Teacher Professionalism in Improving Social Emotional Early Childhood in Annisya Muaro Jambi Regency


  • Nurmalinda Zari IAI Nusantara Batang Hari, Indonesia
  • Lidia Nusir Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Syekh Burhanuddin Pariaman, Indonesia
  • Dara Pratista Saxena IAI Nusantara Batang Hari, Indonesia


Early Childhood, Teacher Professionalism


Teacher professionalism is an important role in developing social and emotional early childhood. The teacher must have his professionalism to help improve the social and emotional development of children. This study aims to find out how the professionalism of teachers in developing social and emotional early childhood in Annisya Kindergarten, Mestong District, Muaro Jambi Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that teacher professionalism in social and emotional development is carried out by the teacher providing exemplary early childhood, the teacher's attention to the development of students, providing advice, and providing educational rewards and punishments.


