Intercultural Communicative Competence Based Learning Model For Teaching Efl In Islamic Higher Education In 21st Century
Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC), EFL Teaching, Islamic Higher Education, Learning Model, Conceptual Framework, 21st Century SkillsAbstract
The 21st century present tremendous challenges and significant opportunities to EFL policy makers and educators in Islamic Higher Education as they need to formulate and implement proper curriculum and programs. Increasingly, they are being asked to design a learning model which can promote religious value while promoting foreign language competency. This conceptual research explores the potential of developing an Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) based learning model for teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Islamic higher education institutions. Drawing on existing literature in EFL pedagogy, intercultural communication, and Islamic education, the study proposes a conceptual framework for such a model. The framework emphasizes the integration of Islamic values and principles with EFL instruction to foster intercultural awareness, respectful communication skills, and critical thinking in students. Through a review of relevant literature, the study identifies key elements and learning activities that could be incorporated into the ICC-based model. This includes techniques for promoting self-awareness, fostering intercultural understanding, and developing practical communication skills in an EFL classroom. This conceptual research contributes to the field by laying the groundwork for a more comprehensive ICC-based learning model specifically tailored for Islamic higher education institutions. By bridging the gap between Islamic values and EFL pedagogy, the proposed framework offers valuable insights for educators seeking to equip students with the skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.
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