of junior high school are suitable for use in school learning. This learning media can help students understand the material more easily, increase their interest in learning, boost their motivation by presenting engaging and non-boring media, and provide benefits to students by offering enjoyable games that are not monotonous. This application is also beneficial for teachers as it facilitates the delivery of teaching materials and serves as a new innovation for teachers to continually develop their creativity by utilizing available technology and adapting it to the students' needs in line with the current era. Therefore, Android-based learning media can be an alternative learning tool that can be applied by teachers in Indonesian language learning in Grade VII.</p> Diana Oktaviana, Purwati Zisca Diana Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of The Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (Circ) Method in Learning Narrative Writing for Elementary Students <p>This qualitative research aims to analyze the application of the method<em>Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition </em>(CIRC) in learning to write narrative essays for elementary school students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research subjects were 10 grade 4 elementary school students consisting of 5 boys and 5 girls. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that in using the CIRC method in writing narratives, there are several important steps that must be taken, such as reading, discussing, determining focus, making summaries, writing narratives, revising and editing, and presenting. However, there are several obstacles that may be encountered, such as students' difficulties in reading, writing, and communicating, lack of student participation which can slow down the learning process, and the lack of teacher experience in using this method. Therefore, several solutions are needed to overcome these obstacles, such as planning lessons carefully and choosing the right material, providing additional support to students who need it, providing motivation and appreciation to active students, and holding meetings with parents to explain the benefits of the CIRC method for student learning. . By taking these steps, it is hoped that the CIRC method can be effective in improving students' writing skills and collaboration in learning. as well as holding meetings with parents to explain the benefits of the CIRC method for student learning. By taking these steps, it is hoped that the CIRC method can be effective in improving students' writing skills and collaboration in learning. as well as holding meetings with parents to explain the benefits of the CIRC method for student learning. By taking these steps, it is hoped that the CIRC method can be effective in improving students' writing skills and collaboration in learning.</p> Luma’ul 'Adilah Hayya, Abdul Wachid Bambang Suharto Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Relevance of Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite Movie to the Holy Book of the Islamic Religion <p class="ICST-Acknowlegementtext"><span lang="EN-GB">Research on the relevance of the first South Korean film winning the 92th Academy Award with Islamic teachings found in the Koran is important to conduct because of the popularity of South Korean films in Indonesia. The phenomenon that South Korean films have become the favourite films of young people has been acknowledged. Due to the popularity of Korean films among young Indonesians, the researcher would like to describe the relevance of Bong Joon-ho’s movie <em>Parasite</em> to Islamic teachings found in the Koran. Because most of Indonesia's population (86.7%) are Islam followers, the findings will be of necessity. The method used is the Mixed Method (Hesse-Biber, 2010) involving a triangulation approach (Oliver-Hayo and Allen, 2006). The data is mainly obtained from the available English subtitles belonging to the film. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, the researcher describes the relevance of the movie to the verses in the Koran. Kim Ki-taek, one of the main characters, believes that life is merely to undergo, no need to plan. This is in accordance with the verses in the Koran that support the concept of Jabariyah (at least 2 verses). Kim Ki-woo, another main character, believes the opposite, namely that life needs to be planned. And this is in accordance with the concept of Qadariyah which is contained in the verses of the Koran (at least in 3 verses). There are couples or binary opposition between rich and poor, innocent and sly, etc. that can easily be found. This is in accordance with the verses of the Koran about creatures that were created in pairs (at least 3 verses). In the film there is a scholar's rock, which becomes something special. In the Koran, the special wooden staff or rod belonging to the Prophet Moses can be found (at least 3 verses). And as a whole the movie metaphorically depicts the world and its contents which are just mere games and jokes that can be found in the verses of the Koran (at least 2 verses).</span></p> Junaedi Setiyono Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implications of Reading Interest in Improving Language Intelligence in Early Children <p>Language intelligence can be seen when various stimulations and efforts can be provided by the environment around the child. Language intelligence is a skill that can be used and competently structured through words to convey ideas in speaking, reading and writing. There are many activities that can be pursued in improving language intelligence in early childhood. Early childhood is the most important period in honing all skills including language skills. There are previous researchers who examined the effectiveness of reading interest which influences language development with various background efforts. The researcher was then interested in reviewing several articles from the researchers so that the formulations and results that had been tested could be taken. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method by analyzing data, namely in the form of previous research article documents that had been carried out on the theme of reading interest and its relation to language intelligence in early childhood. The techniques chosen are content analysis techniques, note-taking techniques, and listening techniques. From the research conducted, it was found that through reading interest built by the child's environment, namely the family environment, school environment, and community environment continuously and sustainably, an increase in children's language development is obtained and children have language intelligence when the three environments synergize strongly and compact.</p> Isti Pujiati Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Application of The “One Day One Ayat” Method in Getting Used to Memory of Short Letters in Raudhatul Athfal's Students <p>Instilling spiritual values ​​in early childhood is very important in order to form an Islamic character. Habituation that is religious in nature is repeated every day will make it easier for children to practice it in their daily lives. This one day one verse method makes it easier for a child, especially early childhood, to memorize short surahs where these short surahs are read in their daily life later, namely during the obligatory prayer service. This study uses field research, namely qualitative research with phenomenological studies. The purpose of the study was to describe one day one verse activities at RA (Raudhatul Athfal) Masyithoh 13 Sokaraja Lor and to find out the application of the one day one verse method by the teacher. Data were obtained through observation and interviews as well as field notes with data analysis using the Mills and Hubberman models. The research findings show that this one day one verse makes it very easy for children to memorize short letters, almost all of them can follow them well.</p> Asniar Fajarini Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Imagery and Meaning in Children's Poetry Anthology Letters from the Ocean <p>Children's poetry is an interesting form of literary work containing abstractions of words that have a child's point of view in which they contain experiences reflecting on the reality of life in the form of poetry. This study aims to describe the imagery and meaning contained in the Anthology of Children's Poetry Letters from the Ocean. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data collection is carried out by listening, reading, and recording techniques. Data grouping is carried out using reduction stages. The results obtained from this study were the discovery of visual imagery, auditory imagery, taste imagery, tactile imagery, and motion imagery. The meaning contained in the poetry anthology is described by a sense of pleasure, gratitude, and the depiction of a happy heart.</p> Endah Kusumaningrum Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Characters of Early Childhood Independence in Children's Storybooks Fairy Tales Main Characters of Independent Early Childhood <p>Independence is one of the most important aspects of early childhood development. Independence refers to a child's ability to perform daily tasks independently, such as taking care of themselves, organizing activities, and making decisions. This study aims to provide an understanding and describe the independent characters of early childhood in children's storybooks Fairy Tales of the Main Characters of Independent Early Childhood. The need to collect data and sources of information is done by reading and recording. The author reads the children's storybook Fairy Tales of the Main Characters of Independent Early Childhood as a whole and then records the sources of information needed to understand and analyze directly related to the independence of early childhood in the story. Furthermore, data analysis is carried out by collecting, conceptualizing, and sorting or filtering relevant data.&nbsp; From these activities, researchers will find important information or data and will conclude the results and discussion. The results showed that there are independent characters in the storybook Fairy Tales of the Main Characters of Independent Early Childhood, namely: Independent Learning Alone, Independent Bathing Alone, Independent Sleep Alone, Independent Eating Alone, and Independent in Responsibility.</p> Nur 'Aini Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Use of Flash Card Media in Early Childhood English Learning <p>This study was conducted with the aim of introducing English vocabulary in early childhood using flash card media in private English class children. The subjects studied in this study were private English class children. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method using data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentaries. The data analysis technique used in this study is content analysis from Miles and Huberman. The results obtained from this study are the use of flash card media in early childhood English learning in private English classes is quite effective to introduce children to English vocabulary. Through flash card media in which there are color images containing English vocabulary introduced to children.</p> Farhati Riska Nofianti Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Home Visit: Psychological Strengthening Between Schools and Student Guardians in Early Childhood Education <p>Three environments that exert a major influence in educating children are family, school and community. The three environments have a mutually defining relationship in every stage of child development, especially when still at an early age. The assumption of parents who fully entrust children's development to school, lack of knowledge about stimulating children's growth and development, and the difficulty of educating and teaching children to learn at home requires collaboration with the school so that there is harmony and synergy in accompanying children's growth and development. This study aims to determine the technical and impact of home visits designed by the school. The method used in this study is a qualitative method that is descriptive, meaning that the results of this study are presented by presenting data obtained from the identification results of one of the school's leading activities, namely home visits. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of the study concluded that the home visit program in ECCE can provide psychological reinforcement for parents and students by providing structured and planned support, guidance, checking, and mentoring personally and directly in the home environment as a familiar and familiar environment for children and their families. This is one of the effective ways to optimize the learning process in ECCE and provide significant benefits for students, teachers and parents.</p> Dian Wahyu Sri Lestari Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Implementation of Blended Learning Strategy to Face 21st Century: Library Research <p>The present study aimed at investigating the characteristics of blended learning strategy, its benefits, its challenges, and teachers’ role. The study was designed in library study in which all the data were obtained from reviewing related articles. Some steps were conducted, namely identifying topic, formulating research questions, planning research, making use as source of data, setting the criteria, limiting the aspects, and interpreting the obtained data. The results of the study show that 1) the characteristics of blended learning depend on combination of online and offline setting and technology; 2) the benefits cover the flexibility of blended learning strategy, different design of learning to be done, easy access to obtain learning resources, concerning student-centered-learning, and training students’ critical thinking; 3) the challenges cover four main problems, namely technical problems, lack of self-regulation, limited social interaction, and technological skills; and 4) teachers have role as motivator, manager, and facilitator. Blended learning strategy can be a useful learning strategy in the 21<sup>st</sup> century learning. It is suggested to conduct further study on the effectiveness of blended learning strategy considering the level of education.</p> Kadek Wirahyuni, Gede Suwiwa Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Improving The Quality of Education in A Collection of Poems Pada Suatu Musim by Bayu Suta Wardianto in Quality Education <p>Education is an effort to improve the quality of life and human resources. Because education is the spearhead of a country to educate the nation's children. One of the goals of education is to increase student creativity in learning at school. Education based on local culture with various wisdom will be better for shaping character and developing self-potential than education sourced from cultures outside students. Education is the learning of knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people passed from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. The etymology of the word education comes from the Latin ducare, meaning "to lead, direct, or lead" and the prefix e, meaning "out". So, education means the activity of " leading outwards". Poetry is an example of a literary work as a form of self-expression of a person expressed in the form of beautiful writing. In the poem entitled "Improving the Quality of Education" many teachings are tucked into every word, for example about life values such as educational, social, religious, and others. From here the researcher was moved to try to raise these life values into this study, so that lessons could then be taken. The purpose of this study is to explain the values of Education contained in the poem "Education" subjectively. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods with data collection techniques, namely literature study technique. The results of the research are known that there are many things from understanding and interpreting the improvement of the quality of education in a collection of poems in a season by Bayu Suta Wardianto in improving the quality of education. This can be seen in terms of educational, social, humanitarian, and religious aspects. &nbsp;</p> Ade Irma Widiastuti , Amin Ma'ruf , Evalasefa Muktiyusrina, Fadilah Wulan Nurlaili, Hilda Awaliyah Nur Kamila Hakim, Wafly Dhiya Ulhaq, Weni Nuraeni Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Moral Values Embedded in Thengul Puppets Performances <p>Moral values are a guide for individuals to do a good attitude in every action they take. These positive values can come from religious guidance, education, social environment, or other external factors related to a person's daily life. One of these factors is the entertainment and spectacles presenting specific stories with moral values conveyed. This is also found in the performance of Wayang Thengul (Thengul Puppets), which is a distinctive art form in Bojonegoro Regency, East Java. This research is a descriptive-qualitative study aimed at exploring in-depth information about the stories of Wayang Thengul in Bojonegoro from the practitioners of this art form. The research aims to identify the moral values embedded in the stories of Wayang Thengul in Bojonegoro based on the narratives performed in the show. The research findings indicate the presence of numerous stories derived from the Javanese historical story and the Panji tales being performed in Wayang Thengul. These stories contain implicit moral values that encompass teachings of goodness, hard work, perseverance, and determination in the pursuit of happiness.</p> Wintari Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Forms of Violation of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2009 Concerning the Use of Indonesian as Geographical Names in Indonesia <p>The use of Indonesian by the general public today is still very inappropriate. The phenomenon of language use in public spaces which includes many spelling errors, vocabulary and Indonesian structure. Good and correct use of Indonesian is often hindered by the presence of other languages. Researchers will try to explain the form of non-compliance from the mandate of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24 of 2019 concerning "Flag, Language, and National Emblem, as well as the National Anthem". The method used, namely qualitative methods, is descriptive. The sources taken from this study amounted to 5 places with the use of foreign languages and inappropriate words. The results of this study show that there are violations of laws regarding language caused by several things, including incorrect grammar, improper grammar in certain circumstances, using foreign terms even though there are equivalents in Indonesian, translating foreign languages at will. So the names of institutions, businesses, shops, areas, buildings, etc. often use foreign languages exclusively because of socioeconomic and commercial points of view.</p> Aziz Fauzi, Diardana Prima Sintasari Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Literary Appreciation Forms by PBSI College Students of University Muhammadiyah Tangerang in the Short Stories Collection of Kompas Newspaper <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the form of students’ literary appreciation for the collection of short stories in the Kompas Newspaper. A qualitative approach with descriptive methods was used in this study. The objec of this research is a short story from the Kompas Newspaper. This study subjects were PBSI UMT 7th semester students. The results of the study are 1) interest in short stories, 8.6% of students like but are not interested in reading short stories and 13.4% of students do not like and are not interested in reading short stories. 2) the analysis process, 78% of students are able to determine the right approach in short story appreciation, 12% of students are unable to determine the right approach in short story appreciation. 3) Understanding of literary works, 52% of students find it difficult to understand short stories and as many as 48% of students easily understand the contents of short stories. 4) implementation of the literary approach, 48% of students had no difficulty understanding the approach and 52% of students had difficulty. 5) Difficulty of analysis, 69.5% of students have difficulty in analyzing short stories and 30.5% of students have no difficulty in analyzing short stories. 6) search for literary references, there are 65% of students have difficulty finding references and 35% of students are able to find references.</p> Winda Dwi Hudhana Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Big Books as A Learning Media in Literacy Activities of Students at MIN 1 Banyumas <p>Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many students in grades I and II could not read. Grades III and IV stuttered at reading or were not fluent and even had the same abilities as students in grade II before the pandemic. Many grades V and VI do not understand the reading text and the information conveyed in the text. The skills to read and understand information are part of literacy. One way to strengthen literacy is through the use of literacy media in the learning process in the classroom. The learning media used is Big Book. Through media literacy, teachers can increase student interest and condition active student participation. This research includes qualitative research. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach that seeks to collect and process and even analyze and define data qualitatively. The results of this study stated that the beginning reading skills of class I and II students could be increased by using big book media. This is evidenced by the average value of students' initial reading and writing skills after the action increased. For students in grades III to VI, the success of learning using big book media can be seen through the ability to read that is no longer stammering and getting fluent. Students understand the purpose of reading and can answer questions related to reading and can retell the contents of reading</p> Maghfirotun Chasanah, Tutuk Ningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Picture Book Series as A Medium to Foster Reading Interest of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Children <p>Indonesian people's reading interest, especially for MI/SD children, is still relatively low because they prefer playing online games, watching television, etc. This factor causes their reading ability is still lacking. In addition, there are reading books (both story books and textbooks) in school institutions which are still monotonous with colorless pictures so that children get bored easily and are not interested in reading them. Based on the phenomenon above, the teacher's interest in reading in MI/SD children must be increased because "books are a storehouse of knowledge and reading can open the horizons of the world". The use of learning media to foster children's reading interest is by using a series of picture books. This series of picture books is more developed if the teacher dares to be creative by making colorful pictures accompanied by simple sentences that can attract children's interest in reading them. This series of picture books is effectively used in the learning of MI/SD children because they contain games as well as education. In a series of picture books there are several learning activities including observing, telling, reading and sorting the pictures so that they become a complete story. Furthermore, the teacher can add/collaborate on strategies or methods that can support the use of picture book series to be more innovative in each lesson.</p> Nur Khikmah, Tutuk Ningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Reading Aloud Islamic Stories on The Spiritual Intelligence of Children Aged 5—6 in RA Wadas Kelir, South Purwokerto <p>Spiritual intelligence is the privilege of every individual related to human behavior or actions. Human action begins in early childhood. One of the media to hone children's spiritual intelligence is through reading Aloud Islamic children's storybooks, books presenting stories of prophets, stories of friends, and exemplary values for children. Reading aloud Islamic children's storybooks have the characteristics of simple language 2-4 sentences, attractive illustrations, and easy to reflect content. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of reading Aloud Islamic children's storybooks on the spiritual intelligence of children aged 5-6 years in Raudhatul Athfal Wadas Kelir Purwokerto Selatan. This study uses quantitative data analysis with simple regression, using the SPSS 25 application to conclude, collecting data by distributing questionnaires to 20 guardians of students. The results showed that there was a significant 83.2% effect of reading aloud Islamic children's storybooks on the spiritual intelligence of children aged 5-6 years in Raudhatul Athfal Wadas Kelir, South Purwokerto. The resulting data obtained a calculated value of 9,450, while the table with N = 20 with a significance level of 0.05 is 1,910, meaning count &gt; count. From here, the conclusion Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The impact of this research on simple linear regression data, namely Y = 11, 264+860 X is positive. The contribution of Islamic children's storybooks to the spiritual intelligence of early childhood is 83.2% and 16.8% is influenced by other factors.</p> Siti Zubaedah, Nur Hafidz, Farhati Riska Nofianti Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Promotion of Natural Galangal Plants as a Substitute for Reppellent Chemicals Against Anopheles Spp Mosquitoes <p>Mosquito control using natural repellent is one alternative to malaria vector control. Betel (Piper bettle, Linn) which contains essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, eugenol, and kavicol is one plant that has antibacterial power, fungicide, insecticide and antioxidant. The purpose of the study was to analyze the protective power of galangal extract concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% against Anopheles spp mosquitoes. The research method used is an experiment in the laboratory. Anopheles sp mosquitoes are obtained from hatching eggs. Galangal extract concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15% and 40% were tested for repulsion or protection against Anopheles spp mosquitoes. Observation of the number of mosquitoes that land on guinea pigs is carried out every hour starting from the 1st hour (immediately after smearing) until the 18th hour. The effective protection of betel leaf extract is if the protective power is ≥90%. The results showed that the protective power of betel leaf extract against Anopheles spp at a concentration of 5% as much as 11%, a concentration of 10% as much as 38%, a concentration of 15% as much as 67% and a concentration of 20% as much as 90%. Effective protection power is 20% concentration with 90% protection power.&nbsp; This is in accordance with the Pesticide Commission (1995, p.2) which states that repellent is considered effective if its protective power ≥ 90%. The public can use galangal extract with a concentration of at least 20% as a repellent against mosquitoes, especially Anopheles spp. Other researchers can conduct similar studies using extracts from other types of plants.</p> Khomsatun, Aris Santjaka, Agus Subagiyo , Abdul Wachid Bambang Suharto Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Teachers Roles in Increasing Students' Language Ability Through Writing Poetry Learning in Elementary School <p>Writing poetry is part of appreciating poetry taught to elementary school students as a product production stage that requires language skills and the teacher's role in the learning process. This study aims to describe and explain the teacher's role in improving students' language skills through learning to write poetry in elementary schools. This research includes library research with data collection through reading and correlating relevant literature in books, journals, and proceedings. The method used is the descriptive analysis method. Data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion were carried out using the data analysis model of Miles &amp; Huberman as a data analysis technique. The results of the study show that the teacher's role as (1) a learning manager includes increasing student learning interest, selecting material, the accuracy of learning models, creating a comfortable learning atmosphere, and communication skills, (2) learning resources in mastering the material and literacy skills, (3) facilitators who assist students in learning, (4) demonstrators who show real action of what is being learned, (5) motivators and innovators as high motivation to learn by involving students' experiences in learning material, (6) trainers played by teachers in practicing activities that have been learned through practice, and (7) the teacher carries out the evaluator to find out the achievement of the learning carried out and the recommendations needed in learning to write poetry in elementary schools.</p> Cintya Nurika Irma, Noviea Varahdillah Sandi, Sidna Syahdilla, Annisa Febriani Adha Atqiya Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Big Influence of Youth Fanaticism on South Korean Idol to Skincare’ Purchase Decision <p>This research aims to determine the influence of labels on skincare products from South Korea and the influence of fans' fanaticism on purchasing skincare products. In previous research, the halal and eco-green labels had a significant effect. On the other hand, previous research also stated that fanatical feelings in supporters or fans greatly influence purchase decisions. This research uses a quantitative approach. The population is young people in Gorontalo City who buy skincare products at cosmetic and skincare outlets in Gorontalo City. The sample was selected using nonprobability and accidental, namely young people who bought skincare at these outlets on 1-8 June 2023. The number of samples selected were 138 young people in Gorontalo City who shopped at Sashop, Guardian, and Erby Shop. Data analysis techniques use statistical tests of normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and the coefficient of determination. The results show that the hypothesis is accepted. The coefficient of determination test on South Korea labels shows a value of 0.044, while fanaticism shows a value of 0.049. These values are smaller than 0.05. The result of the t count on the South Korean labels variable shows 9.157, while the fanaticism variable shows 7.070. The t-test results of the two variables have a value more than the t table, which is 1.980. The coefficient test and t-test showed that the South Korean labels and fanaticism variables significantly influence purchase decisions. The influence of the South Korea Labels variable is 9 per cent, while the fanaticism variable influences 61 per cent. It means there is 70 per cent influence by these two variables, and the other 30 per cent is influenced by other variables that need to be tested by future researchers.</p> Gita Juniarti Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Representation of Traditional Culinary of Central Java in The Explainer Video of The Youtube Account of The Central Java Language Centre As An Alternative Teaching Material For BIPA <p>This article aims to describe the representation of traditional Central Java culinary in the explainer video of the Central Java Language Center youtube account and describe the utilisation of the analysis results as an alternative BIPA teaching material. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This research uses data collection techniques, namely listening and recording techniques. The data were analysed using Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis technique. The results of the study are the benefits of traditional Central Java culinary in the explainer video of the Central Java Language Centre youtube account as a result of analysis as an alternative BIPA teaching material. Culinary includes an identity symbol of one of Indonesia's cultural heritages that needs to be preserved.</p> Fatma Firdia Rias Tiyaningsih, Hanindya Restu Aulia Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Student Perceptions of the Wattpad Application to Grow Literary Literacy in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, University of Pekalongan <p>This study specifically aims to describe student perceptions of the Wattpad application to foster a spirit of literary literacy in the Language and Literature Education Study Program, Pekalongan University. This research is a type of qualitative research with descriptive methods. The research subjects were PBSI study program students at Pekalongan University. Collecting research data using direct interviews with a purposive sampling technique, namely a sampling technique for data sources with certain considerations that the target is considered to know best about what is expected of the topic of a problem in research. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the Wattpad application is able to foster a spirit of literary literacy in PBSI study program students at Pekalongan University. The results of student perceptions were obtained from questions related to categories capable of supporting literary literacy skills consisting of knowledge categories, understanding categories, application categories, analysis categories, evaluation categories and creation categories. The real manifestation of cultivating a spirit of literary literacy in students of the PBSI study program at Pekalongan University includes growing interest in reading and being able to provide reference ideas to hone student writing creativity in the field of literature.</p> Nabila Iga Mawarni, Ariesma Setyarum Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Separated Subject Curriculum (Curriculum in Learning Islamic Religious Education at Darussalam Boarding School Purwokerto) <p>The curriculum is an important element that acts as a guide to achieve maximum and quality educational results. One of the implementations of the curriculum in learning Islamic agam education is the Separated Subject Curriculum. Darussalam Islamic boarding school applies Separated Subject Curriculum in learning Islamic religious education materials such as nahwu, shorof, Arabic, fiqh, aqidah akhlah, etc. The advantages of using the Separated Subject Curriculum, the students focus on by one Islamic religious education materials, a more detailed understanding, more broadly scientifically. As for the aspects of the shortcomings of applying the Separated Subject Curriculum, it takes a longer time. The purpose of this study is to find out and get to know Islamic education at the Darussalam Islamic boarding school. The research method used is qualitative, using a descriptive methodology. The presentation of data is carried out by qualitative analysis. The results showed that the implementation stage of separated subject curriculum in learning Islamic religious education has advantages and disadvantages. So that in facing obstacles, pesantren are able to maintain the quality of education to the students of Darussalam Islamic boarding school.</p> Ahmad Muzajjad Faqihudin Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 19 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Nationalism and History Learning: Building Historical Awarness in MAN 1 Banyumas Students <p>The Indonesian nation is a plural nation, namely a nation consisting of various tribes, races, religions, and cultural systems. The identity of the Indonesian nation cannot be separated from the existence of diversity in the Indonesian nation. As a plural nation, an accommodating attitude is needed to embrace all circles. Historical awareness is an important point in building historical understanding for generations of the nation. Education is the main key to the life of the Indonesian nation as an effort to build Historical awareness to have an accommodating nationalistic character. Therefore, the study of Indonesian history at MAN 1 Banyumas aims to find out insight into nationality in-depth and be able to capture not only knowing, considering the year numbers and various historical events that are understood as a collective record of the past of the Indonesian nation but can implement these learnings in the frame of nationalism attitudes. The method in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The source of data in this study is the History teacher of MAN 1 Banyumas. Learning the character of nationalism in MAN 1 Banyumas is one of the learning developments that must be the main pillar in the orientation and cultivation of nationalist values in shaping the character and civilization of the nation. the Indonesian nation to the students. There are many opinions that education when oriented towards the frame of character will facilitate the implementation of the values of nationalism. The zone of development of education and character learning is very strategic to increase the spirit of nationalism of students. This learning helps students to better understand the values contained in nationalism and foster character attitudes that have a national spirit.</p> Salim Akhmadiyanto Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 19 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Role Institution Empowerment Village Communities (LPMD) In Village Development In Purbalingga District <p>According to Article 94 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, Villages utilize existing Village community institutions to assist in implementing the functions of Village Government administration, Village development, Village community development, and Village community empowerment. The aim of this research is to explain and analyze the role of community empowerment institutions (LPM) in planning and implementing development in Karangklesem Village, Kutasari District, Purbalingga Regency. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods and had a total of 8 informants. Data collection techniques consist of literature study, interviews, and observation. The data analysis techniques used include data collection, data reduction, data presentation and verification stages. The results of the research concluded that: 1). The role of Community Empowerment Institutions (LPM) in Community Empowerment in Karangklesem Village, Kutasari District, Purbalingga Regency has been carried out well; 2). The obstacles faced by Community Empowerment Institutions in empowering communities in Karangklesem Village, Kutasari District, Purbalingga Regency include: a). LPM in participatory development planning in Buniseuri Village does not yet have a platform to accommodate community aspirations, thoughts/ideas/ideas that can make it easier to plan and prioritize development needs in Karangklesem Village, Kutasari District, Purbalingga Regency. 3). To overcome these various obstacles, the following efforts were made: a). LPM's efforts to plan development in a participatory manner in Karangklesem Village, Kutasari District, Purbalingga Regency are by holding various meetings with residents using various existing special facilities.</p> Rukmawan Suci Laswono Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000