The Role of Teachers in Learning In Elementary Schools in The Post-New Normal Era
Teacher's Role, Learning, Elementary School, Post New NormalAbstract
This research is motivated by the impact of Covid-19 making the Teacher's routine in the post-new normal period which usually has more activities at home to be outside the home again. So that researchers want to see whether in the post-new normal period a teacher during this phenomenon has a significant role in learning in elementary school children. Research with a qualitative approach, using phenomenological research methods with in-depth interview techniques as data collection techniques and Intepretative Phenomenological Analysis techniques as data analysis techniques. From the data that has been analyzed, three important findings were obtained from this study, namely: First, the teacher's perspective on children's learning activities in the post-new normal period revealed that online and face-to-face collaborative learning for elementary school children is not effective enough. Because in his view, the success of children's learning outcomes depends on the atmosphere and facilities available to support children's learning activities. Second, the teacher's involvement in learning in the post-new normal period is related to the form of learning assistance activities when the teacher fulfills an important role in supervising children, supporting children's success by providing achievement support, and as a guide and educator. Third, teachers' experience when carrying out their role in children's learning in the post-new normal period is the best moment to strengthen the emotional relationship between teachers and parents. From the teachers' experience in the post-new normal period, it motivates teachers to improve relationships that are considered less close with children and parents, improve self-competence and always make various educational innovations.