Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking at The Seventh-Grade Students of SMP N 2 Sampang, Cilacap Regency


  • Noor Fazira Oktavianti Danang UIN Prof. K.H Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Irra Wahidiyati UIN Prof. K.H Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Ghaida Thifal UIN Prof. K.H Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto


Teaching Strategies, Teaching Speaking Strategies, Teaching English


Teaching speaking strategy is a very crucial thing for most English teachers. In order to increase students’ knowledge and communicative skills, English teachers need to choose and use the right strategy. In SMP N 2 Sampang, a teacher uses some interesting strategies to teach speaking. Through those strategies, most of the students can achieve good grades in speaking assessments. The purpose of this study was to analyze the teacher's speaking strategies and describe how each strategy was implemented. The methods used in this study were field research and qualitative methods. The Data collection was carried out using observations, interviews, and documentation. The Data analysis techniques were reduction, display, and verification. Based on the research, the strategies used by the teacher were Drilling and Dialogue practices. The strategies were implemented using the same topic material, which consisted of day, number, and month names. Students can implement drilling strategies by imitating, repeating, and focusing on material accuracy. The teacher then instructs the students to pair up with their friends and practice the dialogue then write down the results.


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How to Cite

Fazira Oktavianti Danang, N., Wahidiyati, I., & Thifal, G. (2024). Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking at The Seventh-Grade Students of SMP N 2 Sampang, Cilacap Regency. Conference on English Language Teaching, 4(1), 184–192. Retrieved from https://proceedings.uinsaizu.ac.id/index.php/celti/article/view/1024


