Productive Waqf: Concepts and Its Impact on Improving Community Economy


  • Bayu Sudrajat STAI Sufyan Tsauri Majenang
  • Ainul Imronah STAI Sufyan Tsauri Majenang



productive waqf, investment, community economy.


Productive waqf refers to the use of waqf assets to invest in productive businesses that generate economic benefits. The purpose of this study is to understand the concept of productive waqf and analyze its impact on encouraging community economic growth. The research method used is literature analysis, by collecting data from various sources such as books, journals, and reports related to productive waqf and the community's economy. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively to identify general patterns, trends, and impacts seen in the existing literature. The results of this study indicate that productive waqf has great potential in improving the community's economy. Through investment in waqf assets in productive sectors, productive waqf can create new jobs, increase income, and reduce poverty. In addition, productive waqf also plays a role in building a culture of sustainability and wise resource management.




How to Cite

Bayu Sudrajat, & Ainul Imronah. (2023). Productive Waqf: Concepts and Its Impact on Improving Community Economy . Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking, Zakah and Waqf, 1(1), 127–140.