EFL Students’ Interest and Attitude in Learning Through WhatsApp Group


  • Muhamad Hasbi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga
  • Ulan Maulani Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga




attitude; efl students; interest; whatsapp group


Evaluating one of the mostly used online media during this COVID-19 pandemic Indonesia namely WhatsApp, this study investigates EFL students’ interest and attitude toward learning English through WhatsApp Group as well as the influencing factors. Taking 30 university students of English Education Department at IAIN Salatiga as the subjects, this qualitative study makes use of online questionnaire and online interview to collect data. The findings show that students averagely have positive interest and positive attitude toward the use of WhatsApp group as their primary e-learning tool, with the enjoyment aspect of interest and the affective aspect of attitude being most dominant values. Meanwhile, five main influencing factors of students’ interest and attitude have been identified including (1) the teachers’ methods or strategies of online teaching (2) WhatsApp features and affordances, (3) students’ mood, (4) the network accessibility and strength, and (5) students’ personality. Furthermore, in order to enhance students’ interest and attitude, it is suggestible that teachers employ innovative and creative learning strategies, whereas the students be more disciplined in following their online classes.


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How to Cite

Hasbi, M., & Maulani, U. (2021). EFL Students’ Interest and Attitude in Learning Through WhatsApp Group. Conference on English Language Teaching, 88–98. https://doi.org/10.24090/celti.2021.269