Teacher Skills in Applying Mathematics Learning Variations in Class IV at SD Negeri 1 Mrebet
Teacher Skills, Skills in Applying Variations, Learning MathematicsAbstract
The skill of applying learning variations is a basic skill that must be mastered by a teacher in teaching so that he can manage learning actively, effectively and efficiently. The skill of applying learning variations is a basic skill that must be mastered by a teacher in teaching so that he can manage learning actively, effectively and efficiently. This study aims to describe and analyze the results of research on teacher skills in applying variations to grade IV mathematics learning at SD Negeri 1 Mrebet. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Sources of research data are school principals, teachers/homeroom teachers for grade IV, and grade IV students at SD Negeri 1 Mrebet. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, to analyze the data, the researcher uses an inductive pattern, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that several variations were applied by the teacher in learning mathematics on cubes and blocks at SD Negeri 1 Mrebet, namely: 1) Variations in teaching styles, including variations in sound with an emphasis on important words, focusing attention with speech and gestures, making a moment of silence, making eye contact, variations of body movements and expressions. 2) Variations in the use of media and learning materials through variations in visual media such as modules, geometric shapes of cubes and blocks, variations in audio-visual media in the form of learning videos displayed through LCD projectors. 3) Variation of interaction patterns and activities, namely interaction patterns with multi-directional communication types and variations of activities such as lectures, discussions, questions and answers, observations or providing information through media images, videos, objects around, or with other media