Implementation of Religious Character Education in Pertiwi Susukan Tk Sumbang District Banyumas District
Implementation, Character building, Religious CharacterAbstract
Education plays an important role for the progress of a nation. To elevate the nation's dignity, the greatest success can be obtained if character education is fostered from an early age. One of the most important values in strengthening character education is religious character education. Religious character is the same as religious activities that contain good values. Thus, religious character serves as the basis for creating other characters. The research objective was to determine the implementation of religious character education in Pertiwi Susukan Kindergarten, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection methods obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the entire data was analyzed using the ideas put forward by Miles and Huberman, namely by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that there are three activities related to religious character education. First, daily activities, namely praying dhuha in congregation and giving activities before learning begins. Second, weekly activities namely memorizing short letters. Third, annual activities, namely commemoration of Islamic holidays such as the commemoration of the months of Muharram, Isra Mi'raj, and the month of Ramadan. In implementing these activities, the teachers use the method of habituation, exemplary, enforcing rules and cultivating morals. Based on several methods, according to the observations of researchers, the implementation of religious character education in Pertiwi Susukan Kindergarten has been going quite well. Students can take part in various activities related to religious character education with enthusiasm and order.