Students’ Perception on the Use of Song to Enhance Their Motivation in Learning English


  • Evi Fatonah MTs Huffadh Al-Itqoniyyah Purbalingga



Students’perception, song, students motivation.


One of the keys to success in learning English is students motivation. It can be influenced by the way the teacher teaches in the classroom. The teacher must be able to make learning English fun to enhance students motivation. One of the ways is by using song. The use of song in learning English has many advantages. Therefore, this study aims to find out the students’perception on the use of song to enhance their motivation in learning English. This study was conducted at MTs Huffadh Al-Itqoniyyah. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. The data is collected by using a questionnaire and an interview. To analyze the data, it is done through three steps: condensation, data display, and verification. The results of the study show that the students have a positive perception of using song in the process of learning English. The students responded positively to the following statements: the students became more enthusiastic about learning English; they are more happy, enjoyable, and active during the learning process; and they more focus and make them easier in learning English. All students agree that the use of song in learning English is very effective to enhance their motivation in learning English.


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How to Cite

Fatonah, E. (2024). Students’ Perception on the Use of Song to Enhance Their Motivation in Learning English. Conference on English Language Teaching, 4(1), 96–107.


