Implementation Of The Iqra Method In Developing Hijaiyah Reading Ability In Early Children At Aisyiyah VII Kindergarten Purwokerto
The Iqra method is a practical Al-Qur'an learning method to make it easier for students to learn to read the Al-Qur'an in which hijaiyah letters and the rules of tajwid are introduced. This study aims to determine the implementation of the Iqra method in developing the ability to read hijaiyah letters in children at Kindergarten Aisyiyah VII Purwokerto aged between 5-6 years. The research subjects were teachers and students. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with the type of field research. The results showed that the implementation of the iqra method in developing the ability to read hijaiyah letters in children went through several processes carried out by the teacher: planning, in which the teacher prepared a daily activity plan (RKH) using the iqra method and each child was required to bring an iqra book; the implementation is carried out by learning using CBSA, the teacher calls the names of the children one by one according to the order of absences who will read the iqra, then the teacher listens to the children's reading, then the teacher repeats the reading only on the reading when a child makes a mistake in pronouncing it; the evaluation was carried out by the process of the ability to read hijaiyah letters using the iqra method one by one which was assessed by: achievement card books and assessment sheets obtained data that out of 15 children obtained 10 children who had developed abilities.